
CALLED IT!!!!! CALLED IT!!!! We went from "it's not happening" to "it's too late" in the blink of the eye! Fuck these guys--remember they are LYING FOR MONEY and it's never too late to reduce emissions! Things get more bad as we fling more carbon into the atmosphere on a sliding scale!
Please sit down before you read this post. So. The CEO of Exxon-Mobil just said this in an interview: "We’ve waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets in terms of what we need, as a society, to start reducing emissions." There's more... 🧵 (1/n)
Exxon Mobil CEO on the 'dirty secret' of Net Zero: 'People who are generating the emissions need to be aware ... and pay the price' "The dirty secret nobody talks about is how much all this is going to cost and who's willing to pay for it," Darren Woods said on Fortune’s Leadership Next podcast.
We should simply stop putting out emissions, and also, while we're at it, if we're going to fling anything, fling their lying asses out the door of anything that approaches policy making.
The best way to handle these guys is to sue them into oblivion for lying about climate change and destroying the planet while taxing them individually until they're forced to stop flying around in their private jets to give talks like this.
Anyway, he's just fucking wrong: as half-assed as our response has been, we are still nearing peak carbon, and cleaner technology is getting cheaper by the kilowatt hour. It is not too late: we are going to do the thing.
The question we have is how many people will die before we get it done, not "can we do it."
Just to be clear: I block people who claim that we're doomed and nothing can be done. I don't care what your reason is.
"What about India and China" Well first, they're producing things for our consumption, so... that's partially a question about us. Second, when China decides to deal with global warming it will switch its economy to non-carbon faster than you can possibly imagine.
I'm with you on that, on every subject. Rising fascism, rising sea level or temps, anything. It is never too late to TRY.
Them: “We need to go to Mars and terraform because that’s way easier than just cleaning up the environment on Earth!” Me: “Wait. What?! GTFOH.”
Dooming is just another way of supporting the status quo. You just get to feel a little edgier about it.
I've just stumbled onto your feed but I already love you. As someone who has paranoid thoughts about society collapsing because climate change (and even expressed it here!), It's so good to not feel crazy about being optimistic about climate change.
We have reduced acid rain by 60% over the last 50 years. These things can be done we just have to stop feeling powerless. I did a small part by helping to disallowing smoking in public venues.
[& also, solar and wind are already much MUCH cheaper than coal and natural gas. The only people who have to sacrifice for clean energy are, like, CEOs of oil and gas companies. I don't know if this is common knowledge; sorry if I'm wasting people's time.]
a true genius friend of mine whose career specialty has been life support/recycling systems for space travel is working hard on building a facility to scrub co2 from ocean water. she’s not the only one! her proof of concept was 1000x more effective than other existing methods.
there’s lots of hope. obviously we must cut emissions or it won’t catch up but there’s lots of hope.
There is a lot of hope. I have a lot of hope. I also fear that it’s going to take something truly awful before people snap out of…whatever we’re in right now, but I have hope.
That sounds incredible. Can you share more info? I'm poking around at some searches but probably not coming up with the right results.
Part of me wants to find every C-suite fossil fuel exec who knew about climate change from the 1970s onward and lay them down by the Great Barrier Reef so that their flesh can feed crabs, their calcium can be dissolved and consumed by new corals, and otherwise transubstantiate them into wildlife.
the rest of you I presume is not so forgiving.
No, the rest of me knows that when vengeance is used to direct public policy, rather than consensus, you generally get worse outcomes, all the way up to fascism.
Yup. Absolutely. And then we should donate it to the areas hit most by climate change and of course all those oil spills the companies almost never have to cough up for.
California’s oil spill is proof that climate action is worth the Oil companies are supposed to be responsible for cleanup costs, but don't pay for everything.
We have plans & expertise to build a working catapult. We know where active volcanoes are. I am down for some flinging.
Yup. They were in "not happening" mode for the better part of a century and then when it became obvious they were lying through their crusty teeth, it became "can't stop it, oh well"
Plus the beauty of "it's not our fault, it's your fault for using our product."
"Why did you believe our lies?"
The fact we very deliberately obliterated the alternative products or made them prohibitively expensive is totally by the by.
"we spent decades paying politicians not to listen to you so it's actually your fault"
No one gaslights like the gas industry!
It's tobacco all over again. :(
Nationalize and wind down the fossil fuel industry
There is an aperture that I would like to open, and insert my pointy steel toed boot
it really pisses me off that these companies in particular sabotaged efforts to create a car engine that doesn’t run on oil and gas. our hybrid and electric cars could’ve been incredible by now. those companies didn’t even want to improve what we already have because it’d cut into their profits.
If society insisted that if it is to late every single denier that made money off it (and their heirs) should be stripped of all possessions and those funds used to mitigate damage I bet they'd think we could probably do something still.
We should do this anyway.
4-Stage Strategy: "Nothing is going to happen." "Something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it." "Maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we can do." "Maybe there was something we could have done, but it's too late now."
The Four Stage Wise words from 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister'.
I think Stephen Colbert called it on his Colbert Réport show: 1. Denial 2. Denial 3. Denial 4. Denial 5. Acceptance
At least Sir Humphrey is entertaining and clever in his steadfast refusal to make any progress.
I find it both amazing and depressing how a program ostensibly about UK politics in the 1980s remains 95% applicable to US politics in the 2020s. And probably Sumerian politics in whenever-BC. Any large population produces bureaucrats, and bureaucracy, like war, never changes.
It just goes to show that people are the problem in any system. All it takes is one person who sucks to slowly rot in from the inside.
Gawd. Right on schedule. It’s scripted.
Time to explore the viability of tarring and feathering as a method of carbon capture
Even if it's not, I'd be willing to donate toward some carbon offset credits...
Can't imagine why my mind immediately went to Aperture Science. Hrm.
it’s hard to overstate my satisfaction