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Musician, writer, bastard out of Carolina
fellow traveler
For your sake and mine, please don't take me too seriously
@bretdevereaux.bsky.social thank you and damn you for introducing me to EU4, it has both enriched and ruined my life
Seems the one thing I can rely on these days is the incompetence of others
Ghostbusters: Night Country
It’s impossible to make a good ghostbusters movie and the original only did it by accident
Israel really trying to see if they can literally bomb a region back into the Stone Age
Made Greek spaghetti tonight, did I saute enough garlic, y/n/m?
The worst thing capitalism ever did to creative people is convincing us that we don't deserve a living wage. And worse, that accepting less was our idea, actually - that insisting on fair compensation is laughable, and cringey. Guys. It's not.
Every city in America:
!!! the plot thickens
[the rushing sound of me immediately trying to find out what the fuck "sockdologizing" means]
tired: Taco Tuesday wired: Torta Tuesday
A lady friend & I both agreed early in our flirtation that while the worst drivers have a Prius or a Versa, the worst *people* drive Teslas and new trucks
if ur still driving a tesla in 2024 im absolutely judging u as hard as everyone in a childcrusher 3000
reagan is the uno reverse card we can never escape
Wait, I thought being a man was all about proving just how straight you are at every goddamned opportunity, this is the only way, the truth and the light, him who eats time, him robes, a wind of invisible voices, rejoice, death is not the end, rejoice, Carcosa, rejoice,
Regular reminder that you can see pictures of beautiful women on the internet and not be a complete weirdo about it.
Starting up True Detective Season 1, never seen it before as we weren't an HBO household, and dang it starts off real strong and weird don't it
TIRED: Get rid of Spring Forward WIRED: Get rid of Fall Back
Miss me with all your shitty “daylight savings sucks” takes. Daylight savings isn’t the problem. Daylight *standard* is. You like not being able to enjoy any daylight during the work week because it’s dark when you leave? Get fucked, you nosferatu ass weirdo
my passion is propane but growing up what i really wnted to be was a gangster
Truly; parallels drawn between Trumpism and Nazism are often superficial, but I thought even in the moment the MOs were startlingly similar: a bunch of ratfucking, backbiting, infighting, kowtowing and more such theatrics to show who was most loyal to the head of the snake
LSS: In December, while unemployed/dysregulated off meds, gf of 8yr termed us roommates, rejected my financial plan of liquidating my cute lil stock portfolio (covering 3mo 50/50 split of her mortgage), insisted I make "$1600 of W-2 income" over January, said "I'd never break up with you," [cont.]
Bringing back this gem from @shannonwoodward.bsky.social so that we can all marinate in a glorious stew of our worst breakups. What’s the worst way you ever got dumped? :)
YoU wOuLn'T StEaL ThE dEsTrUcTiOn Of ThE HoUsE oF WiSdOm
No. This has to be satire. It HAS to be.
if I was anything like a disciplined writer with meaningful connections I would've already written A Think Piece about The Symbolism of how her kitchen table is empty, truly devoid of material object
Since we're piling on Sen Britt, why did she tweet this creepy photo of her family in a barren greige kitchen without a single item of normal kitchen clutter? She delivered her middle school play audition in a kitchen with stuff on the counters.
Thankfully I have a crush on every girl [respectfully]
me when I don’t have a crush on anyone
Doing My Part on International Women's Day by sedentarily drinking nothing but coffee and chain-smoking rollies after eating eggs, bacon & toast to ensure early demise
How I wish he was ours
also as mayor he once declared a citywide "International Dada Month", by drawing thirty random dates out of a hat
Scorpion wishes to say Happy International Women's Day
Scorpions still metal af
Chapo rubs plenty of people the wrong way for plenty of (valid!) reasons, but the Christman/Wade sub-series Hell of Presidents explores the evolution of the office and party systems, and this is one of the basic throughlines: When you hear "small-business owner," find & replace with "yeoman farmer"
I think it has to do with the type of capital rich people in poor areas have. Trump's base is the local gentry; landlords, car dealers, owners of small- to medium size regional firms. People who have money, but aren't plugged into same educational and social networks as rich people in cities.
NYT: We can't risk alienating all the conservative North Carolinians who read our paper, so let's bury the lede here
LEFT: NYT HEADLINE/SUBHED: Mark Robinson is a "fiery outsider" PARAGAPH 23 (OF 23 TOTAL): Oh by the way he's kinda Hitler-curious
I threw a Mark Robinson sign near my house into an adjacent ditch, and when someone put it back, I straight-up threw it into the neighborhood woodpile dude sucks
the republican candidate for governor of north carolina is officially a holocaust denier who said that black panther (the movie) was created by agnostic marxist jews for nebulous nefarious purposes