You didn't know that you needed a picture of a tiny frog riding a giant beetle, but now you do.
The latest cover of the New Yorker:
It's a good thing they are immune to cognitive dissonance.
Trump's friends are saying exactly what they plan to do. Please never vote for a Republican for any office. #TheseAreTheStakes
At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference ... Jack Posobiec, onstage with Trump ally Stephen Bannon, welcomed the crowd “to the end of democracy. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to ... replace it with [a cross]."
Pro-Trump Christian extremists use scripture to justify violent As Donald Trump is deemed a “spiritual warrior,” extremism researchers warn of the menace embedded in Christian nationalist rhetoric.
Plans to ban legal weed and porn might be the sort of thing that gets some less engaged voters and “lol nothing matters” voters to care.
Project 2025 would include banning legal weed, right? We should talk about that one a *lot*
"The group also intends to use controversial AI software to enable mass challenges to the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of voters in competitive states."
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
Biden acts like he has a stutter or something. Oh wait...
And it will be buried by 5 more Biden age articles within the hour, if it's not already.
Considering how it feels like every single election since 2018 has been "Democrats over perform, predicted 'Red Wave' not seen"
Thanks for the gift link. I stopped my subscription last week.
I dunno, I'm kinda digging the kitchen hot tub.
The one time in the last few years I answered a call from a number not in my contact list I instantly regretted it. It was the local police union begging for money.
You know what to do:
IMPORTANT: The website for Jonathan Mitchell's sock puppet org suing Northwestern for "bias against white men" is an open submission form asking for "evidence of race or sex preferences at any university you've been associated with." Just FYI!
Meanwhile, Trump is ranting about bacon and this will receive barely a mention.
Unfortunately, it seems as if people are straight up inured to all of the insanity that spills out.
We came so close to having a better world that day...
I remember moments like that. The quiet times after are very precious.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Shoot, I can't remember right now, but someone I follow today pointed out that Newsom's ex is dating Donny Powder Nose. There would be a daily drop of embarrassing stories.
If you're having a bad day, Gummigoo is rooting for you.
Remember when Trump fell asleep at his own trial, where he was convicted of 34 felonies? Oh, sorry, that's not part of the narrative.
No one I know ever answers their phone for unknown numbers or anyone not on their contacts list. I did once recently for the first time in years as I was expecting something new for business and I immediately regretted it as it was the local police union begging for donations.
Can someone explain why we are even concerned about polls? It doesn't seem like they have been terribly accurate since the whole transition away from landlines and people never answering their phones for fear of scams.
Horrifying. Libraries should be open for everyone, *especially* kids.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
It's an "official act". Everything is legal now.