MB Brown

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MB Brown


Member of the Church of Baseball, my denomination is the San Francisco Giants, my creed is #BeatLA

She/her Wear your masks, get your vaccinations
They’re stuck in 2001 when Enron fuckery was in part responsible for California’s rolling blackouts, when we saw the problems and fixed them. For the most part… California still has energy issues, but lots of those problems are due to the power companies & not state policies.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
So, a couple of weeks after the debate, and the polls have steadied at Trump +2ish, with some brownian motion, so we now know, pretty incontrovertibly, that it was just a two point debate bounce. That's what presaged this entire weeks long replace the candidate furor. Two points.
I went and said it in another comment above: it was Enron fuckery.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
A local church here in Salem, Oregon just contacted me and asked me to give a presentation on Project 2025. This is why the Trump campaign and the GOP is trying so hard to distance itself from this document produced by people in the vanguard of their movement.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
I mean, it's nothing compared to TikTok..but when a normie Christian church in Salem, Oregon is setting aside a Sunday afternoon to talk about Project 2025, it's worth noting.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
The irony of WSJ firing Cheng.
I am prejudiced against people like that.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
A few months ago, there was some conversation about Ted Cruz turning over a new leaf and adopting a "softer" and more "bipartisan" approach to politics. Last night, he made fools of those who believed such talk. www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Why Ted Cruz’s ugly speech at the Republican convention matterswww.msnbc.com Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's anti-immigrant remarks at the Republican National Convention have been described as “grotesque,” and it's worth understanding why.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
So wait, Trump's team (both USSS and personal) was told about a potential foreign actor assassination attempt and employed heightened security and a random guy still managed to sneak in and shoot at him? Were they employing the color chart or what?
If that's heightened security I shudder to think what regular security was.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
The single most important message in American politics is that Trump and MAGA are strategically dividing us for the benefit of a few insatiable billionaires who live like gods on earth on the blood, sweat and toil of the rest of us.
👏👏👏”and also coin operated”👏👏👏
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
If you're a California resident, and you'd like to register your strong disapproval and support for the investigation of the elected leaders of Beverly Hills, who were on the side of harming women and pregnant people when an abortion clinic was going to open there.
Yes! You can find the script here and reach out directly by phone or email to your reps, using either our language or your own! resist.bot/petitions/PG...
Defend Abortion Access in Beverly Hillsresist.bot Text SIGN PGHZOY to 50409 to send this to your officials.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Also, please never forget or forgive Trump and his terrible cronies who made that first wave of COVID vastly worse than it could have been. A vicious, miserable pack of losers and failures who should never be entrusted with public office again.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Farmers are getting infected with bird flu because they are working in 104 degree heat without masks and other PPE. The is why labor justice must be a key part of the solution for both climate change and pandemics.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
there should be a billboard in every town in this country that says "the gop wants to take away your porn, condoms, weed, and overtime pay, visit such and such dot com for proof"
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
If I’d gotten pregnant in HS, I could be his mother. 😳😱😱
Not sending our best, are we.
Reposted byAvatar MB Brown
Christ, is it still only Tuesday
Thanks. Thanks a LOT. 😬😁🤣
The man cheated death and now he has to walk into a crowded room and listen to Ted Cruz.