
Dude is talking exactly and I mean EXACTLY like every blue check toad yelling about "Soros"-funded shit. This is absolutely batshit insane coming from a motherfucker who's decisions literally affect the lives of every person in this country.
we cannot rule out the possibility he *is* a blue check toad who complains about soros on twitter
Sam Alito has a statue avatar account i fucking guarantee it
Someone needs to buy up ad data and find the ad profiles of people that geolocate to SCOTUS and his two homes. Find those alt accounts.
Definitely an anime profile pic.
Please someone find his alt 🙏
Still hoping someone like tracks down Alito’s social burner account.
Do a search for @HamuelElito and if there's pro-Phillies talk there, you've found him.
Any thoughts as to what his Xitter handle might be? Like, did he scramble up his name like in a Harry Potter book? Used some symbolic numbers in there? Sorry, I can't come up with anything sarcastic enough.
Dude is your average fox news watcher and his wife is an infowarrior.
Fighting the infowar in the vexillological domain
This lady is on a lifetime quest to earn her own Margaret Thatcher flag
it's okay to make fun of Martha, but this guy should be on blast until he's gone!
And every single opinion he wrote should be overturned with the most scathing opinions ever written. It should be with great, great caution that any lawyer, judge, or scholar touch cite his writing with anything but derision. His name should always be with a sigh and eye roll.
Why can’t school shooters ever target the federalist society on campus?
Venus diagram being a single circle and all...
I got it but am now wondering what a Venus Diagram might look like. Kind of intriguing. Like, do we put the information on a scallop shell?
Sometimes you see an infographic with one main shape connected to two smaller shapes, one to each side, that inadvertantly (?) looks like a uterus and ovaries. I assume that's a Venus Diagram.
Naw, the Federalist kids have a way higher body count and have figured out how to kill peoplw every day. The shooters are too impulsive for that kind of evil
The way Dems refuse to even try to do anything about Alito + Thomas makes me insane. They have no plan to stop this because they either don’t care or are too incompetent to come up with anything.
What would you suggest? Impeachment goes nowhere in the House (controlled by Republicans so they won't even allow it out of committee). Removal goes nowhere in the Senate (requires 2/3 majority). In 2016 when Hillary Clinton said the election was about the Supreme Court, she got a lot of derision.
Knowing this is why she should have supported Bernie, they knew she would lose, they had polling clearly showing so
Her unfavorables were insurmountable from the getgo : she had to take control of the party to get to run herself
She won by 3 million votes. Bernie would’ve lost by 5 million. Stop cranking that axe.
Maybe they should try politics wherein they use rhetoric to advance a position and build a consensus in the public mind? They could give a shot at having an ideology that informs their decisions and advocate for it in a consistent manner? They could act like they believe in something?
So why aren't you running for office then? Why not push on your Democratic reps or senators to consider those ideas? I'm represented by GOP senators and a rep who literally said they do not represent Democrats.
I am multiply disabled and homeless after a decade plus of being criminalized for the addiction I got after I broke my spine without healthcare, largely because of Joe Biden's crime bills that pushed increased funding to the police the more drug charged they brought.
If I had an address to register as a candidate from, there's still no point since the state that I am in is gerrymandered into a GOP super majority after decades of sandbagging Democrats cozying up to capital and refusing to push performs as they danced in the revolving doors.
I was homeless and disenfranchised for eleven years myself. I will be disabled for the rest of my life. I gotta go. The National Weather Service just issued a flash flood warning for my town.
They are trying. Whitehouse has been trying for ages. Just because YOU don't know about doesn't mean it's not happening
This level of crackpottery is no more a secret to Dick Durbin than Thomas’s monetary corruption.
I remember (naively) being so shocked when everyone ‘suddenly’ started turning insane circa 2016~ but I see now that these freaks were actually being carefully cultivated in a lab for decades until the conditions were ready for them to emerge in their true forms, screaming like cicadas
Keep the mic turned on... Handing Aileto more rope.
Well if anyone knows for sure that billionaires are using their heft to influence political outcomes it’d be him so…
It just blows my mind that they still pull this crap when the Federalist Society is right there and the reason they have their job.