Scott Peterson

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Scott Peterson

I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooong range anti-materiel rifle.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Oh my god they dont even work in fortnite
Several containers FULL of “Fuck Joe Biden” flags just left port in China this morning. What happens to those flags? Those poor Amazon marketplace sellers just lost their asses and have to scramble to come up with another slogan, and baby it’s gonna be racist as FUCK this time.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Jack Black has replaced Kyle Gass with Tim Tebow and they are now called Respectful D and sing songs about doing normal push-ups instead of ones with their dick
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Assistant to the Regional Hitler
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Finally back from Canada. What’d I miss?
Jamey Johnson’s country fried version of Meatloaf’s Two out of Three Ain’t Bad
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
Jamey Johnson Two out of three ain't Jamey Johnson Two out of three ain't bad on Imus in the Morning 8th Sept 2010 The song will be featured on The Imus Ranch Record 2 coming out this fall. ...
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Conservatives: "RELEASE THE EPSTEIN FILES! RELEASE THE EPSTEIN FILES!" The Epstein Files: *name Donald Trump a bunch* Conservatives: "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!"
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
This photo is pure 2024.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
You can learn a lot about a person based on who their favourite muppet is
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
Meet me at the metric space needle in the next 35 minutes if you want an ass beating.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
2nd July 1863. Battle of Gettysburg. For perhaps the only time in the entire war the Confederates seem to be winning. Dan Sickles, commander III Corps, is ordered hold on Cemetery Ridge. For reasons unknown he advances. Broken, his men begin to flee. This is the moment on which the war depends /1
I thought they drove on the wrong side of the road in Canada and now some dude on a moose is yelling at me.
The only thing remarkable about North Dakota so far is tab renewal ATM machines and foot long kielbasa sized pigs in a blanket.
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
This stage of capitalism feels like the end of a monopoly game that’s been going on for hours and you already know you lost but the dick winning won’t let you go to bed until they get all of your money or you die.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
Learning some amazing new stuff about the role of the ten commandments in society from a bunch of guys who have constantly had five cocktails and go to a nondenominational church that has services in a building the size of an Atlantic 10 basketball arena.
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
you don’t need a dad but you do need a father figure, which is where star trek captains come in
finna see if can lob a chunk of iron into the upper balcony
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
It’s Prince’s birthday This is my favourite story about him by a country mile
This is the best take ever written. It should be printed out and folded neatly under the big stupid rusty wiper blade of every cybertruck, along with Mapquest directions to the deepest trench in the nearest body of water so the owner can push it there.
Very happy to see so many people bravely speaking their personal truths about seeing a Cybertruck tiptoeing around on its dumb little tires. I know the experience changed me, and I'm still processing it.
Have You Seen A Cybertruck Yet? | I hope this will not come across too much like bragging, but I have seen a lot of cars. Most of this is because—and again, sorry to brag—I go outside pretty regularly. But in my youth, this was appare...
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
"The crew of the Event Horizon arrive in the entrance hall here and are carried on a conveyor belt in extreme comfort toward the rotating knives. The blood pours down these chutes…" "Did you say knives?" "Rotating knives, yes."
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson
bill maher looks like he makes minecraft villager noises if you hit him
Reposted byAvatar Scott Peterson