
this makes Lucas's dialogue in the prequels sound like Shakespeare
“Maybe you’ve heard. I’m all the Jedi. So I’ve got that going for me.” no! no!!
It's extremely funny that they took the parts everyone hated from both Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker and just leaned into it in the most obnoxious way possible.
"The force is bigger than creed or philosophy." ok, you've caught my interest, disney. "I'm rey Skywalker, maybe you've heard of me" well fuck me for getting my hopes up.
"the force is the living energy of all beings, interconnected throughout the galaxy" vs "the force is special magic points and the more MP your dad had the more MP you have"
It's kind of incredible because they've been doing a really interesting job of retconning the weirder choices and directions in the Dave filoni animated stuff, but in live action they're just moving full steam ahead with Abrams worst instincts.
To some extent. Bad Batch leaned into Midichlorians / "M-count."
Midichlorians Were A Mistake
it was like the one thing everyone agreed sucked about the prequels and then they were like "nah lets lean into this, more midichlorians = more force and theyre stored in the balls"
Times in the SW universe that I died a little inside: - Ewoks - Jar-Jar appears in The Phantom Menace - "Midichlorians" - Jar-Jar resurfaces as a senator (WTF) - Hyperdrive as a weapon (WTAFF)
i agree with all of these except for senator jar jar which i think is both funny and works for communicating how ridiculous the pre-empire galactic government is
Hyperspace ramming makes sense at least - any actual FTL technology would automatically be an incredibly powerful weapon. "We had to do a lot of math to transition in the right place to do damage" is even fine, sure, whatever.
May I add the whole carved dagger thing? Somebody, perhaps a disgruntled janitor, knew that Palatine had a holocron in his secret vault. So after the Death Star debris has fallen, he carves the shape into a dagger so that you'd get a different location if you're standing even a few feet away.
Hey, easy on the Ewoks, man.
For whatever reason, hyperspace ramming didn't bother me too much. It did look somewhat familiar and just recently rewatched Lilo & Stitch where there's a near ramming that reminded me of it (I wonder if any of the visuals were meant as a reference to L&S).
Midichlorians are fine, they are just fake technical jargon meant to illustrate that the Jedi in their heyday had extensively studied the Force and they don’t contradict Obi-Wan or Yoda’s descriptions from the Original Trilogy.
I don't think it's the technical jargon that people object to. It's the notion that being a Jedi is something like nobility: a special breed of person that you have to be born as. I think they're moving away from that, with Sabine Wren in Ahsoka training as a Jedi despite low Force sensitivity.
Such a massive Lost the Plot for me, encountering that shit put a pit in my stomach.
It's wild that you can make an excellent Star Wars name out of two profoundly applicable initialisms: Aros Mwam Anti Rise Of Skywalker Midichlorians Were A Mistake.
The power house of the Force. Let’s take a look at The Jedi Krebinski’s Cycle….
Can’t argue with facts like that.
“But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters." "You can waste time with your friends after your chores are done."
those lines are bad but okay but are really elevated into shittiness by Hammill's incredibly bad line reading
tbh I kind of love that one, it's incredibly whiny and a good demonstration of why the hero of this particular journey has a long-ass way to go
Makes the whole pay off of him using the force to guide the torpedo at the worth it. We go from whiny kid only focused on himself to trusting in something bigger than himself to be the hero. It's not a bad way of showing character growth.
its a VERY big reading, like paul rudd-in-wet-hot-american-summer-picking-up-the-plate levels of whininess
That particular exchange became something my circle of friends would randomly quote at each other. Others included lines from the original HBO Pee Wee Herman special, the 1980 Flash Gordon, and Buckaroo Banzai. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to Tosche Station….
Lucas was a shit writer with a Tin ear for dialogue, and it’s ok for us as Star Wars fans to admit that.
A sequel trilogy where Luke forms a new Jedi order which does not fall victim to the old order’s essential wrong, seeming to control the force as a private province, would have been interesting. The second movie pointed at that but there was zero payoff
I would have basically remade The Furthest Shore with Luke as Ged trying to discover why The Force is disappearing from the galaxy. But I like good things.
Also alignment and Sith powers are heritable now I guess? Rey rejects the Dark Side and has no Sith training but is so attuned to it she can shoot evil lightning because grandpa could???
Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a Jedi of wealth and taste.