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(Also Cass) 🔞 member of the "Bricks to Fascist's Faces" party. fat, genderqueer, multi-fandom. this is a "freaks only" NSFW space. "If it's fic, it's fine." (they/them, 30s)
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Get you a man who dresses like this
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Can we all stop pretending like Covid is just a cold or a flu now
Covid acts way more like airborne HIV (with Long Covid being the AIDS portion) than any damn cold or flu. And we’ve all been left to rot in it
SARS-CoV-2 infections have a long-term impact on the immune system | MedUni Viennawww.meduniwien.ac.at
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Istg I wish I lived in the universe liberals think we live in. Do they think we're in The West Wing, with Will & Grace and The West Wing is actually working to help us while Will & Grace are promoting Trans-gender rights and protections to The West Wing? Cause that's not happening now.
C'mon, Jack! If we cure cancer, pharmaceutical companies won't make as much money, and that's bad for democracy.
Now, now. Maybe *this* time peaceful protests and voting harder will actually work, despite the thousands of times it never has! 😀 (yes, sarcasm lol)
4/10 for the insult. At least it was mildly funny. Unlike your political ignorance.
"Biden doesn't support genocide" says person who thinks Jeff Bezos doesn't support Amazon.
Last night was unsettling to say the least.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Dearest Democrats currently flipping out over Project 2025, If you had been paying attention the last 8 years you would have noticed all the Anti LGBTQ legislation that has made its way through your cities and states. Project 2025 is here in Red States already & *WE* need you angry about it NOW.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
You want to end suffering? What are you, some kind of communist?
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
I think a big mistake liberals make is constantly making up an imagined "normal voter" in their heads to triangulate their opinions around. NO! What do YOU THINK? What do THE PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW BELIEVE?
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
“But their pronouns are goofy!” Eat shit. “They want to be called fae/faer!” Eat broken glass. “Okay but we should not allow them to put this on their birth certificate or drivers liscences.” Eat shit spread on a pane of broken glass.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Just a reminder that transphobia includes hate against nonbinary people, and if you are willing to overlook one kind of transphobia because someone doing it is calling out a different kind that more directly affects you, you may want to sit with that.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
IMO, people should be afraid to admit they support Trump
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
“The political hate needs to stop” ok, get back to me when he wants me to be alive 🤷
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
I need mutual aid I'm disabled, and my partner was laid off. Pls help I need like 3k for rent atm (we live near LA) venmo: glitchwitch420 cashapp: givepancake
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
This includes garden clubs, volunteer groups, immigrant rights orgs, prisoner rights orgs, climate justice orgs, abortion rights orgs... the list is endless.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Because whatever happens in November, we're going to need people in the coming years. Find a group of folks and plant some roots for a few years. See what happens.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Jailed for wearing a COVID mask? Yes, that is literally what could happen if the NY Mask Ban goes through which would make "deceptive mask wearing" a class b misdemeanor. TAKE ACTION: covidadvocacyny.org/stopmaskbanny #NoNYMaskBan #COVIDIsntOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #Disability
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Historically bizarre messaging to be telling people that fascism is at the gates and this is the most historic election of all time. Also we're going to put forth a semi conscious candidate and stop campaigning so the temperature can turn down and we wish Hitler 2 a speedy recovery
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
Do not obey in advance.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
Reposted byAvatar Fallon
People: Could u please eminent domain and buy unused land to then build subsidized housing on please? Mayors: Absolutely not, do not ask again or I will call the police Condo developers: Can you-- Mayors, writing a check for $20M: Say less