Hispanic pixie dream girl

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Hispanic pixie dream girl


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Kinda worried about our collective mental health that we can blink off an assassination attempt within three days. I know it's That Guy but we should feel something more than "...two freakin' inches." This entire country needs about six months of compassionate leave.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
America's understanding of class has been completely broken by cold war ideology.
A great illustration of how class is just vibes is that only one major party ticket is entirely Ivy League alumni and it’s the one that yells about the elites selling you out
We all know this and we all warn against it and we all make these connections in our brains. One of many traps historians can fall into.
"If history teaches us anything, perhaps it is that while we should remain vigilant, we should steer clear of the prediction game altogether." 🗃️ kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/applying-t...
Applying the Past to the Unpredictability of the Presentkevinmlevin.substack.com Historians Don't Have the Answers.
Here I thought normal adults didn't have enemies. The only enemy I can convince of are the neighborhood gophers, and even they're just doing what they were born to do.
Life is sweet because it doesn't last. To die is what makes you human; not, as computers will insist, picking all the images with traffic lights
Elder Millennial thoughts: does the grapefruit warning on my statins apply to grapefruit Lacroix?
Economists pulling the ol' Columbus move apparently.
Can’t find a link, but just heard a short piece on NPR about how economists have discovered that WWI was key in changing women’s employment patterns. So glad to hear this 🤨 #skystorians 🗃️
His Majesty got a bath last night and his floor factor has increased exponentially.
You learn something new every day... The Paris Olympics is the 100th anniversary of Ireland's first Games post-independence. Our first medals? Oliver St John Gogarty: bronze in mixed literature. Jack B Yeats: silver in the mixed painting event for 'The Liffey Swim'. Via The Irish Examiner 🗃️
Walter Benjamin was born OTD in 1892. “The true picture of the past flits by. The past can be seized only as an image which flashes up at the instant when it can be recognized and is never seen again.” #PhilSky 🧠🗃️
My PhD granting institution has has 2 profs killed by their former students in the past 25 years. A good friend of my aunt's lost his brother to a workplace shooting. I seriously think about emigration soley because the thought of losing my child in a shooting terrifies me. We are not ok.
In this past year, on my campus 1. we had a lockdown because a disturbed man was walking on street next to my building carrying a rifle 2. someone cosplaying as a student "just wanted to ask questions" of a colleague, got escorted off when it was suspected that it wasn't gonna be questions(1/2)
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
Sad news of the day: no matter how hard you try, you will never Look as cool as this Korean Boatman from 1904.
If you're going to have a vegan Mexican restaurant, please please please sell huitacoche. Please.
something this bad at adapting students to the awfulness of most of the present world must be among the most worthwhile pursuits available
In the US, Art History, Visual and Performing Arts, and Graphic Design majors are associated with the highest unemployment rates compared to other areas of undergraduate study.
Art History Majors Face Highest Unemployment Rates, Report Showshyperallergic.com But other data shows that art history and art degrees are still popular.
Instead of remembering her for the her tormented time in the movies of questionable male directors, I'd like to remember Shelley Duvall for what she truly loved: creating genuine and thoughtful children's television programs.
The discussion someone posted about him actually being honest, and people complaining because they wanted high grade copper at shitty copper prices, was also delightful. I can’t find it again though.
I first saw one driving down i-5 in the California Central Valley on New Year's Eve last year. It has been raining lightly off and on all day, and the car was the color of dust. I was very confused because I thought they were supposed to be silver.
The Cybertruck has rightly been torn to shreds but I was really struck seeing one in low light a couple of days ago: it wears dirt really bad. Looked like it belonged in a prop warehouse, a relic of some 80s sci-fi movie only TNT remembers.
Process pictures for this year's batch of apricot jamand apricot jalapeno jam from my tree. 6 half pints of apricot-jalapeno and 14 of regular apricot. 🌱
I like most Germans I can't quite shake the belief that trees have souls, especially big old ones, so like, I'm here for this. (Witness my guilt earlier this year removing an oak tree that was threatening to fall on my house and my neighbors)
Tang Shunmin 湯舜民 (mid-14th c.) “Unburdening Myself to a Friend” 書懷示友人