🌈 Weirdo Chick Club Co-founder

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🌈 Weirdo Chick Club Co-founder


A walking study in demonology. AuDHD mermicorn disguised as a fairy cosplaying as a human. Community & Social Media Manager for Home Assistant - opinions my own blah blah. /ex-Microsoft

He haumāna au i ka ʻōlelo Hawai'i. 🌸 she/fae/they
Just weird shit
In new clip (link below), Vance floats a federal intervention to stop interstate travel. Why? He envisions a bizarre, head-spinning scenario where "every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to go have an abortion in Cali." x.com/KamalaHQ/sta...
Vivian’s story hits painfully close. It’s not doctors or some trans agenda kids need to be protected from. It’s parents. It’s parents who shout “no one tells me how to raise my kids,” parents who treat their kids as property to be controlled. It’s too common, and I’m glad she’s away from him.
Elon Musk’s transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a childwww.nbcnews.com In an exclusive interview, Vivian Jenna Wilson said her father’s recent statements including that she is “not a girl” inspired her to speak out: “I’m not just gonna let that slide.”
This country is ridiculous on a molecular level
Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat
Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decidesapnews.com The Ohio Supreme Court says consumers can't expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones.
I know that J.D. "Vance" Bowman didn't fuck a couch. But the AP publishing an article specifying that he didn't fuck a couch makes it look like he definitely fucked a couch. And the AP then *retracting* the article specifying that he didn't fuck a couch? Unprecedented levels of couchfuckery
Check out my latest Teen Vogue column on mask bans and how they are the new ugly laws www.teenvogue.com/story/mask-b...
Why are they so looouuuuuudddddddd 😭😭😭😭 I love you babies but please shut the fuck up 😭
fledgling crow season is almost obnoxious enough to make me miss steve the steller’s jay *almost*
A lesson I wish I learned when I was young: Sometimes people just want to be angry, and there's literally nothing you can say or do that will make them not be angry. The best thing to do is just disengage and let them work through it on their own. It's not about you.
“ if we just reason with the other side, and if we just talk about our policies and we explain why we're right and they're wrong, that quote-unquote 'logic' will win out -- but that's not how the world works anymore," Legacki said.” ITS NEVER BEEN HOW THE WORLD WORKS
it's pretty disappointing to see so many supposed leftist accounts make light of that poor couch that was a victim of sexual assault. but to be fair, i'm pretty enlightened. I'm an intersectional feminist. folks,,
JD no that’s not what intersectional means
When conservatives speak about "white guilt" it's important to know they are 100% projecting. Pretending slavery never happened, downplaying segregation and its causes, etc, are true example of white guilt.
is it because they fired people's coworkers and replaced those lifelong experts in the field with an extremely stupid guessing machine so the bosses could pocket 100% of the salaries they're no longer paying while asking the remaining workers to pick up the slack and clean up after the AI's mistakes
I didn’t fuck my couch. I didn’t fuck my couch. Please don’t put it in newspaper that I fucked my couch.
I will say that learning the head of Crowdstrike was the CTO at McAfee when they did a similar fiasco in 2010 absolutely made my day for some reason.
The great irony of the CrowdStrike fiasco is that a cybersecurity company caused the exact sort of massive global outage it was supposed to prevent. And it all started with an effort to make life more difficult for criminals and their malware.
Fatal timeline of CrowdStrike's week from hellwww.theregister.com 'In the short term, they're going to have to do a lot of groveling'
The great irony of the CrowdStrike fiasco is that a cybersecurity company caused the exact sort of massive global outage it was supposed to prevent. And it all started with an effort to make life more difficult for criminals and their malware.
Fatal timeline of CrowdStrike's week from hellwww.theregister.com 'In the short term, they're going to have to do a lot of groveling'
Inflation? That's not a word. Make things less expensive or we're stealing everything
Frodo is a beautiful name for a boy. Has a ring to it.
Instead of on Twitter - let's try this here & see if it works by now. If you're developing a game, or released one: reply with the title, description, screenshots, and/or a link. Doesn't matter what stage of development you're in. Then repost this, and let's see what cool stuff we're all making.
This is a really lovely tribute both to Kamala Harris and to blended families generally www.cnn.com/2024/07/24/p...
cap a fuckton of other people's stickers and get capped, asshole. your stickers are boring as fuck and them being some of the most common in the city is a bummer.
Please listen to David. No politician in America seems willing to admit there's a surge. We have to take care of ourselves and each other. Mask up. I masked up all throughout the NYCC, and it was... TOTALLY EASY AND FINE AND NO ONE CARED!
Remember as you come to SDCC: Preventative care is easy and keeps you and those around you safe and healthy. Just wearing a mask can go a long way. You don't want con crud. You don't want Covid. And no one else does either. So just wear a mask and be careful in this public place/while traveling.
Mask up! That’s what I did last year (and didn’t get COVID or con crud) - masked indoors at all times and was also very easy to spot in photos because I was one of the few masking, so I hope I blend in more this year and see more masked faces.
Hard to ask this bc of hostility around precautions and I want to note upfront that I know when you’re working a con there’s a lot of work/social pressure—but if you’re attending SDCC please, please wear a mask as much as you can. COVID levels are high, we are fully in a surge right now
BREAKING: The entire World of Warcraft dev team has unionized at Blizzard Entertainment. The new unit includes over 500 developers and is described by the CWA as another "wall-to-wall union." The news comes days after almost 250 workers at Bethesda Game Studios organised.
Yeah, so, not that I think any of you would actually do this, but: these gig listings are absolutely soliciting images for training data to produce generative child sex abuse images, and that is why they are being so particular about age ranges. Do not, under any circumstances.
What a great new tech economy this is we got going here
Been suspecting a shitshow was a brewing….
Letter: "We are Volunteers for Paris 2024 and we resign due to the lack of Covid-19 measures" blogs.mediapart.fr/volontaires-...