Proof of Burden

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Proof of Burden

The politics poster your mom warned you about. Impeach, exhume, try, and convict Richard M. Nixon. Occasional earnest lib posting, but sorry about it. Press secretary for The Prophetess of Discourse. Brainworms taxonomist. he/him
This is such a pervasive style choice on her part that I cannot imagine engaging with it as being "bad" at coming up with names Like, you can fairly say it's not your bag, but the layers of on-the-nose, punny names are a feature, not a bug, of her creative process
Pig fattening scams are the "don't trust the hot women you meet on the road" stories of the 21st century
"Biden is great but he needs Pete Buttigieg to say how great he is" is the kind of argument that makes me pinch the bridge of my nose
You, a genius, savvy: Voters don't care about debate content, just vibes! Me, a fool, unsavvy: Seems like the polls hardly budged
Joe Biden contemplating seizing power to right the bad SCOTUS decisions, 2024, colorized
(This is also the plot of every "good guy takes The Ring" to use against Sauron alternate history of Middle Earth, but I digress)
I'll have what she's having!
Just opening bsky to find out if the UK is having a normal one
Two things: 1) If I were trying to sabotage any momentum coming out of this, I'd direct you away from the election and into, I cannot believe this, building a parallel government 2) An authoritarian regime will just dismantle this, and probably shoot you, if it comes near challenging them
To be clear, I think everyone here is making good points in good faith, but I want to point out the *submerged* disagreement: Should the Democrats do symbolic things? Message? Respect practical constraints? There isn't any agreement here or anywhere else!
Don't do this, this was not the Enabling Act, holy fucking shit. It's important---for your mental health, for next steps, for just accurately assessing risks---that we describe this accurately, and the formal end of rule of law this is not
The paraphrase in #2 here is both why I wouldn't have them say it and why you all need to calm the fuck down; Biden's deputy campaign manager didn't say that, that's a whole 'nother sentence
Anyway, please enjoy this picture of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden to better understand my point:
How hard would it be to create a fantasy-football style betting league as an outlet for whatever is going on with *this*
Why stop here? Personally, I think the Democratic Party should just fold up and not run anyone
I admit to being confused by this one; maybe someone misunderstood me using it *ironically* to describe one appealing to raw authority, but anti-authoritarianism is great and we love it here
I fully support this person removing themselves from my life, but it is hard to ignore the juxtaposition of the charge "pro-genocide" with the charge "dweeb", though I am very much one of these things
This guy uses his mute list as a harassment vector and you'd do well to Blockenheimer him Also, he's just viscerally unpleasant in a way that transcends the many disagreements we have
Little offended of being accused of claiming to support socialist causes or nationalist projects!
And the last of the new ones that amuse me, I want it known I do this all pro bono My God, what's wrong with me, but I am not a professional!
This is, awkwardly enough, not the case, whatever you think the right answer is
Avatar, I know posting isn't much, but if wondered if you've done any good with it, this was the second image that popped up when I googled "plane bias meme"
Apropos of nothing, please enjoy this picture of Joe Biden
"We most oppose fascism at all costs. That is why I'm uncritically accepting Donald Trump's assertion that there is no need to debate whether or not Biden should be President"
It's subtle enough to miss, but Trump doesn't actually have to make his case to the press. They don't agree, in fact, they mostly *disagree*, but it's no obstacle to his election that he's inarticulate and his arguments don't make sense in transcript form
The who what now assigns committees??? Does censure???
The only time POTUS speaks in public is at debates and by not scheduling one for the primaries the DNC deprived us of the only way to know if last night was his usual demeanor or not