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I don't know yet, but when I figure it out.... you'll be the first to know.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reskeet with 4 random facts about you: 1. I have lost passion for many things/activities I used to enjoy, but actively trying to get them back. 2. I love animé 3. Sometimes, even I think I have too many interests/hobbies, but I can't help it 4. I wish I could clone myself so I could master them
reskeet with 4 random facts about you: 1. I turn 39 in exactly 1 month 2. I broke both of my legs same time age 8 3. I have a paralyzed stomach which is called gastroparesis due to a botched surgery that tried to kill me for half of my 20s 4. I met Lucy Dacus the night she wrote Night Shift
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
I hope y’all are out there having a good day and I hope whatever has been heavy on your mind gets resolved soon.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
CALLED IT!!!!! CALLED IT!!!! We went from "it's not happening" to "it's too late" in the blink of the eye! Fuck these guys--remember they are LYING FOR MONEY and it's never too late to reduce emissions! Things get more bad as we fling more carbon into the atmosphere on a sliding scale!
Please sit down before you read this post. So. The CEO of Exxon-Mobil just said this in an interview: "We’ve waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets in terms of what we need, as a society, to start reducing emissions." There's more... 🧵 (1/n)
Exxon Mobil CEO on the 'dirty secret' of Net Zero: 'People who are generating the emissions need to be aware ... and pay the price' "The dirty secret nobody talks about is how much all this is going to cost and who's willing to pay for it," Darren Woods said on Fortune’s Leadership Next podcast.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
The power of the users has once again enabled the developers to reproduce this bug consistently. We all thank you for your service 🫡 To thank everyone else for their service, please repost or respond with this image.
paging all bluesky users: reply to this post to assist in reproing a bug.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
This also officially makes us a real app. You're not a real app unless you show up in the share sheet.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
paging all bluesky users: reply to this post to assist in reproing a bug.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Families paid for an "immersive" Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow that turned out to be a hilariously cut-rate disaster, duped by a man who advertised with AI-generated art. Turns out he previously used AI to write garbage conspiracy books for Amazon:
Huckster Behind ‘Willy Wonka’ Event Also Sells AI-Written Vaccine Conspiracy Entrepreneur whose botched 'Willy Wonka' event went viral peddles AI-written books about vaccine conspiracies and human trafficking
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Remarkable how many people found it easier to believe a healthy sixteen year old dropped dead in the family living room 24 hours after having their head slammed into a bathroom floor than to consider the possibility that cops lie
Fight hasn’t been ruled out as cause of Nex Benedict’s death, police Lt. Nick Boatman told NBC News that previous statements that Nex Benedict didn’t die as a result of “trauma” didn’t rule out the fight as a contributing factor.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
so much of the pronoun bullshit is just people being angry at being asked to treat others with a basic level of respect you don't have to understand gender dysphoria or being nonbinary or neopronouns to just... respect people's wishes about how they want to be addressed
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
“The Economy” is the worst of humanity banding together to hoard everything they can away from the rest of us
via The Washington Post: “About 50 percent of the labor market’s extraordinary recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024, according to an Economic Policy Institute analysis of federal data.“
The economy is roaring. Immigration is a key Momentum in the job market picked up aggressively over the past year — all while Washington is deadlocked on a border deal.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
y’all have GOT to stop giving attention to obvious trolls
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Book industry open secret, folks: If a title on a NYT bestseller list features a dagger in its description? Like this? (†) It means they've made it to bestseller status through suspicious means, specifically bulk-buy orders instead of sales to individual customers. They're scammin'.
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Please read this great article about the Biden economy and share the news with your friends and neighbors. Many people don’t realize how great America is doing compared to the rest of the world. We can’t stop now! #TrumpIsNotAnOption
The 5-Minute Fix from The Washington
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
Still jarring to see this just plainly said in a headline
Reposted byAvatar Eugene
I will never let it be forgotten that the largest newspaper in the country published a 4,500-word essay comparing trans youth like Nex Benedict to a contagion.
Anti-trans bills keep citing the New York “By any objective measure, the paper seems clearly devoted to advocating against this care.”