
since blocking discourse is going around yet again: the way that other people choose to curate their social media feed is neither your business nor your problem
How is it that people just CANNOT be normal about this? I block, I’ve been blocked, I mute, I am sure I’ve been muted. It’s fine! And I mean don’t get me wrong if I fucked up and got blocked by an account I really like following, I’d be bummed, but then I would just like, MOVE ON. 🤷🏻‍♀️
right - literally a couple hundred people have me blocked at this point including a couple I wish didn’t and you know, that’s their business! they get to make that choice! it’s really not a big deal
yeah but that requires viewing those other people *as people* and not merely as the audience and the kind of person who actually treats other people like people tends to get blocked less often anyways, so
Correct. Like I generally try to not be a dick, and it keeps me off the lists of decent humans. But that doesn’t mean they won’t find me annoying or some shit and block me anyway.
“I find you annoying and don’t want to see your posts” is a valid reason to block, it doesn’t have to be some moral condemnation
someone choosing to block me is none of my goddamn business
It really is just that simple. I have close, real-life friends who I've blocked on other sites because they love to post and retweet porn all day. Which, might I add, I love for them, but it's not what I want to see inserted into my feed via likes and reposts - so I blocked them. No bad blood.
That being said, it is why the mute function was invented.
oh absolutely, and that's fine! I'm just sayin', in order to have that kind of perspective you've gotta treat posters like people, not things and that's a trick the Debate Me Bro people have yet to learn Micah can, I am certain, recall a quote about treating people like things 😇
And here I block people who seem to get off on being dicks. I know people find me annoying - they’ve said it to my face - but at least on here we can block the unpleasant people.
Same! And I secretly judge as is my right
I’m a leftist organizer, if I didn’t have any of my own people blocking me and talking shit behind my back, then what am I even doing here
Yeah. There's a couple of specific instances that stung, especially since I had liked what they posted and felt their likely reasoning was unfair. But fundamentally it's their choice. I do actually like how absolute blocks are here even if it's a pain sometimes. Just cuts the thread completely.
I have no idea who has blocked me. But given the number of people I can still see in my timeline...y'all have made some terrible choices.
Yeah I don’t check. I know I can, but I don’t need that in my life. 🤣
I looked to see who blocks me for the sole purpose of blocking them back, because I support their decision.
Yeah, I'm mildly curious for that purpose, too, but I'm also lazy, so I haven't bothered.
I post a lot of attempts at jokes. Some don't land. If somebody doesn't want to see that or I missed in such a way that somebody feels the need to block me...then I get blocked. People get to curate their own feeds. I've felt bad about a couple over the years. I probably should have posted better.
Because they're assholes who hate boundaries
I'm pretty sure it is a power thing. What they are all really saying is: "How dare someone I want to harass have the power to stop me!"
Are people worried that they’ll not get to be exposed to EXCITING NEW IDEAS?
I actually had a dude try that with me, he didn’t last long. 🤣
Avatar I think people *REALLY* feel that their voice is *SUPPOSED TO* be heard (by everyone)…that’s what social media did…gave everyone a voice So maybe people can’t be normal because they’re shocked people don’t *HAVE TO* listen to them? Just throwing ideas out there 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
All these dudes and their “muh freedom of speech” Like, buddy, the first amendment protects you from the US government, not from me
I don’t have the power to imprison these guys for their posts. And if I did have the power? Who can say?
yeah, this happened to me with somebody that was insistent i hated pancakes, and it was a bummer because i'd enjoyed talking to them for literally years, and some of the disability research and community that had gathered around that account was personally relevant to me 🙃
but like, i only even mentioned it in my feed when it happened because people were continuing to talk from behind the block and dunk on me about stuff that wasn't even my position, and i needed to go to bed so i left a message that said that and logged off :p
I've already blocked a few people today that are curating Nazis here. Suggesting blocking such people is not a bad thing.
Yeah, I personally left Twitter because it was clear that the site was getting worse due to the rampant transphobia, nazi problem. We don't need that kind of energy here
Avatar has some great lists if you need them. I also run a PSA feed you can check for people to block/mute as needed. I swear by them, they've kept me safe so far.
The funny thing about there being a blocking *discourse* is that it is a self-correcting problem
"but what if I get blocked for doing nothing" Then you're blocked there's lots of posters to follow you'll get over it
Blocking just means that someone finds you insufferable, does not want to converse or connect with you in any way and can not find a reasonable middle ground to meet you at. Only Twitter chuds would think getting blocked is a W 😅
There are a subset of I absolutely want to find me insufferable and annoying. Fascists and light totalitarianism fandom are free to block me that is actually a win because then they're not sending death threats to me.
The only thing Twitter did under Musk is pull the ass crack lint if humanity from 4chan and give them a platform. If they block you it just means you don't have to hear their bullshit anymore. And good! Haha
if you don't like how somebody handles blocking, just push a button and you never have to see them again!
Freedom of speech means anyone can say what they want. It doesn't mean I have to put up with their bullshit.
It’s usually because they’re the type who routinely get blocked and they think it’s unjustified because they “didn’t do anything wrong”.
At the end of the day, every person gets to - ***has to*** curate their own existence and consumption/participation in it - if only because nobody can be everywhere and do everything. How we choose to make those decisions is none of your business at all, you imaginary reader, so buzz off. ;-)
As an Indigenous person, when we see accounts that not only actively minimize us, but attack us for speaking out about our oppression like my posts on Indigenous history, we know who and how to bΙоck
There are over a million people on this site and the idea that every single one of them *must* be able to see what I say or let me see what they say is a kind of egotism and entitlement I just can't understand.
I like to tell people that the Constitution guarantees them the right to speak their mind, but it doesn't guarantee them an audience.
I like to show rather than tell