Matt Ficke

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Matt Ficke

The wording of that sentence seems designed to be maximally ambiguous as to whether this is actually the first poll they’ve run since the debate, or merely the first “extensive survey”.
He didn’t say that, he said quitting his job in protest would impose tremendous costs on his family and sacrifice a platform for making meaningful change in society, for no benefit. The 500th person parroting the same “quit your job” line as if they’re the first person to say it is being rude.
One never quite gets used to the feeling when passing by a raven feeding on carrion and it turns its head to look at you, with unsettling interest.
I think it really depends on the details of the allowed increase. Like, DC has a 10% annual cap, which does a pretty good job of insulating renters from really ruinous shocks without holding rents below a market clearing rate over the long term.
5% is probably too low but they might be assuming it’ll get negotiated up.
I think this is partly why I like the game HADES so much
Not sure how causal this is, but the current statutory authority of the Secret Service is pretty recent, it’s only really existed in its modern form since the early 70’s after the RFK assassination.
IIRC the Warren Commission report went into some detail about limitations that were deliberately placed on the Secret Service by Congress in the early 20th century authorizing statutes due to concerns about it turning into a kind of private praetorian guard.
Eh if you’re telling someone to quit their job I think you really should put some thought into it. Carelessly venting is bad when it’s directed at someone else.
Also it would have been really easy for that person to search his feed for the word “quit” or whatever and found repeated patient responses to the exact same comment, at a certain point it’s just heckling and doesn’t merit a serious response.
He spent months responding patiently and in detail to people telling him to quit his job, at a certain point it stops being good-faith criticism and is just heckling.
Works great when it’s mutual, though (speaking from experience) this can cause strain if only one partner is doing the work.
Woo March 22, 2008 Mountain Goats at Black Cat gang rise up (I was also there). From the “John plays 45 minutes until the show ends when his guitar string breaks” (complimentary) era iirc.
I wonder what it would be if it included divorced men who have since remarried. Would skew the cohort older, among other things. Remarriage rates are much lower for people under 35.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. One of those things that seemed trite to me at first, but it’s really the whole ballgame.
Lot of people needing the serenity prayer out there.
Lot of people needing the serenity prayer out there.
Right and I don’t think there’s anything really nefarious going on, these are forums for people to hash out ideas with peers before letting them loose in the world, but it can lead to a sort of Galapagos Island effect for fast-moving stuff like this.
Although there really are a handful of group chats with the people you’re thinking about where a lot of this is discussed. It’s not coordinated, exactly, but it’s a small conversation.
He’s trying to change the country, not just the Times
Elton John finally got his this year, I guarantee they’re talking about it.
Going for the EGOT. He’s tight with Elton John, I bet it would be good.
Oh that could be fun, if that’s it I hope there’s a public write-up. My dad worked for a statistical research firm so survey design was a big dinner table topic of conversation, it’s wild how quickly methodologies have had to change in recent years.
Was sort of wondering if there’s a weird effect from the wording of the voter registration question. It asks if you’re registered to vote at your *current* address, which isn’t always straightforward for young people.
Reminds me of the old “grape juice” kits that were sold during prohibition. They’d have a big warning label like “CAUTION: do not mix this grape juice concentrate with yeast [provided], sugar, and water, and then seal the mixture for 7 days, or else an illegal alcoholic beverage will result”
That sounds nice, yeah I’m turning 40 next month and am probably being a little over optimistic about my ability to, like, frame houses or whatever for the next couple decades. In my mind I’m perpetually 25.
I mean he should lose his license, driving 90 in a 55 is insane.
I switched to software engineering when my first kid was born, the pay’s nice but god I miss working with my hands.