
Here we have a 53-year-old woman who is so consumed with hatred for her trans kid that she pretends to be nonbinary to show the world how quickly you can get hormones and surgery. It takes 10 months just to get a referral.
I Pretended To Be ‘Nonbinary’ To Expose a Medical Scandal at Kaiser Kaiser gender specialists were eager to approve hormones and surgeries, which would all be covered by insurance as “medically necessary.”
She is middle-class and has good insurance. She gets two mental health screenings before receiving hormones and another before she's referred to surgery. Doctors ask about trauma, mental health and social transition. We're expected to believe this was a) too easy and b) even easier for children.
As for her broader narrative, it is true that if you lie to your doctor and say that you have gender dysphoria, they will prescribe treatments for gender dysphoria. It is also true that if you tell your doctor you have a headache they will give you Aspirin! What is supposed to be the problem here
good god of course
I live in the same town as this woman. She organized and runs a chapter of Moms for Liberty. She was removed from back to school night at the highschool for screaming about teen girls having their breasts cut off. She has doxxed teachers. Her activities resulted in multiple bomb threats at schools.
He’s turning 18 in less than a year and cutting off contact with her. Can’t imagine what he’s had to put up with all this time and I hope to god he makes it.
these people have so much time on their hands! would one of them come over and fold my laundry? some of us have actual jobs.
Is this the woman who got ejected from the downtown library when she wouldn’t stop talking about “biological males and females” in the context of school sports? And then the next day bomb threats were called in to the library?
Oh man we have one of those here too. Least popular person in town afaik
Wait never mind it’s the same town lol
To think she could of done something more productive, like masturbation. But no: harass children
Having even a passing awareness of what my friends have had to go through to get vitally needed gender affirming medical care, I’m particularly ticked off at this woman for wasting so many people’s time, on top of everything else. Especially if Kaiser uses this stunt to put more barriers in the way.
Honestly they should sue her for fraud
Yes. ESPECIALLY if she's been covered by insurance while lying about her condition. If there's one thing insurance companies DO like to take action on, it's financial retribution.
The way Kaiser works, if you're getting care from them any way other than the ER, you definitely have insurance, although it could be public insurance.
Literally doing a medical fraud to own the libs. (Kaiser’s gonna come down like a hammer, I presume)
Yeah as someone who's lived in the Bay Area (and who has family who are stuck with Kaiser for health insurance), Kaiser is notorious for shitty service, long waiting times, and trying to cut corners. I really hope they don't use this as an excuse to make it even -worse- for trans folks.
Incidentally my own experience trying to get hormones/trans healthcare in the Bay Area (admittedly in 2016, with the UC Davis health insurance) wound up with me being told that they didn't give hormones to people who weren't 100% binary trans because "they always regret it".
Which is absolute bullshit but also was a medical door slammed in my face and I didn't have the $$/spoons/time to seek other options. And grad school was so hectic I had to put things on the back burner for a while. But for a lot of people it is really fucking hard to get trans healthcare.
Huh. Here in Oregon my ex keeps telling me kaiser had been great for her and I should switch and I'd be able to get my boob job sooner.
My ex and roommate just got bottom surgery and both of them are in incredible pain. Absolutely no one would go through with this shit unless they had to. And yet even hip replacement has a higher regret rate.
Doctor I am sad The great clown Pagliacci is in town. Go see his show. But doctor, I was lying about being sad
Clearly this doctor is in the pocket of Big Pagliacci
That guy makes the best Baked Ziti in town
They seem to want a scenario where trans people are demonized when seeking care like so many people with chronic pain are - considered "pill-seeking" and denied care because doctors don't trust the patient's own statements about themselves.
I think that would be their "compromise" scenario. What they want is conversion therapy or worse.
I think what she wants is for her son to be her "daughter" again. The rest is backfill
god this is such a good and horrifying point 🫠
It reminds me of the Mail hack who went to a food bank and got given free food “no questions asked” and then, in the piece, acknowledged that he had been asked questions but had just lied. He got a second piece out of the online reaction, specifically another journalist calling him a cunt.
Oh yeah, I got a day's worth of notifications from a Tweet pointing that out.
I can see one problem here: it sounds like this person may well have committed insurance fraud.
I’ve never used KP, but aren’t they both the insurer and the provider in a case like this? Seems to me like they’d be pretty interested in recouping the money they spent on a fraudster, not to mention making an example of her to deter copycats.
Its crazy how much other people's money this bureaucratic terrorist burned on a C- middle-school essay.
The money ultimately comes from the premiums paid by the employer, in a normal employer-paid case. I could see both KP and the employer having issues here, but also having reason to be reluctant to pursue, even such clear fraud.
I'm waiting for the follow up when she loses her job over this stunt, and and is sued for the costs of the medical care.
Her employer is the University of California fwiw
Yeah I wonder if she could get sued over this.
she also obtained a schedule iii rx through misrepresentation
SHE FILLED THE PRESCRIPTION?? Honestly, I know ACAB includes the DEA, but someone please send this to the DEA