Yeah even the non political normies on my FB were like "so close" after what happened. MAGA loves him. The brunchlords want him. Everyone else just wishes he'd go away.
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
in case you needed to know exactly how much the media actually respects the rule of law and adherence to independent justice department procedures or whatever, they described trump's corrupt court appointees changing the law for him to get him out of crimes he committed as "wins"
Your Honor, I clearly ended the skeet with lol
My man, go listen again to him flip the abortion question into one about the murdered migrant girl. That’s no stutter I’ve ever encountered—or has anyone who’s being honest about what they saw, and have been seeing for years.
If Biden hadn't catastrophically choked on national television for an hour, in a way that confirmed for anyone with eyes the strongest, most lasting criticism through his entire presidency, there's no movement to oust him. This fact does not make the NYT's Parkinson coverage any less irresponsible.
The idea that an incredibly unpopular set of policy preferences is going to recapture everyone's attention once Trump stops distracting them is a lot of cope, IMO. Trump (and come on, Biden's debate) is structural proof that 'what people want' in a POTUS is a certain sort of tv character.
I like Stancil and love that he’s running for office, but this is just wild cope. Biden *is* cooked, and the only person who doesn’t know it is him. Biden did seppuku in the debate, and every ‘chunk’ his critics tore off was post mortem.
People felt VERY free to tear chunks off Biden because they figured he was cooked. But driving out a president is a big deal, and now they’ve just potentially mortally wounded him while failing
Give us a break, Will. If Biden loses it will be because he spent an hour on national television confirming his greatest weakness. It’d be like in 2012 if Romney did a 30-minute spot walking through his investment portfolio instead of the 15-second 47% clip. Who’s to blame here but Biden?
The problem is that narrow reeds like these are what Biden's team will hang his continued candidacy.
Funny thing about all of the Seal Team 6 assassination prognostications is everyone on both sides, including SCOTUS, taking for granted that the Seals would carry out the order.
Truer words. I don’t think it’s a glib point to note that if Biden cannot be summoned more fully to defend his own political life, how can we expect him to defend ours in the way that will be needed until the next inauguration?
When all of the Proper (legal, political, and institutional) Remedies are off the table it does not take societies long to figure out what the only Remedy they have left is, and I wonder if the Court put any thought into that!
I think it's hard not to see much of this as consistent with their coverage of HRC.
Traveling back in time to explain our current moment to the founding fathers, who react with horror; when I return the constitution explicitly forbids appointing Catholics to the Supreme Court
Would really help if he said literally anything, besides waiting another three days to get interviewed by Stephanopoulos. How he's not out every night (with a pre-recorded interview from between the hours of 10AM-4PM) is ongoing malpractice.
That only works if you read good faith into even this awful SCOTUS decision. However Biden might use the power in defense of pluralism, the rule of law, etc., SCOTUS would manufacture a rationale to thwart him. *This* is the real meaning of and precedent set by this decision.
The story here is that Kristoff and Friedman are wrong about everything, perfect barometers for wrongness. Shouldn't that give us *some* pause that they're driving us off a cliff here?
Forcing John Roberts into a recursive contradiction that tears reality apart by asking him if a Jan. 6 participant could sleep outside the Capitol the night before
The Lego bit after Jan 6, still kills me
Lions for Lambs erasure
This is exactly right. Whatever is motivating Kristoff's, et al, change of heart will be exactly as insincere and psychically corrupt as the motivation for the rest of their political attitudes, and I feel deep resistance to making common cause with that.
In addition to being awesome, the famous Cool Hand Luke line, "What we have here is a failure to communicate", reveals that the film is a workplace drama.
Who among you can say with certainty that your own boss would *not* prefer to kill you than allow you to attend your own mother's funeral?
Worth comparing the 'redemption arcs' (which is just to say, the lives lived after the crises) of Michael Richards and Louis CK. Richards all but disappeared from public life, aided in what we're almost at pains to call a 'return' by the authentic friendships of his former Seinfeld cast mates.
Louis made a strategic retreat, and in the very first act of his return, forced himself on an unwilling audience, an isomorphism of his original crimes. Something I love about Richards' story is that, with Seinfeld finished, no one stood to gain a penny through a much-publicized redemption story.
It's also part of what makes his Kramer reprisal on Curb Your Enthusiasm so subtle and smart: stricken with a fake disease, Richards can overcome it and return to performance only by believing the disease -- and therefore crucially: a cure for it! -- is real.