
what is the piece about project 2025 that you’d like to read
The people funding the Heritage Foundation -- who they are, what they donate, their priorities and which PACs and federal and state candidates they contribute to.
It's not so much that there's a piece I want to read, as there's the piece I want to forward to my Mom so she can launder it through a Facebook link to the Reagan/Trump Democrats she knows in rural western PA.
This, or for my sister who doesn't want to vote for Biden because he's senile
I'd love a definitive piece on its most pertinent, easily understood horrors so I can share with family/friends who are either poorly informed, or think it's an exaggeration. If you can tie it into SCOTUS' decisions and Trump's love of authoritarianism all the better. In all seriousness, Godspeed.
All the links between it and Trump, so I have somewhere to point people who say "it's pretty bad, but Trump says he has nothing to do with it 🤷‍♂️".
The one that normies will read and have the shit scared out of them
A simple explanation of how it would change things, and a summary of the steps they’ve already taken
The linkages to End Times nuttery. They can't be far from the surface.
besides a celebratory piece about its downfall? how the democrats are going to address (or not) it in the campaign
All of the ways the party that claims to love the military & veterans plans to screw over active duty, vets, and especially disabled vets with Project 2025.
examples of proactive steps being taken to preempt/defeat/neutralize it by local, regional, state, fed pols, administrators, and orgs
the basics, laid out in a non-column-of-texts design with subheds that make it easy to pull the top 10-15 biggest/worst things with your eyes but read more if you want. so my brain can store 3-5 of them to retrieve in conversation
Second this motion. And a graphic listing the top ten worst things that's easy to read at a glance.
yes. not a listicle, but because their shtty plan is so gigantic, something well-designed to hang on to.
Also maybe a few analytical summaries at the top. Like what % of the plan covers what issues. Or striking facts, like a Harper’s Index for the thing
Since they are saying OH NO, TRUMP SUPPORTS AGENDA 47 NOT PROJECT 2025, a helpful comparison shopping table would be in order. Side by side.
how they aim to eliminate public health & medical regulation incl childhood vaccination: __never again should CDC officials be allowed to say in their official capacity that school children “should be” masked or vaccinated (through a schedule or otherwise)__
They claim in the text that they're only seeking to rationalize agencies and increase their independence from "Big Pharma" and narrow their focus, but you see the same approach as the Supreme Court to disempower any agency from doing anything except maybe a bit of record keeping, *maybe*.
Will young people, rural people, low info voters, not-necessarily-planning-to-vote voters, et al., ever hear of it? If so, how?
When they’re subjugated to it. And then they’ll blame Obama.
what else they want to do besides ban porn, abortion, and trans/gay people. A lifetime cap on Medicaid benefits seems super cruel and there’s more of that nature, I’m sure.
An infographic / flowchart of all the various ways it can kill a person
1-Effects it will have on middle class and low resource voters, on daily to yearly living and children. 2-How it meshes with Trump's love of violence.
Compare and contrast with the three years of living hell I went through under the subjugation of Operation Jade Helm
What don’t I know about it? What’s the weird stuff?
What it would mean to schools/students if the department of education was dismantled. How would this effect people in their day to day. How would it effect people to “get rid of” the federal reserve and transition to the gold standard. A day in the life type of consequences piece
That most of what was in their 2015 blueprint was attempted during Trump's administration. As a regulatory policy nerd, I read it to understand what was coming and laid it out to the people I work for. I don't need to read the piece, I need normies to
Links between the writers and Trump, along with statements Trump has made in support of elements of it, like enabling getting revenge on his enemies, more details about schedule F and what it would mean for democracy, if enforced.
How I'm pretty sure what the Heritage Foundation is doing with this is actually illegal and could be qualified as terrorism
People trying to write similar documents but not gaining media traction because they’re not leaning into terrible attention grabbing ideas.
How the project constricts who is considered white
a view from 2035 explaining how it was defeated
A timeline of the first 100 days from the Oval Office
That the response should be to fight for a truly democratic society with guaranteed rights for all, not just to fetishize the completely inadequate US political institutions which currently exist.
Not just what they want to do but how exactly - and how it will be much easier under a trump admin
how dems plan to message about gop/think-tank extremism. how they plan to educate and teach how radical the right has been. how they might find things to constrain heritage -- is a non-profit really allowed to advance overthrowing the gov't this directly?
Examples. How similar policies in states, other countries, here in the past, have been horrible.
I'd love to see it picked apart line by line, please, from source to backers to effects if it were to happen. We may just need to start with What does it say, it says WHAT?!?!? because it's being buried as fast as anyone can post it as far as I csn see
Maybe a 'day in the life' piece, along the lines of 'it is 2026, John and Jane Doe wake up at 8AM…' showing some of the real-life consequences.
Cutting active military and VA benefits since lots of military people support conservatives. What they are considering “porn” since it entails anything LGBTQ+. Religious tests for employment their ‘loyalty’ tests include religion. Gutting anti-discrimination laws and how they affect everyone.
On the latter, gutting anti-discrimination laws so that the government and private businesses have a right to discriminate on any basis. This would include not hiring women because their ‘deeply held’ beliefs are that women should stay at home.