
In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll.
Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state A poll of swing-state voters shows that Americans rate threats to democracy as an important issue, but that the president has yet to convince them he is the one to defend it.
“threats to democracy” can also include immigrants if you ascribe to great replacement theory
Yeah this poll isn’t helpful without saying what the threats are. 44% includes/is entirely people who believe all the Trump lies
yeah the 2020 election being stolen is also a “threat” to them lol
It also includes thinking the 2020 election was stolen by Biden.
Was just noticing the same thing. Wonder if Sally Buzbee leaving is an influence already
Here’s a lesson in poll’s coverage in news. The headline summarizing polling data can be framed any which way. This was 6 states opinions lumped together (states votes individually) and an even narrower swath of voters. It’s like looking down the wrong end of telescope to describe what your seeing
Forgot that wapo is a right wing disinformation rag like the wsj now. Good point.
This makes no sense. This answer here makes doubt the poll.
This makes sense if you view pluralistic, multiracial democracy a threat.
What in the absolute fuck?
These people were asked the wrong question. They don't know jack shit about the dangerous shit Donald has done.
Feels like this is a question that has a very different meaning to your average BlueSky reader than it does to a normie poll respondent. Is immigration a threat to democracy in the US? Is Russia? Lots of ways to read it.
They're drop-down absolutely correct. Threats to democracy? Trump has that handled.
I suspect most respondents read “threats to Democracy” as synonymous to “threats against the USA”. Its probably an identical response to “who would fight the hardest”. A better question is “who would preserve and respect the accuracy of the vote”.
Guess the game is up then
Maybe it’s not a good campaign message after all!
Maybe Biden needs to say that protecting democracy means accepting the results of elections and not fomenting a coup against another branch of the federal government and say Donald wants to control every one of your life decisions otherwise he will order your death.
On one hand “most believe that the guardrails in place to protect democracy would hold even if a dictator tried to take over the country,” On the other hand FFAO that if a dictator actually takes over there won’t be any laws, rules or “guardrails” to help you peacefully regain democracy