rds773.bsky.social followers

Chloë Lum
Chloë Lum
Installation artist. Perfume fanatic. Chronically ill. Communicates with objects. Concordia University PhD student (disability studies + performance studies + practice-based research.) Ex jammer, current failure. She/her Edmonton/Montréal
Anagram Doe
Anagram Doe
I am an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles. she/her
Mel in Baltimore
Mel in Baltimore
Semi-retired environmental scientist with a mission to support climate activism. Had the best dogs and the best cats during my lifetime. Journalist son and DIL so also support factual excellence
Viggo Peter Mortensen
Viggo Peter Mortensen
I’m not trying to impersonate Viggo who’s a
Musician & Filmmaker well known for his roll as ARAGORN) in LORD OF THE RINGS 💍 Account manager’s by “Viggo” team
Delthia Ricks
Delthia Ricks
Science writer, author, essayist & avid gardener.
Coach Jerry (referee 🟥)
Coach Jerry (referee 🟥)

Progressive living in the Midwest. Loves soccer, crosswords, and refereeing youth soccer matches.

.doopers on Discord
Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson
Digital journalism. Design, news/book edits, linguistics, data, tech. Medical + academic research. Disability in news, media and accessibility design consults. @thedailydis.bsky.social. #CripTheVote ♿️🏳️‍🌈📚
Main source of income is recycled bike puns

Dad biker, Mountain biker, Bike-packer, Cargo biker, Sheriff of Bike Town, DIY Dream Coach, Pedaler of puns (best jokes in alt text), LGBTQIA+ ally

#bancars Someday you’ll hate your car as much as I do
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
This Emad after 3 times blocked from Blusky why because I'm Palestinian and looking for the safety for my family

Please support me and my family I feel like I lost the hope😔😞 I only have you now


Thank you for understanding
Pearl’s mother, gardener, doer of sporadic attempts at art
Aunt Sylvia’s Home for Wayward Women and Lurid Tulips
Aunt Sylvia’s Home for Wayward Women and Lurid Tulips
She/her or they/them. Cisfemme genderqueer. Writer, sandwich enthusiast, socialist bog hag, done with “lesser evil” voting. Vote socialist!! https://votesocialist2024.com/
Helen Boyd (she/they)
Helen Boyd (she/they)
Author/educator/activist; https://www.patreon.com/hbkramer; http://helenboydbooks.com/; https://www.facebook.com/helenboydbooks; https://www.instagram.com/helenofboyd/; https://www.tiktok.com/@helenofboyd
Red Rose Film Club
Red Rose Film Club
A leftist film podcast for you and your comrades!
N. Cognito
N. Cognito
Wordiferously yelling at clouds.
Andrew Diaz
Andrew Diaz
📈-help over 14K students across the Globe
👨‍💻-We teach Day Trading in Options, Futures&Shares
💰-I Grew my trading portfolio to $25M+ since 2009
David Rolfe
David Rolfe
Single dad. Gen-X humanist. Program for work, make electronic music for fun. Listen at https://soundcloud.com/dorolfe
Qual io fui vivo, tal son morto
Happy life, make more friends in the world, funny videos, hot news...
Lupita Nihongo
Lupita Nihongo
✊🏾 • Beer • SSF2X • おつまみ大好き • DrinkLocal • Lakers • Dodgers • 阪神タイガース • Joshi Puroresu • お相撲 • Bleeding Heart 🍻 • Fei Long • 春麗 • Karin Kanzuki • Jamie Siu 🍶
Debbie Seltzer
Debbie Seltzer
historian & philosopher of education (incl environmental studies), lover of cats and orchids, foodie
All cops are bad. All abortions are healthcare. All TERFs are garbage. All crypto is a scam. She/her.
Nancy Wingfield
Nancy Wingfield
Habsburg historian, occasionally, kicking and screaming, some of the Successor States; fan of cats, good coffee, wine, the Austrian Riviera, Paris, & Vienna. Also, Únětické beer, preferably w/ duck-stuffed goose & apple pancakes at the pivovar.
Andrea Reyes E (she/her)
Andrea Reyes E (she/her)
Self-funded PhD student (reading in XVIII New Spain) & researcher (citizen science, research integrity, academic health systems) at Leiden University. Baking & reading aficionada. Managed by a Timneh. F the Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Worried about our Democracy!
It's time to stop the hate & end the racism in this Country! Stop the Craziness of the MAGA! #LockUpTrump #Resist #Freedom #Removeassaultweapons #Antifa! I would love to see the end of All Wars!
I also garden & raise monarchs!
Lin Rice
Lin Rice
Appalachian Ohioan in the big city. 🏳️‍🌈 He/him. Former reporter writing fantasy about magic, merfolk & rock ‘n roll.

Eve Nicholls
Eve Nicholls
Queer disabled quilter. She/her. Free Palestine.
Tom Lafferty
Tom Lafferty
US Navy Vet 1978-1984
Enjoying the outdoors in the Asheville, NC region
Born 314.3 ppm CO2
User: #684,188, Registered: 21 Aug 2023
𝕊𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟 🦠x0
𝕊𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟 🦠x0
views my own eventual undoing

mask bloc 😷 #maskbloc
Jay Shaw
Jay Shaw
PhD Student at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Researching how the NACA became NASA. Early Space policy/ Foreign Relations/Dad. USAF Retired.
I’m a card-carrying member of the queer community and disability community but I “audit” other communities just to learn. #LGBT She/Her 🏳️‍🌈
If Russia stops fighting, there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.
Procrastinating my retirement away on the south coast. Retired design engineer now graphic designer. Loves countryside, walking, photography, Europe and intelligent people.
ME/CFS since 2012. Previously: Urban Planner, hiker, river rat. Currently: weekly infusions for immunodeficiency, AAI, tethered cord surgery in 2022, migraines. Lurking as socializing, engaging when able. Disabled, housebound, and disillusioned in the USA.
Leigh Ann Craig
Leigh Ann Craig
Historian of the Middle Ages, saints, disabilities, minds, and medicine. Family gal and custodian of two financially irresponsible micro-parrots. My busted pancreas is not a moral failing but ablism sure is.
Hispanic pixie dream girl
Hispanic pixie dream girl
This space intentionally left blank
Gracchi Bro
Gracchi Bro
DC bureaucrat, Hatch Acted-upon
Leftist urbanist; jazz guy
🚲 👨‍🦼 🚆 🚊 🚇 🚶‍♀️
👎 🚗
you know the type
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
*ǵerh₂os 🎆
*ǵerh₂os 🎆
• Shande
• Tikkunolamnik
• Fusband & Hathor
• Clothed civil servant
• Silly creature
• Made of meat
• Cis
Si non è vero, è ben trovato; all opinions are yours

He/him | ער/אים | sé/é
C. J. Lavigne
C. J. Lavigne
Canadian SFF writer. Author of IN VERITAS. THE DROWNED MAN'S DAUGHTER coming fall 2025. Short stories in On Spec, Fusion Fragment, Daily Science Fiction, Augur, PodCastle, and other fine publications. I like coffee and cats. www.cjlavigne.com
Dr. Sweetie (she/her)
Dr. Sweetie (she/her)
Whatcha standin' round watchin'? Bitch, get busy!
Gravel Influencer
Gravel Influencer
I ride my bike, get angry at cars, eat baked goods, and make sure Gus is well fed. I hail from the best state in New England.