Mark Histed

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Mark Histed

How information moves through networks in the brain, and networks in society.
PI/group leader @NIH. Also, Local News Dollars director, Democracy Policy Network.
This is 💯 true. It’s at root a form of the dominance politics that is the core of Trump’s appeal to the base. Put another way, Trump promises to punish the people they hate, and… they hate the professional class the press represents.
Finally. It does seem like no coincidence AOC and Sanders and Jayapal came out in defense of Biden and now he’s talking to the Cong Progressive Caucus about Court reforms.
Expansion is necessary but not sufficient to undo the effects of the last 20 years of the Fed Soc courts. In the 19th century, Congress dictated to the Court which cases it could hear. The Court needs to be returned to its Constitutional role as the least impt of the 3 branches.
I'm going to keep beating this drum: just expand the court to 70 to 100 Justices or so so that NO SINGLE JUSTICE matters that much. That's it. That's the plan.
We also need a forward-looking legislative and policy package to overturn a series of bad decisions on guns, campaign finance, the fraud statutes and white collar crime, agency-presidential balance, the ACA, gerrymandering, Congressional subpoena power, etc. The list is long.
. will hate the campaign finance part but… it’s right. We need to restore our conception of 1A speech rules along the lines has outlined—more than just a libertarian concept but one that allows the govt to promote a _fair_ marketplace of ideas
more lawyers signing on to this please (it’s a joint political-legal effort. Need legislative and executive actions to be developed by lawyers and law profs, and also need a big political and media effort to show the court we will assert power over it.)
This is a huge challenge for scientists: how do we convey core scientific ideas, with probability and complexity, to the public without allowing the messages to be distorted? (imo the answer is: build up institutions that can serve as arbiters of truth. But that implicates power.)
it's incredibly frustrating because like any scientific topic once you break the surface there is *enormous* complexity that is quite difficult for the layman to parse, and motivated people abuse that by seizing scraps of information out of context to whip up a frenzy
Reposted byAvatar Mark Histed
Academic conference-attendees everywhere find themselves involuntarily wincing in sympathy.
did you see Josh Marshall's piece on this? Tracks what you just said. Act. The TR plan. Get action. Do things. Stop whining. that said, I agree w/ him that if enough Congress members got together they might succeed in pushing him out. But if they want that they have to try
"We don’t have any time for whining. If members of Congress want to replace Biden on the ticket, they can. They need to get together and do it. If not, then drop the idea and move on. But again there is just no damn time for whining."
On Not Being Jon Chait has a new article up at New York Magazine in...
"We don’t have any time for whining. If members of Congress want to replace Biden on the ticket, they can. They need to get together and do it. If not, then drop the idea and move on. But again there is just no damn time for whining."
On Not Being Jon Chait has a new article up at New York Magazine in...
It's a great piece. Same energy here:
sure. fuck these people. we do not have to agree with them. they are a minority. i am not going to spend the next four months cowering in dread and fear.
"On Not Being Pathetic" Exactly. "No complaining, no whining. Act."
he did get fired for internally denigrating a female executive, however
"In pleading his case, Carlson argued Briganti spent time badgering on-air talent and the channel’s personnel; that she was generally incompetent and mean-spirited; and that she regularly engaged in dirty tricks against him and other hosts and contributors... "
Inside the ‘Death Match’ that Helped Doom Tucker Carlson at The host tried to get a top executive canned. It backfired spectacularly
Exactly. To be fair I also did know about this terrible thing for years and it's been clear she's been slow-walking this as SCOTUS has also done, e.g. in Mazars, and my prediction for Trump v US and Jarkesy was also correct....and yet the correct reaction here is solidarity: we fight on together
I’ll defend Noah here: he’s done a lot of good LPE-related work and he has properly judged the dangers of Jarkesy and the Chevron cases. He just isn’t a criminal law person and is saying he didn’t pay close attention to Cannon. I’m upset at the courts too but he’s one of the good people.
law professor brain is terminal
Noah is good and he has properly judged the dangers of Jarkesy and the Chevron cases - he just isn’t a criminal law person and is saying he didn’t pay close attention. He’s not one of the people holding back court reform- not by a long shot
They can do A and C in parallel, right? If we want to fix things like this going forward DOJ MUST take on the courts directly; we have to provoke confrontation that will get media play and will make this an issue of top public concern.
This is a political act wrapped in legal language by Cannon (and her conserv/Fed Soc colleagues with whom she clearly has contact) and the only response that will work is a political act by us wrapped in legal language.
Reposted byAvatar Mark Histed
Here's a guy that did a lot of public writing on how to use public policy to create better public debate and democracy
Nicholas Johnson -
if you're looking into the UK Spectator, the US version of the Spectator (there are some connections) is a fun read too s
Could not agree more. The polls look not terrible. And anyway wins beget wins. You don’t just fold in the face of this!
I’m hearing from people that want to do this — move their comms off Twitter by posting here or Threads, then cross-posting to Twitter with a 1 hr delay — but don’t know how to do this in an automated way. Anyone have solutions? 🧵
before the election, Democrats really need to get together and make a push to move all official comms off the platform (probably to Threads). Want to cross-post it to Vichy Twitter on a few-hours delay? Go ahead. But don't give reporters the excuse of "I need to read Nancy Pelosi's official account"
This is the question - is there an automated way to do this?
Unironically USG and Ds should have comms folks post to Threads, and then cross-post them to twitter after a one hour delay
Buffer? Fedica? Paying probably isn’t that important
Reposted byAvatar Mark Histed
Step away from the craziness of the moment. Take stock of how we got here. Eric Segall called originalism a faith. Erwin Chemerinsky called it a fallacy. goes further with "The Originalism Trap" My Salon author interview: 1/19
White supremacy with a law degree: How do we escape "The Originalism Trap"? Legal scholar Madiba K. Dennie on how the right twisted the Constitution — and how ordinary citizens can fight back
Reposted byAvatar Mark Histed
Cool preprint; we just did a lab meeting on it. 🧠🧪 The core result is: Changing neural *variability* in V1 by injecting both E and I current affects perceptual behavioral responses. 1/4 #neuroscience #compneurosky Dan Quintana, Hillel Adesnik, Hayley Bounds.
we also need policy efforts to prevent a single rightwing billionaire backed by foreign oligarchs from flipping an important platform from pro-democracy to not on a dime. In the 1920s-60s we had lots of discussion about ownership rules. We need to pull the antitrust policy ideas in today too.
Here's a guy that did a lot of public writing on how to use public policy to create better public debate and democracy
Nicholas Johnson -
Reposted byAvatar Mark Histed
Can't think of a single time since 2016 liberals or progressive have looked at a political development and thought: WE GOT THIS SHIT IN THE BAG NOW BABY GOOD VIBES ONLY
I genuinely do not get how people are taking this incident as Evidence That Democrats Are Doomed. This kind of thing does not tend to have clear, linear “always good for the person it allegedly happened to” outcomes, historically