Eric Baker

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Eric Baker

a nobody
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
"Great men are almost always bad men" is a phrase that goes through my head a LOT (along with an appropriately gender-neutral-ized version when applicable)
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.” -Lord Acton, 1887
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
You know, we as a society went wrong when we failed to impose a court-mandated 12 more years of elementary school on everyone who joined in on Johnny Depp's fucking pathetically transparent attack on the life and reputation of Amber Heard.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
Historians try not to invoke LBJ, whose decision to step down led to catastrophe, or Lincoln, whose choice of unifying veep was even worse, challenge
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
No, let’s do this properly: The Sex Pistols were a boy band that was formed in order to sell clothing. Look it up.
Johnny Rotten was recruited to be a punk singer when he walked into a store with a homemade shirt that said "I hate pink floyd"
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
the sad part is that biden will see this moment and say “im gonna act like an extra good boy to show im the responsible choice for president and everyone will think that’s nice!”
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
it's really annoying that any time something else terrible happens in the US due to our government/whatever, there are people who are in a rush to be like "why are you surprised???" as though it's a contest to be the most jaded possible person about how terrible all of our lives are. don't do this
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
The obvious move after the supreme court grants the president absolute immunity for official acts is to make them regret it immediately
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
biden was only cool one time and it was when he said “at least three, don’t play games with me kid” when asked how many genders there are
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
My point is that many "all religions are bad" folks couldn't tell you a thing about any religion other then Christianity. They just assume all religions are the same, they are all like Christianity. Their Atheism is informed only by Christianity and so they are inadvertently Christian supremacists.
It's important to understand that you CANNOT lump all religions together into one big whole, which is where many militant Capital A Atheists get in trouble. They tend to see all religion as Christianity. And it's NOT. So much Atheism is just informed by Christianity and it results in bigotry.
This AI startup is Missed-the-point-of-Verhoeven coded.
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
Nerd fights over “lore” are stupid because the two camps have polarized into “anyone who cares about the fundamentals of character relationships and the basic lore of the setting is an autistic nerd” and “anything that contradicts the 1967 Aquaman Yom Kippur Special is a war crime.”
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
it’s not just that, e.g., Clarence Thomas loves to be bribed. the conservatives really believe that spoils rightfully accrue to the powerful, and that exchanges of money and power are a natural and just part of politics
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
keep gamers in your thoughts today they’re going through a lot, a guy who dresses up on stream like a pedophile turned out to be a pedophile and they don’t know whether it’s wokeisms fault or not yet
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
if we had caught wind of Saddam’s Republican Guard doing shit like this even once it would have been paraded across the evening news repeatedly as proof of the regime’s brutality and a justification for war
“Israeli army forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military Jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday. A video showed a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, on the Jeep that passes two ambulances.”
Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian man to hood of military Verified video shows Jenin resident Mujahed Azmi on vehicle that passes two ambulances during raid
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Your own. Personal. Weezer.
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*me playing big RPG for the second time Okay, time for my evil run 😈 *is slightly rude to a shopkeeper, feels so bad I reload an earlier save and make the exact same choices as my first playthrough
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
The Acolyte is pretty much a direct screen translation of a very particular Star Wars experience: mid-tier Expanded Universe novel written by a jobbing sci-fi writer who's got some fun ideas they want to explore in the universe and a deadline/word rate that's unforgiving of multiple drafts
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Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
yes, I have a whole schtick about this, because when you have an expectation or hope for a film or album or book and you are forced to delay actually encountering it, then you effectively get to have two versions of it: the one you invented before the encounter & the one after. it enriches the text
For many years my greatest ambition was to watch Terry Gilliam's "Brazil."
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read this before you go to bed so you sleep in a good state of mind
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
At this point ‘single-player dev team pivots to ongoing live service game’ is a prospect with the same connotations as ‘world-spanning empire invades Afghanistan’
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
I’m hoping by typing this I can let it go: Alanarkin Skywalker
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The thing you need to know about Danny Boyle’s SUNSHINE is it’s two thirds of a great movie and then another third of a great movie and that adds up to a 100% great movie.
Avatar Wasn't I just saying this not too long ago??
my takeaway from Andor Ep 1 is we have reached the point where the absolute least interesting thing in Star Wars are the Jedi
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
any time I go to the store with gf to get cat food I go point at the ferret cage and say “you’re in jail for being stinky!”
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
it is a wild week for sports being played in unfamiliar countries, with cricket in the United States, baseball in the United Kingdom, and Stanley Cup Final hockey in Canada
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
Seeing self proclaimed leftists be ableist pieces of shit will never not suck. Goddam.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Baker
seeing a cybertruck in the wild is fun bc only 3000 have been sold so its like oh wow theres our towns Biggest Dipshit. look at him go!