Rachel Storm

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Rachel Storm


Human, or a reasonable facsimile ⚡ Librarian, writer, horror fan, gamer, weirdo ⚡ IBD: UC ⚡ She/her ⚡ Purveyor of Dragon Age trash™ at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/rachelsstorm
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
Self-care is essential, but what about those times when you're so emotionally distressed that even self-care feels impossible? That's when you need to turn to: ✨self-soothing✨ Self-soothing isn't a reward or a treat, it's a necessity to be able to continue on your day effectively.
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The Bridge Access Program, which provides COVID vaccines to the underinsured in the US, will end in August. Just before new vaccines come out. Resist! Use this form to write to Congress to demand more funding. Resist! Wear an n95. Resources in thread. Resist! Disability justice is for us all.
Letter Campaign to Congress: Keep Free COVID Vaccines for Uninsured Adultsactionnetwork.org Join us in urging Congress to fund free COVID vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which provides COVID vaccines to uninsured and underinsured adults, is en...
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
hey just a reminder that the logic that "getting covid is inevitable and we can’t mask forever" was a policy decision by the government who manufactured consent for perpetual infections by claiming covid was inescapable and then created that reality by eliminating all covid infrastructure. so.
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Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
Fuck I’m tired of ableism. I’m tired of calling it out, I’m tired of having to tread carefully when calling it out lest *the community* be discredited by my comments, I’m tired of the world literally not being constructed for people with physical differences, systemic ableism- I’m just tired.
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We made some quick explainers on Project 2025's impact on bookbans for Authors Against Book Bans-- please feel free to share with your own networks.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
Not that anyone will listen to me but once again, working through Covid, no matter how “mild,” is a great way to increase the possibility of long term harm. This is the second time Biden has modeled this crap, making it harder for workers everywhere to get necessary time off.
I've suspected this for a while, but people on IMDB are absolutely using the Parents Guide to mark films with queer characters as having "severe" levels of explicit sex even when there is practically none. I caught it on a film I was considering for a library screening and corrected it.
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Just a heads up this program ends July 31 so get yours asap
Residents without health insurance or people whose health care plans don’t cover all vaccine costs can get a free COVID-19 vaccine through the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. • www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pro...
This is only true until the end of July! If you are underinsured or uninsured, you will not be able to get a free updated COVID vaccine this fall unless something changes.
Residents without health insurance or people whose health care plans don’t cover all vaccine costs can get a free COVID-19 vaccine through the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. • www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pro...
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
All forms of oppression intersect. Mask bans suppress protest, sicken and disable communities, and will most harm vulnerable groups: Black, trans, etc. Chevron ruling means more expensive healthcare. Bills and disability can unhouse you, which means jail to do slave labor. Resist. Do it in an n95.
Read me for filth why don't you
Virgo: You will continue to haunt your own house, praying for any connection to those actually alive.
Uh... well. Hello from my bathroom, I guess! We're under tornado warnings! Lots of them!!
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
Hey. Yeah you convention goers. If you even care about your medically disabled friends I implore you to start wearing your masks at conventions. Just because you got boosters doesn't make you immune. Please. I beg you
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
🎯Our leaders lied to us to get us back to working and spending. Demand clean air at work & public spaces, wear N95 before they maim you for life. Long Covid has no cure or treatments. If you hate all this, an N95 is also a symbol of resistance, not just a life-saver ✊😷
“People are getting Covid again” I propose, instead, “People are getting Covid, still.” WHO et al may have “declared” the pandemic ended, but the virus never left, despite much of the world behaving as though it did.
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So I've finally gotten around to collecting Bellanaris, my #dragonage fan #comic, into a single PDF! 381 pages of the webcomic, some side comics, and a few doodles from ye olden DAI times XD You can grab it here for free, or leave a little donation if you enjoy/ed it ^_^ ko-fi.com/s/f6c54024a1
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
I also have heat intolerance due to my auto-immune disease, which can be (drum roll) triggered by viruses. I mask to keep myself in remission!
Heat intolerance is a long covid symptom & side effect of many meds, from blood pressure to mental health meds… which are common post-covid needs. The rise of fascism during climate collapse & a covid surge is a real bad time to spread illness & disability. Wear an n95 in public. Resources in 🧵
Yooooo! My Time at Sandrock is on Gamepass, as is the Journey to the Savage Planet new edition with DLC? And I only discovered this 75% into my long weekend?
Grocery store pay pad: "Donate to local disabled people" Me: Hang on, I AM local disabled people
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There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
I will be straight up, considering the United States’ behavior towards refugees fleeing persecution, I’m not sure that Americans who try to do the same shouldn’t have their passports flagged and be asked to leave. But ESPECIALLY if you try to flee to a country USA has interfered with.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
my brother the other day made a joke about getting his kids passports in the event of Trump being re-elected and I just thought "No one is gonna take a non-binary trans person whose has zero money and lots of debt."
There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
OMG I was just looking something up on the Dragon Age Wiki (because of course I was) and LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUS FACE. 15/10 would give all the scritches
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm
Emmrich Volkarin #dragonage Redid a previous drawing to be more in line with my Neve one. Davrin is up next!
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What do you think Varric's nicknames for the new Veilguard crew will be? Do you think he could have named Rook? #DragonAge
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Pleased to announce that I'm supporting Romancing the Vote 2024 by offering three slots for either a full-novel critique or a Zoom call to discuss game writing! (Note: I'm talking game writing in GENERAL. Can't talk Veilguard, but would love to talk past games!) www.32auctions.com/organization...
Romancing the Vote 2024www.32auctions.com Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
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In Peace, Vigilance🛡️ (Davrin, Assan [the Griffon] & Alyssa Cousland-Theirin) What if our Warden met Davrin in Weisshaupt & fought Darkspawn side by side? :D Do you think they could have found a cure to the Calling since Inquisition? #DragonAge #FanFriDAys
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Reposted byAvatar Rachel Storm