
the fact that the same people pushing Biden to drop out immediately are also proposing shit that wouldn't fly on The West Wing makes me think we need a complete and total shutdown of the nation's op-ed pages until we can figure out what's going on
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
I have been pessimistic, on a practical level, about Biden's ability to move the horse race past this narrative but come ON
Moving past horse race is Augean Stables shit at this point.
What baffles me are the *big time Democratic donors* who seem to think there's any real option other than Harris replacing him. People who have been giving millions of dollars to the political process without ever fully understanding how it works.
So far as I've seen it's not donors calling for a new candidate it's "anonymous financial advisor to an unnamed major democratic donor" and similar levels of reliability. Or they say democrats call for new candidate when they mean the guy trying for bombers seat.
The donor response to the debate was to give more money to the campaign.
That's mostly small dollar donors. The big money people are some of the loudest voices saying Biden should drop out, saying they're going to take their money to downballot races because they think he can't win.
To be fair the smaller donors are a much better metrics of actual support. Sounds like the big donors need to calm down and consider the actual situation.
“Politics would be interesting again” There, they gave the game away. They don’t give a shit about anyone or anything, they just want this to be entertaining.
"Politics would be interesting again" seems to be the entire ballgame - opinion writers were bored with a primary contest that featured two incumbents 🤷‍♂️
All they're doing it making him dropping out less likely. Worst elite pressure campaign ever.
I think it’s easy to figure out “what’s going on”, the media saw low hanging fruit of “Biden is old and debated horribly” and is clinging to it for easy clicks/high reader numbers. They also are mad he won’t talk to them so kind of want Trump to win, even at the expense of, well, everything.
As a Broadcasting major in college I took a few Journalism classes and this sadly seems to be right along the lines of “easy to write about” and “sensational”
I can't remember the last OP ED that did anything but frustrate or anger me. They mean OP- opportunity for lots of clicks and engagement because this person's opinion is sketch ED - Not sure, because so many of them aren't editors, and if not an editor, can you editorialize?
Maybe start, as a generality, classing pundits alongside people in the special hell prepared for those who talk in during movies...or get them on the phone and say "You wrote your 'opinion' piece which means you can lie your ass off in front of people. You lying here Chuck?"
Every suggestion is great for a news publication or broadcast network tho
I'm still unclear on how they think anyone else will get on the ballot in the states that have already had primaries and have state supreme courts controlled by the GOP.
Biden hasn't officially been nominated yet, if they nominate Harris instead the ballot issue will be fine it's switching after the convention that would be a big problem
I'm still baffled as to why the Democrats ever wanted to go back to Chicago again for a convention....
If they're going to switch, that needs to happen before August 7th, not the convention (unless they don't want to bother putting a dem candidate on the ballot in Ohio)
'what we, the wise advisers in this political party & its surrounds, need to do in this critical moment is to convince everyone we, the would-be advisers, are complete panicking nincompoops who don't think to the ends of our sentences much less beyond'
A high-level grasp of American government and American history is clearly not a requirement to write an op-ed.
Do all the editors who hired/enabled the op-ed writers, too.
It's simple! We run a bachelor-esque show where Biden chooses his replacement via silly challenges and intimate dates. It'll totally work!
Imagine a world without op-eds:
Have we considered stopping the genocides and adding an economic stimulus package for not-corporations and businesses?
The Atlantic is a legacy publication with such a storied history and it's really sad to see that in the past decade or so they've made the editorial choice to just print the dumbest shit anybody has ever thought of
Dems should run Rishi Sunak as candidate, straight after he arrives in the US on Monday.
He likes sandwiches so he is a man of the people 🤷‍♂️
'Politics would be interesting again' = MSM needs eyeballs. Sorry, MSM, that's not my problem. Democracy vanishing under a (lift-enhanced) heel is my main problem. And you're not helping.
so much of current political reality was once written off as fantastical
Biden shouldn’t have been allowed to run again. Shame on his staff and allies for covering up what we all saw on Thursday. You can’t pull a Reagan in 2024.
Oh god yes. The amount of harm done by op-eds is staggering
This would all be less aggravating if they weren't all so sure of themselves
feel's too suspiciously coordinated, like a bunch of cards are all being played at the same time from the same hand whoops now I'm a silly person!