Nathaniel C. Green

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Nathaniel C. Green

History professor at Northern Virginia Community College. Author, THE MAN OF THE PEOPLE, by Kansas Press.
Currently writing a book on the history of the three-fifths clause. Opinions solely my own.
I am so looking forward to #SHEAR2024! Hope to see all you Skystorians in Philly!
Good evening. Donald Trump is not special.
Oh come the fuck on. Nothing is being left “complicated” or vague. Better headline: January 6 marchers at the Republican convention underscore Republicans’ continued hostility to American democracy.
This take is actually as bad as it seems. Douthat actually calls Trump a "man of destiny, touched by the gods of fortune in a way that transcends the normal rules of politics," then calls religious people who think Trump is divinely protected "presumptuous" for thinking so. Dumb dumb dumb.
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
Trump is an authoritarian who poses a fundamental threat to democracy. That someone tried to kill him tonight does not change that fact. And the fact that Joe Biden said Trump poses a threat to democracy does not make that assassination attempt in any way the fault of Biden, or the Democratic Party.
The only narrative MAGA chuds understand is one in which they, and Trump, are the victims. Dems need to emphasize that it has been they, not MAGA Republicans, who have sought restrictions on guns in order to preserve safety, and Dems, not MAGA Rs, who are seeking to maintain law not violence.
Some of y'all are a lot more confident than I am that this kind of rhetoric is going to play with the median voter.
sorry Mike but they can’t. 𝘚𝘦𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘷. 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 (2024).
Preview of the next few weeks
I'm certain that all the people at this Trump rally, who now know what it's like to be traumatized by gun violence, will now fully support commonsense gun laws.
On one hand, I'm heartened that Jamelle's absence from here might only be temporary. On the other hand, no one should have to be accustomed to the kind of awful replies that he gets constantly. He would be right to stay off and never give this place another thought, even if I hope he doesn't.
Jamelle Bouie decided he didn't need to put up with a bunch of self-righteous jerks on here, and he's right. And this site is worse for it.
Since I don't usually get my news from the NYT and I'm not addicted to being online, I assume the Discourse today is about how tough that Wordle was today, right?
Are you angry? Are you tired? Are you stressed? I AM. Friday, we're going to prove that we can discuss this election calmly -- as a community. Because we HAVE TO. As does everyone. That's how democracy works. Join us. Friday 10AM ET
Ok, gang. SO MUCH to talk about on Friday! So—tomorrow on my live webcast, History Matters, post-Biden press conference: Where Are We Now? Democracy, Doomsday, and Us. Let’s hash out the swirling chaos of Democratic opinions that surround us. Join us! Friday 10AM ET
Agree. Strong likelihood that the brain in question was already cooked before that!
Just reached out to my Congressman, Don Beyer!
Call your rep today to encourage them to support AOC’s articles of impeachment. I will block anyone who tells me why they, personally, cannot and therefore why it’s pointless.
NYT Headline, above the fold: "Billions of sparks disrupt Rome." Below the fold: "Nero takes on challenging new fiddle lesson."
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
So sorry to hear that Shelley Duvall has died. Her portrayal of Olive Oyl was the greatest portrayal by a live actor of an animated character in film history, even better than Robin Williams's Popeye.
Shelley Duvall, ‘The Shining’ and ‘Nashville’ Star, Dies at Shelley Duvall, who starred in Robert Altman's '3 Women' and Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining,' has died. She was 75
"Take this, all of you, and eat it, this is my body."
this is the official religion of bluesky
Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader, or do you have multiple books in process? Me: I have two young children.
Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader, or do you have multiple books in process? Me? I usually have several going at once: an audio book, a kindle book, a MG or YA in print, a manuscript, and a “thinking book.”
i am satisfied with the unknowability regarding precisely which of garrison's hateful details are intentional and which are atavistic remnants of his putrefying brain, as long as everyone involved agrees he is an asshole and a hack
I listened to Greg Pak, and so can you! Turns out doing something material feels way better than posting about the election.
NYT: Sure Godzilla is headed for New York, but why would we cover it? Everybody already knows Godzilla is a monster.
Came back from our vacation and my 4 yo is feeling under the weather. Plans to get work stuff done out the window. Instead, it's taking kiddo's temperature, administering water and applesauce, and watching Daniel Tiger episodes between naps. He seems to be getting better. Good vibes appreciated!
Those of us who care about historical accuracy must continue our research/writing to teach all who can read why SCOTUS interpretations are not actually based in history and to teach other important skills (to my undergrads for example) of critical thinking and data-based argument construction. 2/2
It is depressing but also clarifying for historians and others who do historical research to know that the SCOTUS really does not give two shits about historical accuracy. The ultraconservative 6 will sign on & use cherry picked data points to justify conservative, undemocratic legal outcomes. 1/