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Probably human; queer, disabled; super into health, disability, admin, and employment law; attorney (not your attorney); pen name Nova Mason; current MPH student. Personal non-work account. She/her.
Time for posting some gratuitous noods!
@audrelawdamercy.bsky.social just hitting me in the face with things that I knew factually but had never thought of in those terms. Oof. Oof!
It's official! As of today, I'm a lawyer! There's a gift shop near the court (for Empire Plaza, not the court itself) and I got socks to commemorate the occasion.
Occupational therapy is great and amazing and so many people (including doctors!) aren't aware of what it offers and can help with. I'm not an OT I work in health law and I am disabled and I just really love OT.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
This post kind of exploded and I woke up to see the notes and got hit with SO MANY happy feelings and memories. She's been gone almost 20 years now. So I share with you all Grandma Jean' Liver Paté recipe. You have to get good, fresh livers!
@audrelawdamercy.bsky.social Bedeviled, etc. (Is it possible for me to to to Open Door Bookstore and only pick up what I intended to? Current experiments to date suggest no. In the interest of scientific rigor, I will continue this case study. For science.)
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy that isn't a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy that isn't a selfie.
Why is it that when I multiply my normal spaghetti recipe by 1.5x, I end up with 3x as much cooked spaghetti????
But it's ok if you hire someone to be the fall-guy for the chatbot.
Good news you can outsource your work!
Surprise book! I saw a post about this the other day and emailed my bookstore with zero idea it was imminent!
Best part of placing pre-orders via email with my local indie bookstore is when I get the voicemail that my pre-ordered book is in but it doesn't say what the book is and I tend to send emails for pre-orders and then immediately forget so I get to give myself a surprise present. Surprise! Book!
If you see this, post the best portrait of yourself drawn by someone else. (Drawing by my small child, call me biased.)
If you see this, post the best portrait of yourself drawn by someone else. (with permission but I did not write down the artist's name, I should see if I can dig that up). I think it's a great likeness.
Encountered a bunch of research obstacles today because I was fed a bunch of SEO/AI guesses about what question I wanted answered (as opposed to the question that I typed). A bunch of old pre-LLM used textbooks are gonna show up for me in a few days because I guess that's how I do research now.
Reskeet with a tweet that you still think about randomly. I literally was about to email my co-worker a serious "No worries" today and then just started cackling to myself at my desk and texted this to her (while clarifying that I actually was not worried about her sending me something tomorrow).
reskeet with a tweet you still think about randomly
Toum progress pic! I did finish making it and my immersion blender didn't do as good a job as I thought it would so I might need to do a different/wider container next time (this is the one that came with the blender but... I've had some issues with it.)
Oooooh this looks amazing. I don't eat a ton of Mediterranean/Middle-Eastern food because I am allergic to the whole capsicum family of plants and also mint, but... I could eat this. Mmmmmm garlic. Off to look up recipes!!
Nerd Mode Activate (in my defense, only seven of these books are for me. The architecture book is for my son.)
So I have a lumbar puncture/spinal tap coming up and literally several times a day this goes through my head and I cackle. I'm pretty sure this says something about me but I'm not sure what.
Apparently we're eye posting? Have some anisocoria.
Eye posting
Suddenly, German. I think. Either way, not English or French, so I can't read it. Good job, Bluesky.
Cookie and Ginger would like to know if any of this might be lettuce-related.
Lots of talk about animals on my time-line makes me miss Annie. She is an old lady now and her knees can't take our stairs so she lives with my mom's neighbor in spoiled retirement. Annie is a VERY smart dog who has ZERO concern about being a good dog or following anyone else's rules.
Who gave breakfast burritos to this yeast????