
If you want to know how oblivious I am, I posted a while ago about how I'd never find someone who still wore face masks in public to date and some guy messaged me and was like "I still wear a mask." It took me two months to realize he was flirting with me.
I realized like 6 months ago that a confusing interaction I had with a girl in 7th grade (so like 20 years ago) was her flirting with me
as soon as I realized it I felt bad because in the moment I asked her β€œwhy are you being weird?” and now I know why she got mad and yelled β€œYOU’RE WEIRD” and stomped off
I have some moments like that, granted I feel sure it was the undiagnosed autism doing a lot of heavy lifting, but it's taken decades to finally understand what happened and why!
/Last night/ I was thinking about how, many years ago, a friend sent me an email that said "I want you to know that I love you" and I responded with "aww what a heartfelt expression of friendship, I love you too" and it occurred to me /last night/ that they may not have been expressing friendship.
I once sent a very loving text message to my brother instead of my wife. He was so moved by it, I didn't tell him that it was a mistake. I'm just glad it was my brother, it could have been so much worse. 😬
Yesterday I was thinking about a conversation last year I had with a friend where I said β€œI can’t really date someone unless I at least know them for a while” and he turned around and said β€œyou know me” and I just said β€œI do” and continued talking and OH GOD OH GOD WHY.
I wouldn't've realized he was flirting either. I hope he doesnt steal your grandmother's perogi recipe.
either flirting or being peak pedantic reply guy because you dared to use generalities on a social media post
he is my boyfriend now was definitely flirting, I asked, lmao
Did he send a photo wearing nothing but the mask? With alt text of course. And tasteful, hips up.
god PLEASE tell me flat out if you're flirting with me my brain can't figure it out otherwise
I still wear a mask. But I'm on the ace spectrum, so am almost never flirting. Consequently, I also never know when someone is flirting with me. It literally took a woman punching me in the arm at an Alien Sex Fiend show, and even then I wasn't sure.
The woman who is now my wife had to tell me we were dating on our 4th date. When I found out about the "useless lesbian" trope it was incredibly gender affirming.
Freshman year of college, I visited a high school friend at *his* college. It was him, me, and 3 other women hanging out. There was a bra-baring mock cat fight, innuendo galore, and my friend kept leaving me alone with them for like an hour at a time. Took me 5 years to realize what was going on.
😭 how are teenagers simultaneously so horny and SO DUMB
I think if that is flirting then we have lowered the bar far too low
With how few people mask these days, it's actually a very high bar & one that is extremely difficult to get people to meet, imho.
It is next to impossible for high-risk or disabled people to date now Meeting someone who’s either on the same page about masks / precaution or willing to adjust is a huge deal
Maybe that’s why bsky is the best dating app out there rn. πŸ€”
quite possibly though I technically met my new partner on Twitter :x
counting myself very lucky bc this is so true, but it turns out the trick is falling in love with another disabled person who's taking all precautions for their own reasons
My goal in life atm is to convince you that not masking is ok and can be made to be safe. If can convince you, I can convince anyone.
I am always along for the ultimape ride β€” I follow you with keen interest I do agree with you that if you can can convince me, you can convince anyone
I've just accepted that flirting is beyond me, so I just don't even try. I just don't get it at all, like what counts, what doesn't, it's just too confusing for me. No idea when it's happening to me either, they need to be completely direct with me.
I love this story, no joke
This is very, very funny, but it's not *just* funny
I recently realized that a boy I liked 25 years ago actually went really out of his way to spend time with me outside of school. I lived 2 blocks from school, I did not need a circuitous ride home.
Capt Oblivious salutes this post.
Lol, when I think about the past, i realize now how many times this has happened to me but at the time it just didn't occur to me. Probably quite common
When I was like, 19, I was at a party chatting with a girl I had a crush on and mentioned that I'd never been kissed, and she asked if I wanted to kiss her "to see what it's like." I declined because I didn't want my first kiss to be out of pity. Couple days later I realised what an idiot I was.
Oh god oh god I would do this too πŸ₯²
Had a friend who always β€œstruggled” with homework for some reason and asked me specifically to teach her. I found it strange that she asks for help but then easily passes the subject Anyways I wanna pretend that Im still confused because Im mad at myself + Im embarrassed on their behalf for trying😭