
my steelman reply is that the realistic best case scenario for American democracy involves a constitutional crisis in the next 8 years where SCOTUS issues an unconstitutional ruling and a Dem Pres+Congress say "no", and Dems need to make sure that the public is on their side when this happens
the realistic best case is that the two worst justices die and are replaced with significantly better justices imo
if 1 is worst and 9 is best, then 1, 2, 6, and 9 are all in the Greater Mortality Zone.
I’m shocked you think SS better than KBJ
Give me another five years of KBJ track record and I’ll reassess
Start a "more bacon/whiskey/cigar/cocaine/extremely vigorous sex workers for specific justices" fund. We can get this done for $20m a pop.
trying to compete with Harlan Crow, are we
The market is the market.
This sounds like the Fat Leonard strategy…
I think the actuarial tables make this unrealistic but yes, that would be better
one flip puts us back in “this is fine” territory
Aren't Alito & Thomas the two oldest justices? Hasn't Thomas been in & out of the hospital the past few years? I could have sworn I read Alito had a documented heart problem.
and Roberts has seizures, so it’s not like any of these are super unlikely
Crucial that Biden wins this year and that the next Dem wins in 2028. Both these guys will be in their 80s and then we would be oh so close to a 5-4 Dem court
I mean if we get 4+ years in 28 the odds get extremely good on Roberts as well.
FYI of the 15 justices appointed since Kennedy, not including the current court, only one (Fortas) died before the age of 80; Scalia, at 80, was the second-youngest to die, followed by Rehnquist (81) and Goldberg (82). The remaining 11/15 lived to the age of 85, and at least four made it to 90
(Also the added stress of their positions. not the job itself, but being constantly and righteously criticized. Stuff like that gives old assholes heart attacks)
Thomas is 76, Alito is 74, their life expectancy per SS actuarial tables is 10 and 11 years, respectively. You can argue about heart problems etc but OTOH they are both rich and have excellent health and I think neither of them is a smoker, so it would be higher.
and then - Dems would need *both* to die and they would have to control Pres+Senate when *both* died and also Rs can't control Pres+Senate between now and then because they can strategically retire!
I guess someone who knows their health status better can throw it into an actuarial calculator
I think the future ability of Rs to stonewall is significantly overstated
It is true that if Trump wins this year then it’s a Trump court forever though
I suspect thomas will/would straight up refuse to retire strategically. alito probably would be okay being a team player.
I mean there was a window for them to retire in 2017/8 and they didn’t
Thomas does not have excellent health and mortality after being hospitalized for pneumonia is trash
also Thomas has been on the cover of Cigar Aficionado iirc? he smokes cigars
Thomas's mother AND father are both still living, and parental lifespan is the #1 predictor for one's own. I am not saying he's fit as a fiddle, but he's very likely to stick around for an intolerable number of years.
mortality is the problem that catches us all.
sorry should have read excellent health *care*
big win plus thomas or alito dying moderates the court imo. roberts is too much of an institutionalist and would recognize decades of his life’s work to immiserate people would be at risk of being undone over a decade if they get too radical in that scenario
I think even losing the senate and keeping the WH gets us somebody reasonable if one of those seats opens
McConnell was able to stonewall because that would have flipped the whole court.
And realistically he only needed to do it for a few months; it’s not like we were going to fill the seat in November. But 2-3 years? Not a chance.
McConnell's gone next year, and the Senate R caucus looks more and more like the House version every year. I would bet $100 to your $50 that an R Senate does not confirm a D justice nominated by Biden
If Harlan Crow's private jet ever has engine problems, we are back in business.
"The wheels fall off Clarence Thomas' motorhome, and Sam Alito chokes on a tastykake" might produce the least perilous deus ex machina out of the republic's predicament, but it doesn't address any of the manifest structural problems that give rise to, well, them
I mean, maybe it's true we can't fix our problems without creating even bigger problems "the realistic best case for the future of the republic as that two or more specific publish officials should die" might be objectively correct but is still an insane place for a democracy to find itself
I’m not sure there really are manifest structural problems, we got Mad Unlucky
Like maybe it’s a slight conservative skew but basically we needed Thurgood Marshall and RBG to live another year each
It's not just SCOTUS though, the entire federal bench has ossified itself resistant to democratic accountability. The only realistic ways to flip the 5th Cir would be to hold the presidency and senate for the next 40 years, or for [redacted] to do [redacted] to a courthouse during an en banc hearing
And yeah, some of isn't structure it is just personnel (any public office in any gov't is gonna look bad with Aileen Cannon and Matt Kacsmaryk running things), but that doesn't mean there aren't big structural problems that need addressing
(Personally, I think we should abolish the regional circuits and make every 3-judge panel drawn randomly from the full pool of 179 judgeships. Can't stack the 5th Cir if there's no 5th Cir. Also, Congress changing the courts of appeals will bore voters and the media compared to changing SCOTUS)
that’s partially structure and I think we have a pretty good shot at reform there
Still have to get past the filibuster problem like every other reform, but otherwise the 5th seems pretty amenable to packing. Gotta expand to deal with all the pop growth in Texas, after all. To the extent that voters even care about "packing", it is solely SCOTUS that'll land on their radar.
There's an asymmetry where Republicans can get the media to care about any old nonsense like Uranium One and Burisma, so I'm not confident court reform efforts would be so off the radar, but certainly it would be better than the media reaction to reforming SCOTUS
well, the main realistic path is that you get 50 Dem Senators+VP that are willing to abolish the filibuster to reform the courts
The hole is really deep at the 5th and individual senators are really powerful even without the filibuster