
"Why are our politics so hostile?" Oh, I dunno, but one factor is how rich scumbags, unsatisfied with unimaginable wealth, have declared war on the rest of the population and are trying to extract even more from people who live paycheck-to-paycheck. That tends to raise the temperature, y'know?
Billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick, owners of the world's largest pistachio and almond grower, Fiji Water, Pom pomegranate juice and Justin wines, and Teleflora flower service, are suing to roll back legal protections for farmworkers.
Column: Inside the effort by two Beverly Hills billionaires to kill a state law protecting The billionaire owners of Wonderful Co. — grower of almonds and pistachios — say a California farm labor law is unconstitutional.
How much is enough for these billionaires? It's obscene.
At that point more money is just scorekeeping against other billionaires, and every one of them built their fortunes on a mountain of human suffering, so the answer is nothing's enough and nothing's too much suffering to achieve more.
Anyone without the same kind of single-minded ambition would have tapped out when they had tens or hundreds of millions, which is still far more than any single person needs to live a life of perpetual luxury.
100s of millions is more than enough for any person and their descendants for generations to live lives of perpetual luxury. The existence of billionaires is absurd
It really would be nice if we as a society started recognizing the destructive pathology that unrestrained wealth acquisition actually is.
I think I read once they earn so much money on their illiquid assets they literally can’t spend down their money - so the answer is infinity isn’t enough
They'll settle for merely "literally all the money" but they won't be happy about it.
I take comfort in the fact that Elon Musk can not be funny despite all the money in the world and how that eats him up inside
Oh fuck these ppl seriously the greed is so blatant. They have no shame.
Folks, the rich are not gonna eat themselves.
That's because they know the rich taste terrible.
aren’t these the fuckfaces who were using obscene amounts of water at their southern California residence during the worst recent drought?
I keep seeing in my head people like this, so miserable in their palatial estates, plotting ever more novel ways of punishing poor people.
They hate their boring lives. Nothing has meaning for them anymore because they don't have to physically do anything for themselves.
Indeed. Why are the wealthy so hostile towards the rest of that they make it a mission to strip away our rights?
Because they’re so high up the marble towers they have no idea what is like to be human anymore.
Someone working two jobs was complaining about all his taxes going to handouts, and it's like... do you not recognize who your malefactors are? If the system seems fucked up, maybe its engineers are the people who benefit most from it!
It's like someone told them about 'Fuck you' money and they just completely misunderstood.
So many of our problems boil down to “taxes aren’t high enough where they should be”
Whoever put away the blueprints for the guillotine, just tell us where you left them...
I want them to all march into the sea.
The plastic in her face will cause dreadful pollution though.
Follow the on Bluesky, folks.
Maria is painting apple trees in WA state. The trees are painted white to reflect sunlight & to keep the bark from splitting when exposed to extreme temperatures. When you put an apple in your child’s lunchbox, remember the skilled work of farm workers like Maria. #WeFeedYou
I maintain that only sociopaths become billionaires because normal people are going to divert their energy to pursuits other than wealth accumulation (family, friends, education, travel, whatever) long before becoming that wealthy.
Hoarding but for those born into inconceivable wealth
The richest people in history and it still isn't enough. The domination is the point, the money is a bonus
Prominent philanthropists who have given "mostly to Democrats" at that.
If you want to influence Californian politics, it is Democrats you have to pay off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
California politics is so fucked up. See also New York. So glad I live in Illinois.
California politics is not one quarter so fucked as NYC
Why were the French peasants so hostile in late 18th century France? A historical mystery that will never be solved
And with no real solution to the rich scumbags in sight. No political solutions, no legal solutions, and no meaningful support from anyone else in their class. We're really going to have to do it ourselves.
Every story like this brings us a tiny bit closer to the necessary step of expropriating literally 99.9% of the wealth of this class of parasites.
I’m almost 100% sure I’m right, but I’m also pretty sure I won’t be alive to see it. On the other hand, things could flip overnight…🤞
They are genuinely destroying both society and the world, every revolt in history makes nothing but sense anymore
Where are the damn pitchforks already?!
Society is a peace treaty - not a law of nature. If the ultra-wealthy do not accept their place, then the rest of society will not either.
Between this and the WhatsApp Gang pressuring Adams to have the cops bust some heads and the campaign against college presidents and that guy who says he's rich who banged a porn star and was president, I sometimes wonder if billionaires have too much power in America.
It’s interesting how utterly fragile these people must feel their project is. Actual grown adult billionaires with corporate empires to manage and access to the highest levels of government, and they’re sweating over a couple dozen teenagers in morningside heights? I find it so strange.
I had to explain to another white woman in the Lowes parking lot yesterday (we were both getting flowers) that it isn't Biden's fault that things are expensive, including gas prices, that it's the rich fucks price gouging us and suing to roll back regulations. Also, that they hate Dems bc taxes.
Feels like the billionaires are really starting to progress in to a “end of days are coming, time to hoard EVERYTHING and then hope half the planet dies while we hide in our mountain fortresses”
Ugh, not these vampires again
But also, somehow, 35% of the populace see this as a necessary evil to own the libs.
I mean if they weren't monsters they wouldn't be billionaires
That and feeling like there is zero accountability for the powerful. Like this.
JUST IN: Texas board recommends full pardon for Daniel Perry in the shooting of BLM protester Garrett Foster
Or this
Romney says he would've pardoned Trump if he were Biden because "the country doesn't want to have to go through prosecuting a former president." I cannot overemphasize how much this idea — that accountability isn't worth it if it's hard — is as wrong today as it was when Ford pardoned Nixon
Opinion | Mitt Romney's Trump pardon argument has a massive The conservative mythos around Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon clouds how deeply unpopular and wrong the decision was.