Leigh Ann Craig

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Leigh Ann Craig


Historian of the Middle Ages, saints, disabilities, minds, and medicine. Family gal and custodian of two financially irresponsible micro-parrots. My busted pancreas is not a moral failing but ablism sure is.
Profs feeling threatened by cancel culture from student: have you ever given students meaningful grace in dealing with /their/ mistakes? Or acknowledged harm they are pointing out to you, and sought grace yourself (rather than reiterating your noble intent)?
Negotiating space with the local insect population. Have deployed some new negotiation tools. So far the wasp decoy is a resounding success. Here's hoping the dragonflies are likewise convincing.
*cracking knuckles* That's one new course of three in the bag. (All three are single-credit but they're also a whooooole new content area/goal/ball game.) Now that I have proof of concept the rest of the summer is much more appealing to me.
Adult learners returning to a classroom after an educational hiatus are some brave damn people. Their time and attention are a gift.
You know you have been in the teaching game for a minute when you find this in your desk drawer and realize there is no longer a classroom on campus where you can actually use it:
While we're talking about how everyone should be able to marry the person they love, here's a reminder that disabled people still can't get married legally because they will have their benefits taken away. In many places, they can't even -live- with their partner unmarried without losing benefits.
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
Today's Affirmation: Every day and in every way I am several emails nearer to having passed my complex, systemically enmeshed admin duties on to my (worthy and hardworking) successor.
Here's where I want to sell my soul to the devil in exchange for a successful blues career
Intersection Shullsburg, WI
If you start thinking about the SATOR square, it becomes difficult to stop puzzling over the SATOR square. I am somehow intuitively sure that this trapped-and-puzzling outcome was the point of it.
🇬🇧 Register to Vote🇬🇧 Even if you’ve been out of UK for 15+ years you are eligible to vote in UK general election, likely 4 July Please spread the word & get registering Here’s the link to finally get the bastards out www.gov.uk/register-to-...
Register to votewww.gov.uk Get on the electoral register so you can vote in elections and referendums.
I vote Rolemaster. Be ready to put some Post-It tabs in those seventeen manuals, y'all!
now that we’re finally getting DMs, what’s next on the roadmap? pathfinder? call of cthulu? maybe some old school GURPS?
Someone (techno-feudal patriarchal disaster-capitalism) keeps making students so afraid to fail that they default to not trying anything at all
Tiktoks that attempt to explain the interior experience of a mental illness to others are helpful! But those which add attempts to teach the viewer to accept abusive behavior patterns and respond with fawning deflection . . . not so much.
Bodycameras with audio and visual capacity can be had on Amazon for under $100. You can always be a witness. Just saying.
Old men acting in bad faith will ruin everything positive that humans have ever created.
Honestly, the abrupt hard drive failure was just an egregious addition to the colorful parfait that has been this April's end-of-semester malarkey. It's harmless in the long run - wary of entropy, I work wholly from the cloud - but . . . really? Seriously? Come now.
TFW you find out that the arrival of your spouse in the world depended, at one point, on the survival of one Civil War soldier surviving the VA campaigns & Gettysburg, & then fathering a child at 50. My spouse was always a miracle to me, but seriously . . . those are long odds.
Quietly and impactfully whispering “For Frodo” before I begin each and every one of my little tasks
Every time an academic blows by a deadline, large or small, internal or external to their department, they should be required to offer a student an extension they would not otherwise give. I have spoken.
do we need to talk about rabies again because I swear the only reason some of y'all haven't died in a slow grotesque and painful manner is lack of access of wildlife.
The United States has a literacy rate of 80 percent. One in five Americans struggle to read, or cannot read.
rough news for radcliffe who really seems like he's dying to make a comeback in fantastic beasts nine: the treasure of flibbetyflob
they need to make cars small and round again and also in cute colors. i don't want any more giant trucks i want richard scarry apple car
Hey, have you made your plan to confront the Bishop of Aquila at Mass this afternoon?
Just taught Fellowship if the Ring in my film class and revised my opinion of its adaptation of premodern heroism for postindustrial needs. In that redaction, Merry & Pippin are the romantic heroes; Sam is the "normie" POV; Frodo is arguably a McGuffin (innocence?). In this essay I will