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trash-talking coonie w/a shit-eatin' grin; she/her/hers

if mayo is your favorite condiment, I'm probably too spicy for you
US Jews are raising the alarm about Project 2025, the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation's 922-page plan to radically restructure U.S. government, not least its full-throated endorsement of a Christian nationalist America
A Christian nationalist America: U.S. Jews raise alarm about GOP's Project ***
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
even Nick Fuentes was derisive when speaking about Vance on Sunday (when he was blaming the Jews for trying to assassinate Trump)
yeah, his supporters are so terrified to show their support for him they not only dress in Trump propaganda clothes, they also deck out their houses and vehicles in pro Trump, any lib paraphernalia
a pretty significant problem with dropping your "he's a fundamental threat to democracy" message when he gets grazed by a bullet is that getting grazed by a bullet does not change whether or not someone is a fundamental threat to democracy. you're telling people it wasn't ever really that serious
I ed my account there almost a year ago and it was on e of the best things I did for my Mental Health
if you support unfettered access to ARs for everyone you shouldn't get to complain when one is misused
Two things can be true: 1. The leader of an anti-democratic movement openly promotes political violence. 2. That same leader is the target of anti-democratic political violence. We don't yet know the connection between (1) and (2) but the message has got to be that both are unacceptable.
If you’re gonna go out there, as a Democrat, saying that Dems should stop today saying this election is a battle between democracy and authoritarianism, you’re doing that while a) the motive of the registered-Republican isn’t even known and b) *Trump* is saying the election is a choice between…
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was at the rally and she said “There is too much hate” and we need to pray for the country. She is wearing a “Know Your Parasites” t-shirt. These people have no self awareness.
A few hours after posting on Facebook that “the left” was responsible for the assassination attempt (without any evidence for the claim), the OR GOP then issued a statement calling “on the media to stop feeding the contentious us-against-them culture amongst Americans.”
Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
Some thoughts this morning: Gun violence is never okay. I fear we are a nation that is moving in the direction where we value gun ownership and violence over lives.
“Boy this is information is gonna make it awkward for them to blame this on the left” No it isn’t, where the fuck have you been for the last decade?
Considering how many of his very vocal and rabid followers are nazi fans who speak highly of Hitler, no that is not putting a target on his back to encourage libs to try to kill him. Must I remind you of these from Trump himself?
Honestly, he could die, of natural causes, in his sleep and the right would create a full on conspiracy about how the dems “really” assassinated him
A reminder that Donald Trump has spent years fanning the flames and fomenting political violence. Recall 2016, when he said the "Second Amendment people" could stop Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court picks if she won. This era of violent political rhetoric should've ended in 2016.
Hey y'all, if you are feeling panic right now I hope you can find a way to disengage. Nothing you can post on bluesky in the next hour is going to change November. Watch some TV! It doesn't even have to be Tudor horse man show! 💖
It’s amazing so it goes without saying that it should be on any & all best books lists
Yesterday was his birthday so I hope he had an awesome day and died painlessly in his sleep
ER doc says a man was shot in the head per CBS news A friend said she heard a woman has died as well and it’s Secret Service took out the shooter. This looks like blood on the stand that was behind the podium. WTH was the shooter thinking? All this will accomplish is more violence
A million times worse. The rhetoric was already violent so you know it’s gonna get so much worse.
“Your honor can you make hating me illegal? 🥺” is smoking me