
Elon is sharing Great Replacement propaganda straight from the fascist source.
Actually Stephen, no, the thing that gives population-count representation to non-citizens is the Constitution.
"Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed." U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 2.
Worried that he’s going to figure out why you’re right and start calling for non-citizens to be enslaved.
Stop it with your logic, common sense & knowledge of what makes this country great.
I took me microseconds to debunk this claim. HR 7109 is called the "Equal Representation Act". See the attached image for the summary of the bill, straight from It is the exact opposite of what the post Mushman promoted.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
They do, if they respond. Republicans are trying to scare people into not responding to the census. They always do this, this is just the latest.
This is used in the apportionment algorithm to determine Electoral College and House seats, so it’s extremely important. It uses a method called Huntington-Hill.
The claim this is the “opposite” is wrong, if I’m interpreting that right. What Miller is saying is correct, he’s just a massive racist. He’s obsessed with this citizenship question because it will reduce the number of people who respond to the Census and that will affect apportionment in 2030.
it's the opposite - "The bill also requires that the statement sent by the President to Congress indicating the number of persons in each state (related to the reapportionment of U.S. Representatives) exclude noncitizens."
It’s not the “exact opposite” of what he claimed, although what he claims is misleading. The Dems didn’t vote to give representation to unauthorized immigrants. The Constitution already does that. This bill directs the Census Bureau to ignore the plain text and use a different method.
It's a step forward in the right-wing effort to exclude noncitizens from state populations and thus reduce the number of electoral votes in states like New York & California. They wouldn't be doing this if these states were red. (Noncitizens still can't vote, so all of this is performative.)
You didn’t debunk anything. What he said is right, what do you mean?
The bill doesn't give representation to non citizens. They're also implying that the bill is to boost blue state representation, and that's going along with their "oPeN bOrDeRs" crap, which this doesn't do either. Hell, it's not unanimous. 11 Democrats didn't vote.
the app sent this out to me as a push notification (haven't logged in in a couple weeks, haven't posted in months)
normal app (i have never, if it needs saying, followed stephen miller on twitter)
wow it doesnt respect your notifications wishes? im shocked. absolutely shocked.
Ketamine is very bad for any brain, but esp. Elmo Mush's.
Why do these guys assume undocumented people *only* live in blue states? Like Florida isn't currently undergoing a labor crisis in agriculture because of their racist policies.
Yeah, everyone moved on from the fact that Ronny fucked agriculture because he's made the state so openly hostile to anyone who kind of looks Hispanic that the farm hands are now looking for work in other states.
This is just as much about maintaining their dominance within their states as it is national politics. Immigrants are more likely to live in blue urban areas. And red state conservatives love being able to keep their boots on the necks of their blue islands.
Federal funding is a factor too. It’s apportioned by population and they want more of it to go to white rural areas and less to those “undeserving” brown people.
Give him his way and make government open solely to Native Americans.
Acknowledging the fine joke there, just wanted to note that it's the centennial of the Indian Citizenship Act, effectively genocide via the law that erased the sovereignty of the indigenous nations, declaring all of their people US citizens, whether they wanted to be or not.
I bet they were annoyed some had made it through the starvation and loss of land.
If I remember right, the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act was a way to screw the indigenous nations out of land. I think there had been conversations about giving them back land to be recognized as sovereign territory, and this wiped that away.
Anyone who listens to Stephen Miller is an idiot.
These MAGA GOP fucks want to exclude non-citizens from the official US and state populations to change congressional districts and therefore the EC even more to favor them. I hate this country so damn much.
One thing they seem to not realize is Florida and Texas have a substantial number of immigrants and would definitely see the EC counts reduced.
Seats are currently apportioned by total population. The act adds a citizenship box check to the 2030 census and amends the act to explicitly allow seat apportionment for both citizens and non-citizens (which it currently does). Rhodes scholar Steven “Unfuckable” Miller knows this.
That’s not quite right. The bill explicitly excludes non-citizens from the count.
Can't we deport his ungrateful ass?
Toss him and his "posse" out on their ass.
@elonmusk is an illegal.
Never ceases to be amazing and scary how they're able to latch onto a bill sponsored by Republicans and blame it on the "radical Left" without a second thought or anything.
no one tell Stephen Miller about the 3/5ths compromise he’ll prolly lose all faith and suck start a pistol from the shock on second thought
When you're super duper pooper scooper rich, you can be the biggest damn stinkiest ass on Earth & some people will still kiss it.
If we can accept white South African apartheid babies we can do a better job of bringing in normal folks