
this makes Lucas's dialogue in the prequels sound like Shakespeare
“Maybe you’ve heard. I’m all the Jedi. So I’ve got that going for me.” no! no!!
It's extremely funny that they took the parts everyone hated from both Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker and just leaned into it in the most obnoxious way possible.
"The force is bigger than creed or philosophy." ok, you've caught my interest, disney. "I'm rey Skywalker, maybe you've heard of me" well fuck me for getting my hopes up.
"the force is the living energy of all beings, interconnected throughout the galaxy" vs "the force is special magic points and the more MP your dad had the more MP you have"
Midichlorians Were A Mistake
it was like the one thing everyone agreed sucked about the prequels and then they were like "nah lets lean into this, more midichlorians = more force and theyre stored in the balls"
Times in the SW universe that I died a little inside: - Ewoks - Jar-Jar appears in The Phantom Menace - "Midichlorians" - Jar-Jar resurfaces as a senator (WTF) - Hyperdrive as a weapon (WTAFF)
i agree with all of these except for senator jar jar which i think is both funny and works for communicating how ridiculous the pre-empire galactic government is
its also a key plank in the great "jar jar binks sith lord" fan theory
my single favorite fan theory, unfortunately they'll never canonize it because they are cowards do it and be legends
All they need is have a line in Ahsoka season 2 where Thrawn says, "The loss of Baylan Skoll is regrettable, but other Sith survive. Some are masters of deception, able to play the fool and the Senator alike." And then it's canon.
Or be subtle like have a character show up with a red lightsaber wearing dramatic black hooded cloak reveal their face and say 'Mesa Jar Jar. Mesa Jar Jar Binks. Mesa Jar Jar Binks Sith.'
Finding out darth jar jar outsmarted the jedi was the reason Baylan lost faith
I mean we know Grogu went missing at some point after getting in a Naboo ship on Courusant. (With someone that sounded mysteriously like Jar Jar)