Shelly Penton

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Shelly Penton

Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
We are so back to the 1960's: “People used to talk about...trying to control our bodies. Now it’s, they have no business getting involved in these medical decisions,these politicians don’t have medical expertise,they’re making these laws, and they’re not basing it on health care or science.’”
Abortion Debate Shifts as Election Nears: ‘Now It’s About Pregnancy’ Two years after Roe was struck down, the conversation has focused on the complications that can come with pregnancy and fertility, helping to drive more support for abortion rights.
We have a new creature pattering around the house.
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SCOTUS is ruling on Trump's immunity claim on Wednesday, the day before the first presidential debate. If SCOTUS rules that a sitting president has absolute immunity, then Biden has an obligation to do the funniest thing ever at the debate.
Buckle up! SCOTUS schedules an extra opinion-release date for next Wednesday
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
I just love how we have been lectured for decades that the inflated prices we pay are “the price we pay for innovation.” Not that I ever believed it, and while I couldn’t do anything about it I always marveled how effectively we’ve been brainwashed in this country.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
I don't think you can have an honest conversation about the "partisan divide" unless you're honest about the fact that one of just two major parties is waging a fascist assault on democracy, the rule of law, and truth itself
Is the Partisan Divide Too Big to Be Bridged? From the urban and rural divide to the partisan gulf, from religious groups to warring factions on campuses, organizations and funders are cropping up with hope for common ground.
My husband is working the polls today and forgot a book, so I'm texting him random pdfs of books I have in my downloads.
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Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
if there’s any issue on which “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” applies to Biden it’s climate - the IRA has been a tremendous success beyond all expectations and the news on the renewable energy front is excellent depressing to see it lumped in with issues on which he’s actually bad
Hochul’s decision to kill congestion pricing was horrible but seeing a story about Gen Z influencers abandoning Biden over climate policy makes me think pols have absorbed the lesson that lowering emissions just doesn't pay off politically - you make enemies and proponents won't be satisfied.
One of my biggest pet peeves is about anyone who lives outside the South who uses the "survival of the fittest -- these people chose to vote against their interests" line, because it signals to me that they have no idea what they're talking about and are heartless assholes to boot.
3. Nearly 60% of TX's pop is BIPOC, and new pop growth in TX is basically a 10:1 BIPOC to white ratio. So before you fire up your "let them go" hot takes, consider that you'd be advocating for the abandonment of a lot of folks (many disfranchised or inadequately represented) who hate this shit too
Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' The state GOP has backed a referendum on leaving the American Union in its 2024 legislative platform.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
Gonna be a lot of dunking on this today, so as someone who wrote his dissertation on secession movements, let me point out: 1. This is not a majoritarian mvmt. Like 1861 secession in TX, it's a minority coup 2. It looks majoritarian bc of gerrymandering and disfranchisement (1/2)
Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' The state GOP has backed a referendum on leaving the American Union in its 2024 legislative platform.
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Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
Gonna have to add an entire unit to my history classes on "how to look things up now that Google is useless"
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
Lots of confusion between “every great new technology was initially resisted” and “every technology that is initially resisted will be great.”
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
If you’re in academia, you need to read this. And if you’re not in academia, you absolutely definitely have to read this.
On the state of academia today. It's only going to get worse unless govts start to fund public universities properly. #AcademicSky
I'm a Tenured College Professor. I'm Quitting. Here's Americans are letting education fall apart. Politicians are helping it.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
"Dear Editor, I have incorporated all suggestions from reviewer 2, and I hope you find the changes an improvement to the manuscript as a whole."
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Extremism. Courtney Gore of Granbury, TX has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on after finding no evidence students were being indoctrinated by the district’s curriculum.
She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on after finding no evidence that students were being indoctrinated by the district’s curriculum....
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
Google's whole chatbot excursion is incredible to me because they're decided to start paying for a worse version of the same content they get for free, which is also the content that their users actual want!
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
[Pictionary timer buzzes] Picasso: it was a cow Me: it certainly the fuck was not
Are Tesla drivers primarily assholes, or do I notice it more when Tesla drivers do primarily asshole-ish things? is a question that haunts an average of 2 minutes of my driving day, i.e., too much of it.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
Thinking about taking a Supreme Court Vacation, which is when you don't work for four months, shave slightly less frequently, and give a fiery keynote address at the Vlad Dracul Institute's annual Most Dangerous Game Fortnight where you complain about how nasty people can be online these days.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
New Yorker cover
They're in cahoots to do a murder.
Hey, McDonald's...Mother's Day is just around the corner, just sayin...
He's going to be big mad when he realizes what actually radicalizes young people, and it rhymes with volice piolence.
What an asshole.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
This is a bad decision by Columbia’s administration. Maybe you’d like it if these teenagers had let’s say more considered political opinions. The problem is the people most excited for this sort of police action do have well worked-out views, and they’re authoritarians who hate universities.
Reposted byAvatar Shelly Penton
This is a litmus test for liberalism and so many are failing with flying colors. A nonviolent protest against a brutal war violently suppressed with the help of some of the most prominent media and political figures in the country. History will not judge them harshly enough so let's start now.