
*David Attenborough voice* and now we see the newly-minted Heterodox Thinker emerge from its cocoon to begin the journey to the right wing grift-o-sphere
"I trashed my colleagues in public and when they provided hard evidence that showed I was full of shit it made things very uncomfortable for me."
the "feelings (your facts) are not facts (my vibes)" moments
"Now that I have your attention, FASCISM!"
If you ever get sick of working for a living you can always just fall back on telling conservatives they're the ones who are oppressed.
He’s going to be in the RW podcast circuit this week
Now awake, the hatchling must feed, and quickly. It has only days to establish a Substack and ask for subscriptions now that it's jobless. Most likely it will employ its innate song: "support alternative voices suppressed by the mainstream media" for easy grazing before venturing further.
Vibrating both sides of its thorax and clicking its wings, it emits high-frequency sound that echoes through its hollow abdomen, its mating call a repetitive lamentation that it expects to be canceled at any moment. Still, only 3 percent mate, and the rest are canceled by natural causes.
Good, I hope her presence as the head of NPR causes all the right-wingers there to quit. Then we might start listening again.
NPR (WAMU) was so good from when I began listening in 1996 up through, I dunno, seems like 2014 or so when it suddenly took a nosedive in quality. After 2016 I couldn’t listen at all. I would turn it on to see how long before they mentioned Trump. It was never more than about 15 seconds.
(Please don’t confuse this with white supremacist fuckfaces whining that NPR mentions the existence of minorities too much)
Weird can’t imagine why Trump was in the news in 2016
Did NPR change or did you?
I remain a committed leftist. NPR seemed to go from long-form deep dives into compelling topics into the 24-hour Trump Whinging Network.
But I dunno, maybe my perception is not shared by others. I used to be one of those donators, I forget what they called them, over the $300 a year threshold.
I still am but I agree with you that a Trump-free NPR sounds fabulous but I also don't think it's realistic. I view the problem as Trump and the right, not NPR.
It would be interesting to see the data but my perception is different - they covered Trump as they had to but they also continued the deep dives into compelling topics (and still do). In my view, the fair complaint is that NPR's attempts to placate its listeners on the right have made it worse.
'96 back when Kojo was new and Diane Rehm was queen!
Hell yeah. I even listened to that mid-day bluegrass show.
I pretty much quit in 2016 also. I was an everyday listener too.
Actually a lot of my ultra left friends are using the essay as a “I told you so” about NPR. It’s not about reality, it’s about being angry at something and never changing your opinion.
Dude can't just turn in his two weeks notice and steal some office supplies like a normal person
this is like the third time a conservative media personality commits hells of fireable offenses to try to force their “far left intolerant employer” to fire them and then has to resign in a huff when the employer doesn’t
"I'm being silenced!" (nothing happens) (hits boss with microphone) "HELP I'M BEING SILENCED" (boss leaves instead of taking te mic) "I'm quitting from this WOKE and OPPRESSIVE job, the left are the true fascists 😢"
I'm now imagining a Spartacus moment in the NPR offices where every reactionary white man stands up at his desk, shouts "Ich bin ein Berliner!" and then walks off the job.
Been trying to work up an "I am Spartacus" pun here for hours and...nothing
The visuals would be intriguing at least.
Ich bin ein Berliner. ... If you were hoping to see some stuff from Hunter Biden's laptop, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
every single time and may they have joy of him
Like without fail! I've never seen it not work! Never "oh you are too extreme for us" or "sorry, but you don't make enough sense for us even to consider" or "you're too toxic, can you tone it down a notch? or "you make us wonder if we are the baddies" or...
Is Uri interested in reporting news or trolling liberals? I think this latest move answers that question!
Dude was a business news editor anyway. Steve Inskeep called him out and basically said he never even worked on any of the stories he's complaining about, so his "inside scoop" wasn't really inside at all.
Not a surprise, considering how full of shit that essay was
Future signposts. “Trans people got me fired from NPR,” “I had to become a Nazi because of the Jewish conspiracy against me,” “Why Tom Cotton is right about killing protesters”
He already wrote for Bari Weiss. That journey already landed.
I wonder how many articles these self-cancelled people get about wokeness gone bad before the IDW turns them into anti-vax climate change skeptics.
The best part about this self-cancelling, grievance crisis actor is that I had no fucking clue what his opinions are or would be on any issue prior to this moment. Now I could tell you Uri Berliner's exact opinion on every single "controversial" subject with 99% confidence.
who said the US doesn't have a reliable safety net? as long as you're a piece of shit you can always become a right wing grifter 🥰
more like Uri Ber-Whiner amirite
For the rest of his left he’ll be Uri Berliner - former NPR editor.
The guy who left NPR because they made an effort to include historically underrepresented voices.
Doesnt matter. "The former NPR guy agrees with me! That makes our views centrist, and yours far left extremism!"
“Let’s bring on former NPR editor Uri Berliner to spout some right wing garbage using the legitimacy he gained at NPR!”
He could've just posted on r/AmItheAsshole, but no.
Uri’s joining the Wingnut Welfare circuit. Amoral, dishonest, vicious: he’ll fit trighy in.
What will his snake-oil health supplements be called I wonder