Matt Dargay

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Matt Dargay

Metro Detroit Democratic politics guy. Wearer of many hats except for literal ones.
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Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
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maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
More and more people are saying
Phil The Body Christman
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A big reason there is so much corruption in the US government is that the media will cover someone actually following the rules and properly disclosing a modest gift as though it is scandalous. Why bother with ethics if this is your reward?
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We have two sets of speech rules in this country: one for the far right, which must be protected in case they turn their wrath on others, and one for everyone else, who are subject to the immediate punitive power of the state for any reason or no reason at all
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again a reminder to everyone that Republicans know that this will make public schools less safe - they support making public schools less safe because they want to destroy public schools.
I named my car Hubert for a reason.
Hmm, which website should I log onto today....twitter, the app for divorced lawyers who seem to spend the entire workday shitposting, or bluesk- you know what, never mind
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There are two types of Republicans. Those who want to ban IVF, same-sex marriage, etc. And those who enjoy lying about being a party that wants to ban IVF, same-sex marriage, etc.
The North Dakota GOP will vote this week on adopting a platform that includes banning IVF, prohibiting same-sex marriage and "restoration of gender dysphoric individuals, that they may embrace and be comfortable with their natural biological state."
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Tapping the sign
A handy distillation of how the election has evolved.
In honor of baseball season returning, quote skeet this with a random player. The steady, saturnine Carlos Guillen
In honor of baseball season returning, quote skeet this with a random player. Steve Pearce
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Not to sound like some kind of trad, but one of the reasons our society is spinning apart is the cultural rejection of shame. People behaving like howling toddlers in airplanes, weird creeps photographing and filming strangers, open support for totalitarian idiots. It's shameful behavior.
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Something like $100M is gonna be spent on a non-competitive California US Senate race, while the candidates running to keep the Michigan House a 1-seat Democratic majority won't even raise 1% of that. So if you want to make a difference, Give Smart
Give Smart: Michigan Your donations make the biggest impact in these five races right now
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The woke elitist democrat party has abandoned the working class, who long for commonsense republican populism like having their lunch breaks taken away by the state
Are you fucking kidding me? As a bonus, there’s a link at the bottom of this article that talks about Kentucky’s attempts to relax child labor laws. Again, are you fucking kidding me? I *personally* know people that want this to happen in TN. As always, the cruelty is the point. #politics
Kentucky bill stripping workers of meal, rest breaks moves A bill that seeks to strip Kentucky workers of their right to meal and rest breaks is moving forward in Frankfort.
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Taking a brief break from backing a dozen different legal attempts to repeal the entire 20th century to make a TV commercial about god's love for the forgotten, downtrodden, and despised.
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looking for someone on here whose politics differ from mine by perhaps 3 or 4 percent so we can scream at each other all day
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Social media has weirdly conditioned a huge number of people to feel like they're Doing Something by posting, and Doing Nothing if they don't post about a particular thing, and in general neither of those things are true.
I must speak my truth. I was today years old when I realized MST3K is an abbreviation for Mystery Science Theater 3,000 and not the name of a cool rapper/ modern indie band/ 90s grunge band/ all of the above that's pronounced "mistake"
It's all feelings. Conservatives believe "the border is open" whenever a Dem is president and "the border is secure" when an R is president because the latter gives them a permission structure to be publicly racist/xenophobic and the former doesn't. You can't negotiate with that.
The way conservatives talk about and understand this issue is essentially imaginary, a problem that happens on their television screens. Trying to "solve" it in a way that assuages their concerns is like passing a law to try to outlaw the fake drugs from law and order svu
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Precisely why so powerful people are working hard to kill it and to promote the idea that the reverse is happening.
This is both the best economic management of any president in my life and the most progressive in terms of creating conditions of high growth where the most rapid and significant wage gains are in the lowest part of the labor distribution.
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Being a billionaire is terrible for your mental health & we should help ease their pain by raising their tax rates to 90%
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If the border were open, they would be coming legally. Since it's not, here's what "coming legally" looks like.
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You may have seen all the news headlines about electric cars failing in the cold. Bear in mind that there is a well-funded campaign against EVs. It runs out that 1) gas cars fail in the cold at much higher rates; and 2) most of the failures are in poorly insulated charging stations. Go figure!
Electric vehicles fail at a lower rate than gas cars in extreme Electric vehicles fail at a lower rate than gas-powered cars in the extreme cold, according to a road assistance service...
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a really obnoxious part of the “liberals need to understand trump voters” throughline is that the average suburban lib who sees them as coal-rolling, lifted truck assholes who show up red-faced and screaming at back to school night understands trump voters way better than the average op-ed columnist
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Happy 2024, everyone, and save up some good energy, because we're gonna have to save democracy. Again.
Ohio state fans haven't been this mad since fox called arizona for biden