
god it sucks that twitter is basically useless for anything except outrage farming now. it's wild to think that you used to be able to drive traffic to things you linked on there
really wish i hadn't overinvested in the platform in the 2010s and then basically lost my following overnight. oh well
At least you left. Too many people are sticking it out as the website slowly sinks into a mire of racist bullshit and bot farms.
oh, i'm still on there. i mean i basically get zero pull on anything anymore unless a bluecheck RTs it
I flamed out calling people assholes and never bothered to re-register. Only thing I could think to use it for now would be to keep up with some podcasts that I like. But I don't want to give Elon money, so nah.
yeah, I have 60k followers on there which still sort of means something to publishers etc. whereas Bluesky means nothing unfortunately
Yeah, I get it. You got actual money on the line and I'm shitposting on my days off. Nice to see you here tho.
Any potential with bluesky or is it basically just a table with a big umbrella while it's pissing rain?
Hey, outta curiosity which primarch do you think is next? I got my money on Leman Russ, but the guy at the local store thinks Fulgrim.
It was ok as long as you could block. Pick reasonable people and block like crazy. Then they removed the block. And here I am. Won’t look back.
I had a decent network for promoing my big expensive antho, then while it’s on its way to the printer, musk buys the site and fucks it almost immediately. Maybe if I pubbed “fuck yeah science” wish fulfillment shit for engineers that pay to play’d be worth it
Hard same. I wish I could put the blame completely on Elon, but I felt my engagement sliding downwards for years and still didn't act fast enough. Then again, there was nowhere else to go back then. It's so exhausting.
I was afraid to leave for a long time because I thought I needed it for fundraising, but even with 119K followers there I was hardly reaching anyone anymore. I have done two fundraisers since I left last Nov. and they turned out fine. It’s busted.
that's cool. i think you're probably an outlier in that respect though
Oh, yeah, I don’t mean it’s easy for anyone to pack up and move - just that twitter doesn’t work the way it used to. I had to work to build up replacement community elsewhere while Twitter atrophied.
I wasn't able to migrate my full following numerically (20k over there, now it's 2k here and 8k Masto) buuuuut, I sorta feel like my actual reach is back to where it was? I dunn, ccan't really know until I try to promote something heavily but feels like it. Lots of my followers were fake I think?
Well. "fake" more like folks who just barely ever touched Twitter, probably old office mates n stuff, but same diff.
Also folks who simply bled away over the decade I’d say. People oft underestimate the length of time that place was going strong.
Probably a good lesson to be learnt here that we shouldn't consolidate all of our social media into one basket.
sorry in what world was he "the top shitposter on twitter"
maybe they think that's the same as "shittiest poster"
That's a typo, they meant shit poster
Guys wanted to be the top shitposter so bad he bought the site just to make it so everyone had to read his posts.
If there were a space between "shit" and "poster" I could just about believe it. Also replace "top" with "most" to remove ambiguity.
And because of Musk the name is now X, the value is now $15billion, and it's a total shit show of farmers, bots, and trolls
The one thing that pisses me off is that the number off bots increased there
I don't think the number of bots increased. I think it's the number of real users that decreased and so now the bots are far more noticeable.
And they are following really people in massive numbers You feel like real users don't exist there anymore
It really sucks. I can't connect with any of my friends on there at all anymore. It's just bullshit algorithms and awful things
That's the point. To scatter us, so we can't "Arab spring", like we just did w all the ICC evidence They will do anything to get us to not cooperate, because we outnumber them so greatly Still looking for the hot button that gives us UBI unfortunately
You can also look at epic moments of history videos
I miss those days. Twitter once was amazing
Favstar trophy for you 🏆 😎
I thought I could stick it out and wait to see if Twitter became reasonable again. Then I decided I was tired of being miserable every time I logged on, so I quit it completely. I was on Threads for about three weeks when I noticed it was already going to hell.
I get what you mean. It's a downer now.
. #Xitter is monetized, algorithm suppressed, censored, misinformation, disinformation, lies... Owned by an aparthied raised billionaire. What did you expect ? Get off the #Xitter. #Xittier every day.
You could meet kindred spirits. Not so much anymore.
Used to be you'd hear someone say something about a recent newsworthy event, go to Twitter and immediately find out what's going on. Now, trending tags are garbage blue check posts about nothing.
I ran a few social media ops a decade ago that relied on YouTube and twitter. The ops were successful. They wouldn’t be today. The environment on both has changed to such a degree that they have little in common with yesteryear.
I like to go there and quickly scroll through chud threads, providing lots of chum for the Blue Blocker extension. Then I just let it run in the background blocking blue checkmarks. It's petty, but it amuses me.
maybe it’s the algorithm but every time I open the app to do a quick glance it’s all literal racism and transphobia. that place has become exactly what Elon wanted and I can’t even stomach it for more than a minute.
The silicon psychos got what they wanted by buying out then destroying it.
The ability it gave me to follow world events in real time, curating lists of journos and ordinary people whose tweets took me as close to "on the ground" as I could get at great distance, was unmatched. I genuinely mourn that loss.
that's what threads is becoming too so going to move my time over here
It is a algorithmically driven cesspool of cheap snark, bot junk and swill...'if you want it here it is come and get but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast...'