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Reposted byAvatar Nom
Love this Biden-Harris frame. "Most Americans would prefer living in a country where an unhinged felon who has also been found liable for sexual abuse cannot own a firearm." Keep hammering him.
Some people need their fucking head smashed in with a rock. Like the stupid dumb fuck that decided to blare their horn at me because I stopped at a red light. Hope that fucktard's house burns down. Seriously. World doesn't need any more assholes.
Today was a good day! Only had to avoid one head on collision down some side street by blaring my horn at some bitch who I could see was looking down and didn't even know I was there until the last second.
Going to start chronicling every near miss or asshole I deal with daily while driving for work. 1. Nearly got clipped by someone too impatient to wait behind slower traffic. 2. Nearly T-boned a car turning left at a light. Had to crush my brakes and send my shit in my vehicle flying.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
This is why they spend a half billion a year on union busting
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Millionaire’s Tax: Polls incredibly well, wins ballot measure despite billionaires spending huge against it, now bringing in millions more than expected for education & transit Boston Globe: SHUT UP ABOUT THE MILLIONAIRE’S TAX SHUT UP NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW IF IT’S GOOD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Reposted byAvatar Nom
The point of this is continuing to create a context where violence is justifiable. The context is dumb and wrong, but it doesn’t have to be smart or right, because the people consuming it don’t require it to.
What's the threshold for bullshit that one should be willing to put up with at work? Is it spending half my day fixing a problem because the retard yesterday just left? Or fixing a problem that a different retard left?
Really need another job. Sick and tired of getting chewed out by my boss for "following distance" when some asshole decided they didn't want to wait 2 entire seconds for me to go past and trigger the drivecam.
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Reposted byAvatar Nom
I don't know who needs to hear this (that's a lie: ~80% of drivers) but when you're in a turn lane or an exit only lane, you should still signal to confirm to those around you that you are aware of the lane you're in and where it's about to go.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
Reposted byAvatar Nom
The proposition that Trump wants to be at a graduation of any of his kids is the most implausible character development plot point I’ve ever seen.
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Reposted byAvatar Nom
Two things to remember today: don't look directly at the eclipse without proper eyewear, and two, unless you enjoy being paid in pizza parties, unionize your workplace.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
Mother Moon has eaten Father Sun. Here’s Why That’s Bad For Joe Biden.
This is just lazy.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
NYC Mayor Eric Adams has created an official chatbot to give NYC folks business advice! Let’s see how it works, shall we?
Reposted byAvatar Nom
Meanwhile, at Fox News, producers and interns spring into action to research the most important question of the day: were any of the engineers who designed the Baltimore Key Bridge black?
4 spots. Really wish people like this would get towed. If you're too afraid of getting your pavement princess scratched them maybe you didn't need one? Or are they too blind to park?
I have to say, seeing someone's $100k pavement princess stuck in a ditch during a snow storm makes me smile. All wheel drive doesn't mean you can speed on an ice rink.
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Reposted byAvatar Nom
Am I better than I was 4 years ago when I was reusing my n95s, wearing trash bags as PPE, afraid to touch my baby, and watching patients detoriate and die faster than I've ever seen, while politicians and mainstream media were politicizing it all? No. I'm worse because of it. A lot of us are.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
Reposted byAvatar Nom
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Reposted byAvatar Nom
Actually, it sounds like it's working great to me. The price for getting your timeshare servant to drive a single coffee to your house should be $26
Seattle law mandating higher delivery driver pay is a Just two weeks after the law went into effect, Seattleites had to contend with $26 coffees and $32 sandwiches.
Reminder: if you're driving 90 mph in a 70 in the left lane and your exit is half a mile away in the right lane which also happens to end at that exit and you're blaring your horn at me, that makes you an asshole. Anybody that drives like that should be run over I don't care.
Reposted byAvatar Nom
the thing that makes the TikTok ban so absurd is that China doesn't need it to get everyone's data that data is fucking everywhere, and being sold to everyone, and there's not much any of us can do about it if they want it they can get it regardless of what we do with TikTok