Angus MacDonald

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Angus MacDonald

@LittleAngus on the T;
Northern Alta California, between Sacramento and Oakland; he/him; married; old.
Sarcasm in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Earth to MSM.
If any of these governors appear on any news show the first question they get needs to be "why do you want poor children to starve?"
Conservatives say raising the minimum wage would drive up inflation. But the federal minimum wage hasn't gone up since 2009. Average CEO pay has gone up about 60% since 2009. Whose pay is contributing to inflation?
the Munsters could start acting and dressing normal and people wouldn't notice they're draculas or franklinsteins or whatever. whereas with the Addams family, one of them is a hand
way back in my family tree i found a lady named "Roxy Jones" and I was struck by what a great name that is and then i found her full name and it was Roxilla. absolutely iconic
Guess who just got home from dinner to find her driveway full of raccoons?
Lessons I've learned from the LLM era (list to be expanded, probably): 1. Sufficiently advanced autocomplete is indistinguishable from an impossibly well-read toddler on peyote. 2. Almost any decision has the potential to be a life-or-death decision, if you're bad enough at it.
this is so depressing i thought it was a joke at first and i am aghast to realize it is not
i’d really appreciate some help here if anyone is able to buy anything at all it’d mean the world. 💕💸
💸💕 MA hi lovelies. i have to try raise funds soon towards my 🍃 meds but until then i’m okay🤞 however, there are a couple things i need help with from my wishlist; cat litter, covid tests, electrolytes bc dysautonomia.. please share + consider helping if u can🫂💕💸
Check out my list on
MA request: £405 to cover medical 🍃 for mental health + chronic pain ‼️ disabled + queer + i need help funding this month’s prescription as i’m still out of work and it’s very unlikely i’ll be in working condition soon. i wish i could do more. please help if u can 💕💸
Make a band more fruity Ju Ju Bee Gees
Make a band more fruity The Alan Persimmons Project
The delight of a dazzling fireworks display unlike ever before quickly faded Thursday night when local spectators realized that the explosions illuminating the night sky were actually just malfunctioning Boeing planes attempting to make routine takeoffs from Sea-Tac Airport.
SeaTac 4th of July Fireworks Show Just Boeing Jets Taking Off from Airport:
Our political system is the epitome of self-serving evil.
one word is "lebensraum"
There’s a word for forcibly displacing an entire population I can feel it
Why are we supporting a criminal running for President?
make a band more vegetable Tears for Pears.
make a band more vegetable korpikaleni
Hey, writer friends, did you know you can give yourself a real migraine by concentrating really hard on imagining the sounds & feelings of a scene where something gives your character a migraine? ✍️🧠⚡️🤕 Can’t say “0/10 would not try again” b/c scene came out great, but if you try it plan accordingly!
It's genuinely helpful that the press has successfully signalled that they will not treat Kamala Harris generously or fairly if Biden steps aside for her. Clarifying!
I mostly learned that from Yellowjackets
It’s so funny that AI is already a dire existential threat to humanity but only because of the carbon emissions necessary to run it
psst. hey buddy. wanna buy some serotonin? *opens one side of trenchcoat to reveal bird pictures*
The entire GOP/cons movement agenda, regardless of year, regardless of name, has been the same for half a century. They want to obliterate all progress of the last century. All of it. Anemic fed that does courts, prison and military. Everything for sale to entirely unregulated corporations.
we’re gonna have to waste time teaching kids this shit doesn’t work because silicon valley guys are too stupid to understand the sunk cost fallacy
Well this is grim
Read this, share this widely
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Me: you know liberal apologia is big reason why conservatives are comfortable being openly racist towards Kamala White liberals: I literally fell out of a coconut tree please explain scare quotes, context, and history to me