
we need to go real low. repeatedly kicking them in the crotch with steel-toed boots low. taking em out at the Achilles tendon low
yeah why should the GOP chuds have a monopoly on saying quiet parts out loud. "when they go low we go high" simply does NOT work with that crowd
Not even "going low". Just be brutally blunt to the public. "My opponent's a fucken felon. He's a crook. A fraud. A fascist and a wannabe dictator. Why the ever-living fuck they picked him A THIRD TIME is beyond me, and so, ONCE A FUCKING GAIN we need to tell him to just fuck all the way November 5"
"The reason you are bored of this shit, and the reason you're uneasy about the country falling apart is Trump. He's the reason. Since he came down those escalators he's fucked up this whole country, unleashed the worst impulses of the worst people, and you feel it too. Tell him to GFY November 5."
"I have a plan to make the economy great, to repair shit he broke when he opened the pandora's box of fascism, and I fucking wish our convo this cycle was about that plan, but it's not, because they picked him AGAIN, and so AGAIN we are stuck in fucking purgatory til yall tell him to fuck off Nov 5"
They really need to match the energy of all the millions of people who are irritated AF and pissed off at the GOP and Trump. Screw policy. People need to feel it.
They need to validate the public emotion: say they also feel what the public feels, that they understand why they feel that way, and tell them you think it fucking sucks too, the reason is because Rs picked him AGAIN, you're really tired of this shit, and we need to tell him once and for ever to FO.
You need to give everyone the emotional vent of saying "yeah, this is real, and we're sick of it too, this election let's fucking end it" to even open up the space in the middle to talk about policy. Otherwise you're talking down folks' emotional "vibes are fucked" feeling and they resent you for it
And you need to focus it: "the reason you think vibes are fucked is because vibes are fucked, but the reason the vibes are fucked is because Trump fucked those vibes for everyone. To fix the vibes, we gotta tell him to FO, and then we can worth together to build a future that's great for everyone"
That's why I also think they need to go all-in with things like Senate hearings for Alito. Yelling at the powerful for a few days works wonders for public opinion.
yes the public is dying for someone to match their level of anger at this bullshit above it all “we go high” shit really does not meet the people where they are right now
I have posted before about how the average very offline resistance lib's opinion of Trump at this point is "someone should shoot that motherfucker on fifth avenue" what people are really begging is for someone, preferably the entire party but at the very least Biden, to match that energy
If I was a Dem strategist, I would be pushing "Convicted Felon and Accused rapist Donald Trump" on EVERY AD. Piss him off to the point where he keeps not only making mistakes, but also showing no remorse for his actions and hopefully get him for other crimes like Libel or Slander.
As it grew clear Trump lost in 2020, I was shocked how much rage welled up in me that finally seemed safe to go ahead and feel. I was SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME when he was pres, but that was just *spillover* from what I was suppressing in order to function. Have a hunch I'm not alone in that.
My main problem with Biden AND his whole administration is they haven't given the base any red meat. I want scalps.
Oh yeah, huge problem with the Democratic consultant class is that they have overt disdain for doing emotional politics. Like they're all policy nerds so they think that's the only register anyone should ever engage in? Gotta take classes from Bill Clinton
They also think that being visibly smarter than the other candidate means you win the election when that is demonstrably not the case. It's like they never got past being on their high school debate team.
Obama could be very good at that sometimes, but whether it was his own personality, academic legal background, or the influence of some of his staff, he also went cool, rational, policy-focused too many times considering who his political opponents were.
Biden needs you on his team desperately, like, PAID
I hear you seriously but revolution wise, you are sure as shit never getting any change happening under Trump. I know.
And with biden we get the slow boiled frog Both result in a dead frog We need to continue the broad solidarity movement to tell biden to step down and the DNC fuck you, you work for us
Think this through better. Netanyahu likes Trump, he wants Trump to win bc Trump will back him all the way. He’ll increase the weapons we send and will have them all stenciled with “Finish them”
That's not going to happen and even if it did it would be a gigantic mistake. 1. A political incumbent is generally favored in an election over someone less known. 2. There are no other contenders. Certainly not anyone that can be sold on the public just 5 months before the election.
Have fun trying to protest atrocities in other countries if Trump's gets back into office and activists are being snatched off the streets into unmarked vans again like they were in 2020.
I sat with a local Dem official at a county party event last summer - it was a relief to hear someone say this. He’ll get my vote every time.
Biden's anger translator?
I would LOVE it if Keegan-Michael Key would do this for Biden. Maybe an SNL skit where he's training one?
SNL should say it. However, that wouldnt gain votes. Alas.
I can just picture the hand-wringing op-eds being written in the NYT and Wapo if this happened.
"It's alienating 1/3rd of the country!" "No. It's ostracizing them, which is different."
"Also, that's why you feel like the economy is bad because you're fuckin' scared everything good is temporary and then Trump will break it all with his fascist buddies, so why don't we stop being like 'polite fash are okay' and get rid of all of them"
That really is a good script
He installed (or greased the skids for) his sycophants in all levels of gummint, so it will take an extended cleansing to repair much of the damage. Plus the loss of good professionals who resigned in disgust or were driven out.
1100% in support of this. That said, there's no way democrats know how to do this effectively. It'll just turn into "at least we aren't this guy" and have blow up in their faces.
Because that’s the only thing Democrats agree on. Most Democratic voters are assholes. I’m still voting a straight Democratic ticket, because I’m not a moron.
Well sure. A boy can still dream about competent leadership.
I think you have to recognize that, leadership right now, must be concentrated on winning the election. Unfortunately, the way the electoral college is gerrymandered, those assholes are a prime voting block. We can’t win without them I think Biden has been pretty competent at negotiating it all
I read "going low" and forgive me the mental image of Joe Biden wearing apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur (WITH THE FUR) popped into my head
The only moment anybody remembered (or liked) about Biden's participation in the debates last time was when he told Trump to shut up.
"A liar, rapist, conman, and thief who despises and preys on ordinary Americans."