
I mean at core this would be true if not for the fact that Biden has completely fucked one specific high salience issue for leftwing voters. Like do people just not believe that young people care about the whole Palestine shebang or
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
Yes a lot of people genuinely do believe that the disproportionately blacker, browner, gayer, more progressive youth is disingenuous about its support for an issue which has a lot of parallels to BLM lol.
You see it everywhere on this website, this underlying belief that the political left in the US and the youth at-large is exclusively using Palestine as a wedge to express broader discontent rather than actually having any real commitment to the cause. Of course they themselves don't care though.
slightly less virulent version of brain worms you see on here: people conceding that Palestine is an issue but treating it as simply one among many similarly weighted issues, as if disagreeing with a candidate on genocide is like a disagreement on tax cuts
I saw people sincerely post ‘You don’t have to agree with Biden on Gaza but he’s been strong on capping insulin prices,’ and like. Openly proclaiming that you’ll sign off on genocide for minor social reforms is just reaffirming every Maoist critique of social democracy
I think it's more visceral than that. People are seeing beheaded children on social media and would like it to stop. Genocide is a concept. But people are seeing horrors and having parasocial relationships with people living through those horrors and knowing they're helping fund it
I just. We shouldn't even be happy about the half measure of capping insulin prices, but liberals will take any crumb and treat it like a gold nugget.
wait I don't quite follow, what's wrong with this stance: Biden is horribly wrong about Palestine, it's a generational tragedy and a stupid unforced mistake on his part. But also Biden is marginally better than Trump on this metric and significantly so on many other important issues. ?
i guess my point is that if you can’t vote to end a genocide your country is committing then your ‘democracy’ only exists as a facade to legitimize murder
So on the one hand I agree that American democracy has a foundation in imperial violence, and Biden is certainly complicit in that. But on the other looking at it coldheartedly it's straightforwardly clear that Trump would be worse, and would also wreck US social democratic institutions.
well, okay. good luck with that. i don’t know why you expect those of us outside the demos to care though
like- my rights have drastically been curtailed under Biden. should I vote for him so they can be curtailed even further? at least under Trump liberals might actually notice it’s happening
Biden doing a kind-of genocide and Trump maybe doing a full-on genocide just shows you how indefensible the system is. If they're both going to do terrible things, that's a reality, but it's not one whose underlying logic you have to support. Governments lose legitimacy when no one supports them.
I’m confused by the liberal use of the term “complicit” when he actively funded a genocide… and didn’t stick to the one weakass condition he floated.
buddy you understand Palestinians and trans people are from your same species
noooo! not my social fascist institutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They’re both fascists, and the country is largely fascist already, yes.
lol, who is the non genocide candidate? I don’t see the ‘end genocide’ option on my ballot
That's the problem. What are we even doing anymore?
Definitely vote for the anti-genocide candidate
Genocides are not a "mistake", like losing your car keys
Whom amongst us has not murdered 80,000 people as an oopsie
Calling the Holodomor a "political miscalculation"
Asking for sympathetic reconstruction on Bluesky is a fool’s game, but the point I was making is that Biden’s stance is *both* evil and stupid. Immoral, but also likely to lose him more voters than he gains.
Guess once you decide continuing aid is genocide itself, then you're free not to care. Not your problem that Trump wants to directly go to war on the side of Israel against Iran and Palestinians, that he cut aid to Palestine '18, uses Palestinian as a slur and had Muslim ban as a signature policy.
Supplying weapons to a nation committing genocide is also part of the genocide, in addition to a criminal act under US law Biden is also all-in on allying with Israel going to war with Lebanon and massacring Palestinians, a thing he's doing right now Go back to Facebook, liberal
Ah yes I see your confusion. Allow me to clear that up for you. FUCKING GENOCIDE IS A DEALBREAKER. It’s not fucking complicated. You’re just so depraved and amoral and anethical that you can’t conceive of having *MINIMAL* standards. Hope that helps !
Yup. He's certainly a voice people negatively impacted by Biden should listen to, lol Comfortable yt dudes who do not care we're dying under Biden.
Biden's carefully calculated position of being slightly less evil than trump is actually evil in and of itself.
Marginally better is still resulting in funding a genocide. This is a red line for many people (myself included). If he is willing to support a genocide how can I trust him not to continually screw over the American people?
Don't have to give Maoists all the credit, it's a form of anarchist critique as well as probably some kind of dem soc thing if they were ever distinguishable from soc dems
"According to fans of a regime that murdered millions, your collaboration with a regime that murdered tens of thousands is unconscionable."
Totally agree. These tankies don't listen to themselves.
Mao was famously opposed to genocide
Exactly, these tankies automagically think Communist regimes are genocide-free!
Yes. If I had a dollar for every time some liberal sneered at me and called me a single-issue voter over a goddamn genocide, I'd be rich. If I pulled my hair I'd be bald!
that is literally the definition of a single issue voter 🤷‍♂️
yeah, why were the Jews so hung up about the Holocaust when Mr Hitler revitalised the economy?
lol. Yea, I’d say that was a single issue for the Jews. Embrace it. For some people this is the single issue. Go vote for the guy who will end it. Idk who that is, but go for it.
Yes but the people labelling me a single-issue voter over this clearly think I am contemptible and beneath them for seeing Gaza as a massive issue that overrides non-genocide issues, lol.
Another version might be the "do-genocide-harder" argument about Trump. It's just a bizarre miscategorization of the issue's size and scope. Not that it's exactly wrong, but it is callous and inhumane when used to dismiss the current situation.
Often presented as, "Well if you think it's bad now, just you wait..." Yeah man I do think it's bad now
"This issue is too important to be rational about."
Just about everyone telling people to vote for Biden is doing this, so it's mainstream
Part of the problem is that Trump is so unlikely to stop the genocide. (He doesn’t like Netanyahu saying Biden won the election. He doesn’t object to the attacks.) It makes it look like a choice between health care here and genocide in Gaza, or no health care here and still genocide in Gaza.
There are about 3 different basic things I could say about this, but I'll stick to the old trolley problem: this is like saying that we have to make the trolley run over people tied to one track because someone else said they were going to tie people to the other track. Might not happen!
You can't be serious. Trump just thinks they need to get it over with faster. I'm unaware of any right wing faction that objects to anything Israel/Netanyahu does. At least there is some pressure on Biden. It hasn't been enough and he hasn't done enough and it shows in his polling, I'm sure.