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Professor Dad. ATLien. Scientist.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Out and about in the city.
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Reposted byAvatar Richard.
This person also “asked ChatGPT” if another writer on the panel went by her middle name or her first initial plus middle name,” instead of just… asking her
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Did I ever tell you all about the time someone introduced me, at a large event, with erroneous info because they had “asked” ChatGPT for my bio?
Friends don't let friends use AI as a reference book.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
We are excited to see you today for Day 1 of #MCLS2024!
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This guy didn't get the memo
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
fund numerical cognition research!
Microsoft invested $13 billion in AI
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
I'm 52 today! If you'd like to get me something, how about you share a few bucks with this exceptional program that provides access to genuine field research for community college students from urban Los Angeles? These folks have been doing it for years and they change lives.
Community College Field Biology Alliance Summer Over the past six years, the Community College Field Biology Alliance has been dedicated to providing hands-on field biology experiences for community college students. These experiences are invaluabl...
niche complaint about some of the coverage of this teenage track star. Framing his result as a "failure" even though he PR'd twice in the biggest races of his life and set U18 records and might still make the relay team.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Quincy Wilson, 16, the young star and rising junior at Bullis School, broke his own high school record and qualified for Monday’s championship race in the 400 meters. Monday evening, Wilson will run one race with a chance to make the Paris Olympics.
Quincy Wilson, 16 and all heart, is one race away from the The young star from Bullis School broke his own high school record and qualified for Monday’s championship race in the 400 meters.
considering that vegas now has a Big Fucking Pyramid and a Big Fucking Sphere, there is a unique opportunity here for the construction of a Big Fucking Cube
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
i almost forgot to re-share this 2021 piece: Sha’Carri Richardson is finally going to the Olympics, but the fact that America's marijuana policy, with all its racist history, is what stopped her remains an injustice
Opinion | Weed shouldn't keep Sha'Carri Richardson from the The Tokyo Olympics would be lessened without Richardson's presence on the track.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
It’s absolutely thrilling to get back to your place just a few minutes before it starts POURING rain. And then you get to open the windows and listen to the soothing sounds of people panicking on the street.
they taught it to say "can you unpack that question?"
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
to add a little more here, it is not that economic anxiety is fake, it is that it cannot be neatly disentangled from racial anxieties. for instance, if you are doing well but see black people doing better, you may feel anxious on account of your internalized idea of what the racial order should be.
i have largely stopped arguing about this on social media because it isn’t fruitful, but this finding gets to why you should be skeptical of theories that try to sideline or excise race from an explanation of the white rural turn toward reactionary politics
Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Researchers have found that when it comes to politics, Black and Latino residents of rural America differ far less, if at all, from their urban counterparts than do non-Hispanic white residents.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
i have largely stopped arguing about this on social media because it isn’t fruitful, but this finding gets to why you should be skeptical of theories that try to sideline or excise race from an explanation of the white rural turn toward reactionary politics
Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Researchers have found that when it comes to politics, Black and Latino residents of rural America differ far less, if at all, from their urban counterparts than do non-Hispanic white residents.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Every album from The Decemberists
submitting proposals and papers like I'm pre-tenure. 😂
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Everybody should watch this video for a reminder of how deeply engrained racism was in US society within living memory. We have made progress, but you cannot pretend that the scars of this aren't still here. I'd say it should be shown in schools, but I believe a number of states have outlawed that.
Watch Reggie Jackson speak absolute unfiltered truth tonight - I watched it twice. He isn't romanticizing shit - just jaw dropping.
Full Reggie Jackson answer to Arod's question about returning to Rickwood Posted in r/baseball by u/Stock412 • 4,147 points and 367 comments
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FROM WOJ: ESPN Sources: JJ Redick has agreed on a four-year contract to become the next coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. Rob Pelinka offered job this morning and Redick’s started working on a staff to surround himself with experience. FROM WOJ: ESPN Sources: JJ Redick has agreed on a four-year contract to become the next coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. Rob Pelinka offered job this morning and Redick’s started working on a staff to surround himself with experience.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
calvin’s dad’s fit goes incredibly hard in this one
Reposted byAvatar Richard.
The Role of Math Games for Children's Early Math Learning: A Systematic Review:
this is very "where were you when livejournal sank?" 😂
This is probably part of why everyone on bluesky is 38 years old: 38 year olds are basically the only people who consider it totally normal to flee a sinking ship and then just casually resume the conversation on the tropical island they end up on. They've outlived dozens of ships.
finally sent a big email I've spent way too long mulling over. response is going to be something like "sure." or "nah." 😭
imagine this amount of fellowship coming out of dissing you. 😬
this is insane
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Reposted byAvatar Richard.
Advice to (junior) academics: please keep some web presence updated (website, Google Scholar, etc.). At several points throughout the year, there are opportunities to nominate you for things, and it is helpful in those nomination processes to be able to point to evidence of your awesomeness.