
We! Never! Stopped! Getting! COVID!!!! What the actual SHIT is this headline?????? There has never been a time, in the last 4.5 godforsaken years, when we didn't have people getting COVID!!!
A seasonal wave of #Covid is sweeping across the U.S., driven by the FLiRT variants, a trio of the latest #SARSCoV2 mutants making the rounds. So no, it's not your imagination. People are getting Covid again
Yep, people are getting COVID A seasonal COVID-19 wave appears to be underway with cases growing or likely growing in 39 states.
I want to scream every talks about “back during Covid” as if it’s over. Especially at work; my officemate had it in May, and a couple other people were out sick around the same time (idk what they had, but wouldn’t be surprised if they’d all shared it since she’s in their dept a lot).
My first negative test after being sick was 6/6. A month ago yesterday. Yesterday, I spent four (4) hours with friends, crashed at 8:30 p.m. and slept for 14 hours. My stamina, in other words, is in the absolute toilet, and I don't know if it'll ever come back.
I had covid 18 months ago, and was diagnosed a few weeks ago with post exertional malaise from ... probably covid? some weird covid/arthritis combo party? and yeah... I'm now deep in the fatigue hole after a week of COVID (and now three negative days). I'm not jazzed.
I come home from work & just blob onto the couch for the rest of the night. My husband asking "Are you going to make dinner" sends me into a rage, because like. If I COULD, I already WOULD BE???
Oof. Take time off work if you can, tell your husband this is serious and he needs to step up, & rest rest rest. Sleeping 14 hours is serious. You do not want to end up disabled for life by this. I have to build up strength to getting dressed, & still take breaks while I'm doing it. ME since 1997.
Unfortunately I can’t take more time off work than I already have - I started the job 6/10, after being unemployed 4 months. I’m resting as much as I reasonably can & we get a lot of takeout.
Heck, I got it for the first time a little over a year ago and people at work were all acting shocked that "it was still a thing"!
Oh my god I think my head is gonna explode.
Like, I got covid for the first time last month, but I am an outlier, for not having gotten it after that long. It's not like the flu, that we basically don't see more than a few hundred cases of outside of "flu season."
I haven't had it yet thank god but I've essentially shut down my life and the mass denial is absolute torture.
What's this 'seasonal' BS? They tried to reassure us that it was 'seasonal' last winter. Do they mean we get waves of COVID while we have seasons?
Every season is Covid season if you let it rip enough. Just one more infection til heard immunity bro, I swear just one more infection and then it’s over, this time, I swear bro.
I was assured by some orange idiot that it was going to magically go away as soon as it got warm in 2020.
The Seattle Times is a “centrist” paper that’s been on the “pretend it’s not happening” train for a long time, with the exception of Naomi Osaka, who has been trying in vain to highlight those of us at high risk and with long COVID. They relegate her to opinions.
I love Seattle. I do not love our supposedly progressive prevailing attitude of “la la la can’t hear you not a problem because I have no object permanence except about roadwork which I will whine about endlessly”
A longtime dear friend *went to the grocery store* with an active case, but it was "ok" because he "wore a mask and wasn't there for long." SIR???? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???????? INSTACART IS A GODDAMN THING???????????
NO NO NO NO The workers- Immunocompromised people- Was the mask well fitted- *sits down, cries*
I choose to believe that while walking around the grocery store in Cap Hill, my friend was wearing a well-fitting mask properly. Because to believe otherwise is to fall into a bottomless pit of despair.
More likely a baggy blue mask if thought it was OK to go out shopping with Covid. Have managed not to get infected by wearing close fitting masks & avoiding movies, gatherings etc. Friends who have been virgins up to this year are coming down with Covid think because more casual attitude 😥😥
The actual article (including headline) is from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, so they get blame for the wording. (hed in link is different from posted article) The Times picked it up from the wires, and gets blame for being terrible and useless, as always.
Ooofff. I dislike them relying so heavily on other papers (we’re not even on the same coast!), so I no longer subscribe. They are so milquetoast and have about as much integrity as soggy bread.
I mean I GUESS it’s not the NYT
People think Seattle is super liberal but even the guy who runs the really well-known weather blog is super right wing. Our media isn't representative of the population at all
To be fair to the ST, they didn't write this headline or article, they got it from the Atlanta Times. Honestly their COVID coverage has been much better than basically any other mainstream paper, and they still prominently feature their "Coronavirus" section
It never left ffs We just stopped testing tracing masking vaccinating and caring about vulnerable people and the repercussions of a novel virus and its outcomes
we went 4 years without covid. kiddo brought it home, with strep!, from summer camp last month. the doctor let us know that this has been going on for weeks in the school district and now its going into summer camps. never ended.
"Seasonal" as in it's Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter.
Just coming out of a week of it here. Not fun.
May your recovery be swift and complete.
also people have been getting COVID the entire time. the media are just bored with it. we need good news sources, but a good ‘what-all is still happening’ source wouldn’t be bad.
My buddy spent the last couple of days in Vegas, and he just texted that he got it returning to LA.
This is actually the first time in the whole pandemic someone in my house has gotten it, so I do feel like the new variants are special
For real!!! These headlines are ridiculous and demoralizing.
It should say still!!! People’s lives were not import enough to our legislators to do what was right for the American people because the rich were whining over losing money and the GOP were using it negatively as a political talking point.