Richard Powley

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Richard Powley

Oblique strategies, music and cats.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
A friend is trying to quickly raise money to fight an illegal development on Green Belt land near her house in Surrey. Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Says they need to find £20k in 6 weeks 😬 Ta
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Good. Because anyone telling you that our broadcasters should ditch their out of date funding models and emulate the sexy 21st Century streaming platforms clearly hasn’t looked at how all those sexy 21st Century streaming platforms are getting on right now.
Avatar there anything actually in here?
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
This sign feels strangely ominous.
This is football under a Labour government. #euros
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
This should be interesting... (In today's Observer)
The Royal Society summer exhibition was a mind-blowing festival of sustainable, cutting-edge science and totally packed out with a diverse, buzzing crowd. After the election, seeing all the UK based innovation just added to the feeling of optimism.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
BBC News has been community noted on Twitter for their appalling headline. Time to put the BBC “back in the service of the people” as a public, not Tory & ReFUK, broadcaster.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Exclusive: The Rwanda scheme has been described as a “waste of time, money, and mental health” by Home Office insiders 2 years, 4 home secretaries, more than £300m of public money, no flights and thousands of asylum seekers in limbo
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
this is the BBC ... something seriously wrong there
Once again, absolutely nothing from Starmer on equitable distribution of Spice Melange from Arrakis. Disappointing.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
It's so refreshing to see a list of Ministerial appointments that doesn't read like a nightmarish selection of the worst characters from a PG Wodehouse novel.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Suddenly BBC journalists are ALL about challenging politicians’ (from the (likely) ruling party) claims and fact-checking their statements… 🧐 #UKGE2024
This is still a hip meme that the cool kids can use on election night, right?
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
I don’t like first past the post and in general prefer minority governments or coalitions. But I think it would be very bad for everyone if Sunak’s Conservative party didn’t get a notably worse result than Major’s, because the cynical and lazy approach of the last two years would appear validated.
One of the great benefits of First Past The Post is that it enables voters to kick out the bums. Tomorrow should be cathartic for a lot of people. There will be a lot of talk about disproportionality, but that will overlook a central desire of much of the electorate to punish the incumbents.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
"In almost every realm of government activity, this lot have made life worse. The policies referred to in every sentence in this article have damaged untold thousands of lives. The party has created the broken Britain it claimed its mission was to repair."
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
I’m generally not that into telling people how to vote. It’s up to you. Plus anyone’s decision should be informed by their constituency and their candidates: situations vary a lot. But by god I hope people vote against the Tories. This record is a disgrace. They need to be sent a clear verdict.
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
Why do I get the feeling that, if Labour win, we'll see a sudden return to the forensic, harsh style of media questioning and reporting that has been almost entirely absent for the last 14 years 🤔?
'Maniac' on Netflix seems to have gone under the radar, but it's very good. The title may have put people off, which is a shame, as it's mind bendy retro future weirdness rather like Severance.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
This chart from is interesting. Look at how many Lean Conservative seats could go over the edge with a little extra concerted effort.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
He dreamed the same dream that all young boys dream: to get the greatest supply-side advantages from Brexit.
This is very, very, nice cheese.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Every indie perfume description
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Reposted byAvatar Richard Powley
Domestic violence goes up when England play football, win or lose. 24 hour domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247