
this has always been the meat of the Alito stories. not just that there’s a “scandal” in the traditional sense, but that he is legitimately a moron
Dude is talking exactly and I mean EXACTLY like every blue check toad yelling about "Soros"-funded shit. This is absolutely batshit insane coming from a motherfucker who's decisions literally affect the lives of every person in this country.
there’s a popular assumption that even if these guys are cruel and reactionary, they are analytically intelligent enough that they aren’t gonna fall for Q Anon level bullshit. wrong! they’re stupid in very regular ways!
part of becoming an adult was learning hanlon's razor was utter bullshit. it's actually both. it's always both!
Unfortunately I think "remove this guy from the court cause he's an idiot that believes dumb untrue things" is probably a weirdly hard sell in America, even harder than "remove this guy because he's taking obvious bribes"
Americans think stupidity is a "viewpoint".
People inevitably compare justices they don’t like to Taney, but Alito WISHES he was Roger Taney. This asshole is James fucking McReynolds.
Being on the left is continuously believing that the right is populated by genius super villian masterminds only to learn they're actually all dumbass who can't walk and breath at the same time.
And yet they continually eat our lunch politically. So, really, so are the chumps?
I hate to make excuses here, but our country was designed from the jump to benefit right-wing reactionaries.
And there is a deep-seated foundation of anti-intellectualism meant to disarm and discourage anybody who resists that design
Same with Cruz, DeSantis, Vance, etc.. there are always in depth articles about how smart they are - it's just bullshit
I thin Cruz is the only one who actually is smart - which is why he comes off as the most objectively repellent human being most people have ever encountered in their lives.
How does this absolute wackadoodle nonsense get SO MANY of them? Maybe it’s like breadcrumbs in the forest? You start racist and then you follow the breadcrumbs and you end up at the witch’s house?
His bones are so full of lead and it's seeping into his brain
Honestly, it feels almost like a prequisite these days for them to be even considered for nomination.
What people often fail to remember (since the beginning of civilization) is that the people in charge are, in fact, just people.
Power does not beget intellect
And a legitimate moron who is easily swayed by the most mundane flattery - "You're an American hero."
A legitimate moron that is easily swayed by flattery - "you're an American hero."
You know he and Martha-Ann sit in the living room every evening, drinking wine and showing each other batshit right wing memes on Facebook until they're frothing at the mouth
I can't imagine she lets anyone bring red wine into her living room so either they're somewhere else or it's white wine.
(focused on the important issues)
Maybe she's one of those weird grandmas who covers the couch in plastic
Yeah that fits actually
Last time I saw my grandma it took me all day to figure out what was different. The plastic was off the couch. I have no idea what her politics were, she was an immigrant
Kevin 😂😂😂
No way they’re drinking wine. These are martini/G&T/vodka&soda people.
Scalia was cruel and nasty, but had a genius for picking apart arguments he disliked. Thomas’ particular skill is grifting his way through power, but at least his legal philosophy is batshit crazy. Alito is stupid, cruel, and crazy in a deeply boring “let’s take Truth Social away from grandpa” way.
Knew this guy was a toad when he shook his head and said "not true" at an Obama state of the union.
"a judge is a lawyer who knows a governor"
I feel like we need a word to describe smart stupid people. The ones who are intelligent, its just they use that intelligence to rationalize believing stupider and stupider things.
They lack something fundamental but it’s not intelligence. It’s empathy or curiosity or life experience or something.
I think people like me who do not have law degrees assume lawyers must be smart but I’ve met a few who are complete dunces so I guess it must not be that hard?
I thought this was understood just by reading anything he ever wrote about the law
Yup!! Me, earlier today: “Martha-Ann (Alito) ain’t no Martha, she’s a Wife. #HandmaidsTale She and Ginny are Serena Joy. They are the (Klan) Wizards behind the curtain. The uninteresting, low-talent men are there to handle the admin and keep all eyes away from them and their power plays.”
There's got to be something wrong when you're fine with a lunatic traitor wife in a cult of morons (subtweet Clarence)
Martha-Ann Alito is obviously a big Rush Limbaugh fan!!!
I also think it’s been quite underreported that Martha-Ann Alito is obviously a massive Dittohead.
He’s an inspiration to morons everywhere.
can't tell if this makes him more or less dangerous
Nixon famously nominated a dull blade for SCOTUS, G. Harrold Carswell. Known as an intellectual lightweight, his nomination was defended thusly: “Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they?"
Alito may be the stupidest person to ever be a Supreme Court justice, and unfortunately that's a competitive category