Peter Feld 🍉

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Peter Feld 🍉

Progressive strategist (polling, persuasion direct mail, voter-facing digital). Ex: NY Observer, Conde Nast, Global Strategy Group, Lake Research, Hart Research, Dukakis and Tsongas for President, Jessica Savitch backup guitarist. He/him.
You think that drone just fell out of a coconut tree? It exists in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
Palestinians have been saying for over 76 years* The colonisation started before these often quoted 76 years but hey who listens to Palestinians.
1. Nominate an incumbent with a 38% job approval rating, whose brains are leaking out of his ears in real time on national TV, who just stumbled through a show primary against a gurupreneur and a back-bench Problem Solver. 2. Lose 40 states, SCOTUS is off the hook, it's Carter '80 3. Project 2025!
If you even try to mount a defence for this, you need to rethink everything about your life.
Trump is not effectively an incumbent, which means responsibility for current conditions that voters give thumbs up or down to. Being very well known is not the same thing.
The very good reason for the post debate tailspin is a president's brains leaking out his ears on national TV. Totally unable to parry Trump's most outrageous lies, like his "record stock market." Talked about immigrant crime when asked about abortion. No voter could think he'll last 4 more years.
His brains are gushing out of his ears and he needs to be replaced. But they're going to have to just go with Harris and ignore the multi-round process idiots.
That's just not true. Any election with an incumbent is a pure up/down referendum on that incumbent. The only driver of the vote is the incumbent's job approval (Biden=38%). The challenger simply doesn't matter. Even if Trump. They were no factor in 2020, 2012, 2004, 1996 etc. It's never a "choice."
should we go with the guy whose brains are gushing out of his ears and can't parry the most basic idiocy that Trump spews, or his competent and articulate Black VP?
Mayor Eric Adams' 2021 and 2025 mayoral campaigns have refunded some $260,000 in donations from “doing business” donors that were over the $400 limit — far more than any other candidate in New York City history.
Contributions That Exceed Legal Limits Poured Into Eric Adams’ Many of the donations, from people who do business with the city, won’t be officially identified for weeks, allowing the mayor to inflate the size of his campaign haul before the money is refunded.
we're eager for your questions! Grace Howard, a researcher who wrote a new book called The Pregnancy Police, has agreed to answer questions from Bolts readers on all this—so please do submit... or just drop them below!
We want to hear from you: What do you want to know about how pregnancy is being surveilled and criminalized in states—and about the new legal realities since Dobbs? Chime in here, and we’ll try to answer!
Ask Bolts: How Is Pregnancy Send us your questions on how pregnancy is surveilled and criminalized.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sitting on high back thrones and pressing red buttons after 10 white men + Harris audition the "who wants to be President" reality show.... "You're FIRED!" they yell after the button is pressed. Then the Sandman comes in to escort the loser off stage.
Every leftists I know: It should be Kamala today fuck it I don't like her but fuck it she can win against this old fascist bitch. Every democrat with power: 16 round tournament, 3 wild card play-ins, cumulative points against total, winner determined on November 10th.
The mini primary freaks are brain dead imbeciles and need to be ignored
it's one thing they have in common with their major donors
the idea is promoted by Carville, who is basically a cartoon character, so yes
You think that drone just fell out of a coconut tree? It exists in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
I'm more worried about Gantz than Netanyahu
Things that for all of recorded history have been bywords for the timeless and unchanging aspects of existence—the tides, the seasons, even the length of a day—are shifting under our feet and over our heads. If this isn’t a wake-up call we’re probably not asleep but dead already.
no one here is saying anything good about Trump. Biden, of course, keeps the Jerusalem embassy, tries to expand Trump's Apartheid Accords, and rains mass death on Gaza. I'm just saying showing up to stop the sales, and other forms of direct action, will do more good than electoralism at this moment.
but I'm not doing nothing, I'm helping to boycott Citi and shut down real estate sales of stolen Palestinian land.
"A distinct and likely permanent rupture has opened between the radical & accommodationist wings of the Palestine solidarity movement…You’re either all-in against the genocide—i.e., serious about Palestine’s liberation—or you get put into the same category as the reactionaries you claim to deplore."
I will absolutely be putting Palestinians ahead of Americans, not by supporting Trump, but by refusing to vote for Biden.
The ICJ ruling does NOT impose a 2 state solution on Palestinians.
The court also ruled -That Israel still effectively occupies Gaza -That "permanent evacuation orders" are an illegal action which constitute forcible transfer -And that Palestinian self-determination is not conditional and cannot be made conditional by the occupying power.
Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.