
The main contention today from the conservative justices is that we should worry more about the harm/threat of politically-motivated prosecutions of ex-presidents than of presidents criminally abusing their power. It’s just an insanely naive, ahistorical understanding of how political power works.
I don’t think it’s a sincere view; it’s an insincere justification.
Fair. I wanted to toss in “disingenuous” but I ran out of characters.
Is there a legal version of's "Up-Goer Five"? Like, a legal explainer using the "Ten Hundred Words Lawyers Use The Most Often"?
There are plenty of characters - Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas ....
with the Supreme Court majority as with Trump, there are real cognitive/epistemological failings but they seem downstream of malice
I dunno, I think it's partly sincere, in that the GOP justices really believe that (white, Christian) conservatives are uniquely persecuted in America. Especially so whenever a Democrat is in the White House.
Can’t make a Caesar without breaking a few constitutional clauses.
i remember orin kerr making this same argument on twitter in the months following J6
That's their motto but in Latin. "fictus iustificationem" Jesus this better not be a bullshit AI translation
There's a real wanna be celebrities vibe with the current supreme court. I wonder if that is a partial motivation for injecting themselves everywhere.
Justice Ketanji-Brown (IIRC) made a pretty strong closing argument that failing to hold presidents accountable crimes is AT LEAST as concerning as the conservatives' worry-beading about post-presidential, political prosecutions.
She is *such* a positive addition to this Court. Every time she speaks I feel smarter.
It feels like the only hope America has is to have sufficient majorities in both houses of Congress to impeach Alito.
We don't talk about the pelican brief.
Democrats aren’t going to have 2/3rds of the Senate anytime soon, and if they did, they still wouldn’t impeach Alito
Samuel Alito is an enemy of America and needs to be held accountable for this
I hope (without conviction) today's questions from rightwing of the Court don't reflect the opinions that they'll write. Today, Justices Alito & Thomas functioned as the "Devil's Advocate" in the Catholic sense. The only thing I know *for certain* about the future is that it has not happened yet.
I strikes me that SCOTUS Justices frequently ask those questions or push the advocates. IMHO, court-watchers always misunderstand this b/c they're looking through a very political lens. But the Justices are generally trying to see the limits of a given argument as it can affect other things. 1/
I make no judgment on Alito's politics or motives. He has a point regardless. Malicious & political prosecutions are not exactly unknown and can have long-term political consequences. (See 2/
Trial of Ted Stevens -
Yet I don't agree with the premise of the question and sincerely hope it was intended to push the respondent. Acknowledging that in reality Presidents stretch the law and even reshape it (Lincoln is a good example!) we should be extraordinarily careful in saying it simply doesn't apply to them. 3/
Because that's something that legitimately could destroy the American Republic, whether or not it destroys Democracy. But my view is that Democracy without the Republican institutions would be a very, very ugly and worthless thing, because all the worst tyrannies can claim the same status. 4/4
Leaving aside Thomas, who is fully bought and paid for, what I don't understand is why the rest of them would he gambling with their own independence like this - do they seriously think they will maintain meaningful power under the Trump regime?
Why wouldn’t they? It’s not like they’re not gonna say no to him.
If your only function is as a rubber stamp, you become expendable, and so if your own ambitions should clash with Trump's (e.g. if you want a bigger payoff than Trump is prepared to offer you), you suddenly have zero leverage. Decency and rectitude need never enter into it.
They probably think—as have many before them—that they can manage him
There is nobody with a (R) after their name in power that is independent. They are all in it together to rebuild the Confederacy socially and economically. People are just super slow to want to believe that about Roberts and his court even though the entire history of his court shows it’s true.
Well, sure, but reelecting Trump means a particular form of degradation where they will lose their power as gatekeepers.
They need to be made to worry about Biden having them legally shot.
There's a way to help them see the light
Biden should have red laser pointers directed at justice foreheads to help illustrate the ramifications of allowing a president to do whatever they want
Seems odd that the SC would put so little faith in the Judicial branch.
They're just afraid that someone as powerful as they are can see consequences.
I'm interested to see how they word their final ruling - immunity for republican presidents only
Why do you think they’ll rule at all? They’ve accomplished their goal of halting the justice process.
I was kind of shocked that no one, not justices or DOJ raised the prospect of a president simply ignoring all the “checks on power” or appointing those who will ignore them. Because we know that there is at least one person so inclined.
"if Bush could be prosecuted for war crimes, so could YOU"
the administrative equivalent of "ah... you claim to be tolerant, and yet you don't want to tolerate intolerant people? own petard much?"
Tough call. A former prez could have to hire a lawyer for organizing a sit-in, or we could lose our democracy and nuclear secrets. What to choose.
I wish the government lawyer had responded, "More South Korean ex-Presidents are in jail than out and they're doing fine."
They're at least doing better than we are. I mean why only presidents? We've put a ton of ex-governors in jail. Why isn't that the same concern in our federalist society?
Insanely naive, ahistorical understandings are par for the course for "originalists", though.
The latter precludes the former.
We all learned in 6th grade that (heavenly voice) 'THE FOUNDERS' revolted because of what they deemed to be unlawful acts by King George & then created a government that explicitly didn't have a King. That SCOTUS even heard this argument means we're in the gloaming of the American Republic.
Well, what's more important? Protecting our democratic system or ensuring that criminal presidents get to retire in peace? Can't have both. 🤷‍♂️
is it naivety or are they just fascists lol
Authoritarians, at least.
It’s all in partisan bad faith, & would never be applied to a Dem president.