
Maybe people just don’t know what dementia is? When the Dalai Lama did something gross and shocking in full on public, seemingly oblivious to the judgment of others — after which we basically never saw him again — I thought that sounded like actual dementia, but people insisted no!
At the time I was like “gosh maybe I’m biased here okay!” (because while I don’t consider the Dalai Lama a perfectly enlightened being or anything I did respect him more or less) but now I’m wondering if people think normal old person stuff is full on dementia.
Several people have just outright said they think every old person gets dementia and im legit angry about it
what drives me up the wall is that the very thing that hobbled him in the first 15 of the debate — trying to cram in a ton of facts and figures and references that he clearly committed to memory over the previous few days — is a thing that people who actually have dementia normally can't do well.
slightly more mentally demanding than, say, assuming every question should be answered with “illegals are coming over the border and will cause the apocalypse”
The whole “build the wall” thing was just Trump’s campaign giving him an easy sound bite to remember to bring up immigration.
Over Christmas, I went to see my grandparents. My grandma read the same letter out loud five times in an hour, never remembering that she had and didn't know who it was from or who it was referencing. I left that visit convinced I've talked to her for the last time and didn't know it+
NOTHING I've seen Biden do or say makes me think he's there or heading there.
Yeah, and speaking of, what the hell was his debate prep team thinking? Figure out a bunch of folksy ways of calling Trump a low life and coward and call it a day.
Conventional wisdom going into the debate was he needed to nail it with a bunch of groups and he showed up with the facts in hand to do it
Unfortunately and ironically trying to get AHEAD of the dementia rumors would be my best guess
He was trying to one-punch KO Trump, and that's not a viable strategy for fighting him
This was also my take! His *physical* condition spooked me, but nothing about his performance suggested dementia.
What's making me queasy now is that I have to balance any assurance Dem leaders give about Biden's health with the fact that they covered up Feinstein's putrescing in her chair. Sigh.
i mean, you could just choose not to do that
You might consider that Dem leaders had no incentive to narc on Feinstein. Had disincentive, in fact, since McConnell wouldn’t allow her replacement on Judiciary. The many Dems leaking concern re Biden are already showing that this is a very different situation.
It’s just not his style. He’s a big picture guy, a story teller. The facts and figures are seasoning, but it’s like he had a mouth full of pepper.
It's definitely being bandied about as some vague "old person doesn't think too good" thing, which is also extremely obvious to anyone, according to them.
Yeah it’s very unfair to two groups at once, it way undersells how hard dementia is to deal with and also writes off the many old people who stay with it until the very end. Also — don’t we all want to be in group two?? No wonder they’re so scared of getting old if they think dementia is inevitable
I felt similarly when Bush Sr did those inappropriate things in elderly age, as no patterns exist, afaik, of him doing that sort of stuff in presidential, young or midlife
Yeah same story for the Dalai Lama too afaik (though I understand that for both of them and other such figures obviously we can never truly know)
curiously have you seen that Savile doc on Netflix. It’s compelling and excellent — and also I’m unsure I could recommend it because it’s kind of traumatic to watch in some ways
I have seen it I think, or one like it!!! It is so very weird and uncomfortable to watch him, like, basically not even hide it
Yeah I bring it up because his patterns were so obvious in public. I just wonder if we’d hear about it if Bush Sr was a handsy guy in his younger years, like we did about JFK adultery and so forth
Yeah, it’s obvious that a lot of people just never interact with the elderly. My late father-in-law died a couple of years back at age 94. Even when he was incredibly frail and near the end of his life he was still aware of what was going on (and boy did he hate Trump).
My great uncle died at 94 some years back. He was quite frail physically and he was nevertheless reading, emailing, involved in projects, mentally sharper than most 30 year olds, literally up to the end, hours before he died in his sleep (his heart simply gave out, as they say).
died of TMBD as they say: Too Many Birthdays
Dealing with my mom’s dementia was the saddest thing I’ve ever experienced. It is a horror movie where a once vital person battles their brain for an accepted reality. The brain always wins.
My mother just died at 85 and she had the mind of a thirty year old. For good and bad.
My grandfather stayed very involved with the family business until he died (at 93 iirc). Naturally sometimes we wished he would retire and worried about why he wouldn’t but I think it was good for everybody in a lot of ways
We used to say my grandfather was too mean to die. He was 96 and still caring for 1,000 head of cattle.
my partner's dad had similar comments about him, he did finally retire (was an electrician at a very large airport) and passed a few years after
I said this the other day, I challenge anyone to take on my mother at 80. She just served as a pro tem judge and did a great job.
My mother, just last year, got into a pretty heated discussion with my teenaged son about Rene Descartes. She was steamed for a week because she couldn’t talk sense to the stubborn teenager.
Damn. They really want to manifest a literal Logan's Run in our reality. (I have had relatives make it to 100, or damn near it, and still have their ability to remember, plan, and reason)