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WW2 Airborne enthusiast, Person Dad, Cat Dad,
After 3 plus days since the debate I've come to the conclusion that the men who went over the top on the second day of the Somme had more poise than the average Bluesky poster does.
I think it's fine that this country has been taken over by a profession that is as grounded in reality as a child's tea party and presided over by people who adhere to a belief in a deity that is even less grounded in reality. No notes.
Texas Supreme Court Justices Friday ruled that a Waco judge who had refused to officiate same-sex marriages had a right to sue the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for reprimanding her.
Texas justices back Waco judge who refused same-sex In a slew of rapid-fire decisions Friday, the Texas Supreme Court sided with a Waco judge who had been reprimanded for refusing to officiate same-sex marriages.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Let’s shift our focus, ok? Donald Trump was fucking incoherent tonight. Yes, he’s always incoherent, but his answers were wholly detached from reality. You know what works better than appeal? Disgust. And there’s a lot in his answers that would disgust people if it were pointed out. So point it out.
Charging his campaign for 2,877 jagerbombs drew the attention of the OCE.
BREAKING: The Office of Congressional Ethics just found there is "substantial reason to believe" that Rep. Ronny Jackson converted campaign funds to personal use or his campaign spent funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes.
Times were better when the children and grandchildren of insanely rich people took their families money and went searching for lost civilizations and were killed by undiscovered tribes in the Amazon or just disappeared trying to find El Dorado.
All automated voices, from car GPS, Alexas, phone prompts, etc. should be in Red Foxx's voice from Sanford and Son.
EMERGENCY TRASH TUESDAY: FRIDAY EDITION give me your FUN brainworms please
make a band less mild The Gaping Butthole Surfers
make a band less mild The Unraveling Wilburys
I know ACAB, but our cops in Louisville are a special breed of dingus.
This presser/announcement appears to be rushed to beat a 6pm WAVE3 report playing audio of the police chief promoting a major just a minute after another female major accused him of sexual harassment and “attack.” Chief rebuked her for bringing up.
Make a band milder The Foo Agreement Reachers
make a band milder electric night light orchestra
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Seems if you're a journalist at a legacy media paper and you're gifted a corrupt ex president who was found liable of sexual assault and found guilty of 34 felonies and not being thrilled at the opportunity to cover him as such maybe a career change is in order.
The courts have given media a freebie to start using basic words for Donald Trump and assume basic facts are in evidence. When you don't see that, you're seeing a choice.
How Not to Report on Donald Trump - A.G. “Dash” Sulzberger’s Silicon Valley-inflected skepticism and open-debate pieties are a recipe for dangerously irresponsible journalism by omission.
In the summers, as a kid, my parents would let a friend stay over on Tuesday nights because it was World Premiere Video Night on MTV.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I remember when scientists were worried about global cooling.
Was watching a show on Exercise Tiger, and the host said D Day didn't happen by chance. Big if True.
Watching a show on the RAF unit that did the dam buster raid in their actions later in the war and one of their targets was a German U-Boat pen they were building in March, 1945. Damn Russians are in Berlin and they're still doing this shit in Bremen.
I would donate money to a bio lab working on a more virulent form of anal warts before I'll ever give a penny to legacy journalism. Our major papers are pathetic.
In Saginaw County, Mich., Democrats worry — and Republicans boast — that even 34 felony convictions won’t stop former president Donald Trump from retaking the White House.
In a swing county, Trump’s faithful are angry. But they believe he’ll get In Saginaw County, Mich., Democrats worry — and Republicans boast — that even 34 felony convictions won’t stop the former president from retaking the White House.
He looks like he's in Helsinki
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Vote Trump 2,024 Easily Extorted!
Weird. Why didn’t he go to the police then?
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Thread #dday80 #defendingnormandy When talking about the German preparations for the Allied Invasion (AKA D-Day), a lot of attention goes to the (in)famous Panzer Reserve. With 9 Panzer Divisions and 1 Pz.Gren.Div., this force sounds formidable. But it is often overlooked what it actually was...
I've had really bad arthritis since my early teens and when the ACA finally passed I got insurance. Went to a hand specialist and the bones in 3 fingers had dissolved to the point of needing amputation. Dr was like, why did you wait so long to see us? Bro! I'm an American, that's why.
if you weren’t paying for your own health insurance in the 2000’s, i just honestly don’t give a single damn what you think about the ACA or it’s shortcomings at the time it went into effect, and if you don’t know anyone on medicaid, i also don’t give a single damn what you think about it now.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
MASSIVE KENTUCKY PRIMARY ELECTION THREAD BEGINS NOW Polls close in the eastern majority of the state at 6pm, another hour in the central time zone. I'll try to thread this here as best I can. #kyga24
What voice should OpenAI use now that ScarJo’s is off-limits? Wrong answers only.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Tonight, on the 44th anniversary of the eruption, a moment of pause and reflection for the 57 people who lost their lives on Sunday, May 18, 1980. Thank you for following along today and sharing your memories and interest in this incredible story. We'll continue tomorrow.
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
Thread (on going) With #DDay80 approaching fast, I'll try to address some myths. Let's begin with Omaha Beach, or more precisely the 352.I.D. It's been called everything from elite to poor, but usually such extremes are not based on actual records. This list is 😎
Reposted byAvatar Jeffrey
The first Canada in Normandy video is now available to watch! I explored some German bunkers, hidden by a forest, just behind Juno Beach. It's a fascinating story connected to the #DDay landings. Watch it here:
Exploring Abandoned German Bunkers in I explored the German bunkers, just behind Juno Beach, in Tombette Woods built by the Germans in Normandy before D Day.Tombette Woods is located about four k...
All this amounts to is Alito and every single conservative who argues this is they want to call black people boy or the N word. Their fathers and grandfather's were able to and they feel its their birthright to do it also. Do they want to say other odious things, too? Of course. But that's downhill.
Is this a right???