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Former academic, current UX research lead focused on how people communicate online, forever a sociolinguist. Small and loud. She/her
i don't like the idea of america becoming even more violent
My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one
I think maybe someone on bluesky needs to see Doris.
but also pleaaaaase if you are a supervisor in a field where there are a lot of layoffs or working with someone who comes from that world, don’t put meetings on a subordinate’s calendar without being clear what it’s for.
I really hate to use the phrase “PTSD” because of the number of veterans in my life but goddammit the number of times I have to calm my entire body down just because I get a meeting invite from my supervisor with no agenda
Any moots have a 404 media subscription and would be willing to pdf an article for me? Or request on ILL? I live the no library access life of a former academic.
Some of y'all need to eat grass. Not just touch it, eat it. I know you can't digest it. I think it would be good to spend a couple days in the bathroom wondering why you're like this.
Ok, getting desperate! Looking for Covid shots in RI or eastern MA. The CDC website is wrong (we tried and nobody they say has it actually does). We are uninsured, so need a low-cost place and my kid is 4. Pls direct links only! Currently crying in a Walmart parking lot in fucking Cranston.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
The inspiration you need! 🧵
(1/?) “It would be naïve to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice.”
I just want to beg people to tell me what happens when we completely give up on the electoral system. Tell me what you imagine happening. I want to be able to see it. Tell me how it doesn't involve things getting so much worse, millions dying, before there's any chance of something better.
With the power of generative AI accelerating fuck-around to find-out, you can now get sued for IP theft within hours of shipping a feature
🧵🧵🧵🧵 absolutely all of this 👇
an observation: there are entire traditions of political thought, and theories of action to accompany them, that developed in periods of defeat and under conditions of sometimes total domination. these will be useful guides now.
@babkele.bsky.social @kirbyconrod.bsky.social do either of you know or supervise grad students? Josh I'm not sure your uni has grad programs but Kirby I think you do if you're where I think you are. Can I dm either of you to give more details of why I'm asking?
One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
The residents of Potato Bay can rest easy now that this dangerous babby is off the streets.
So, my contract job converted me to an FTE on Friday, fully not what I expected or even as soon as I'd hoped it'd happen. I'm still in shock that I can actually take the holiday off this week and not have to worry about losing income if I don't hit my hours. 😭
Not despair: Spite and Malicious Compliance.
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
Minneapolis! It’s a beautiful day to cuss out the mayor right in his smug face!
The Bobby Brown song from Ghostbusters 2 somehow surfaced from the depths of my brain. (the movie was on and I started singing along)
Goddamn, Simone Biles just continually showing why she's the GOAT 💜
Jamelle is too much of a class act to say it BUT THAT’S WHY I’M HERE. *pulls out bullhorn* Y’all gotta read this shit to witness the finesse with which he does circles and figure-eights around Bret Stephens’ concern trolling. WHEW!!!!
I watched dateline instead and I think I made a good choice
This is why mask bans are suddenly being proposed. If you’re in a place where that’s happening and you think we should prioritize public and personal health and freedom over expanding the powers of the police state then please do let your representatives know why the freedom to mask matters to you
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).