Scott "Settling In" Nickell

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Scott "Settling In" Nickell

Tech support, gamer, writer/poet, law school dropout. He/him. Opinions are not those of my employer(s), past, present, or future. They may not even be *mine*.
Honestly the part where everyone holds their breath and hopes the manic is one of Them rather than one of Us is one of the most grotesque parts of modern life.
it is always important to keep a collection of random charging cables you can’t get yourself to toss for some reason
Anyone else ever struck with a feeling of existential dread when you remember we live in a world where there is an entire genre of online "article" that is literally just copying & pasting Reddit posts?
at this point if i'm a law professor i'm just handing out weed gummies and putting on my cousin vinny for the entire semester
Trump is trying to Roko’s Basilisk the business community
Trump calls for business leaders to be fired if they don’t support him. Pretty fash!
Cops are never trying to help you out. If they're talking to you, they think you crimed. Don't speak to cops. That right to remain silent? Use it.
there are a lot of people whose response to anything illegal immigration-related is "just come here legally" and when you try to explain how the legal immigration system actually works they simply don't believe how tremendously awful it actually is
Here’s a nice simple guide to the US immigration process. Easy peasy
I made a diagram trying to show how the Trump crimes roll up. The red statute is what he got convicted 34 times for. All the blue stuff is stuff he had to intend but didn't have to actually do The jury had to be unanimous that at least one of the three unlawful means were present, but not which one.
We would like to issue the following correction:
bonus Discworld QOTD, from The Last Continent “We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they’re elected. Don’t you?” “Why?” “It saves time.”
I believe an 0-34 loss in court is known as going the full Mignogna.
Yub nub motherfuckers
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
Happy Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May to all who celebrate GNU Terry Pratchett, who definitely knew the correct list of priorities in any revolution
A DISCWORLD PRIMER* *or, why should I read this thing that everyone keeps going on about? Come on in, sit down, pull up a chair. If you have followup questions, feel free to ask me or, we're always happy to help. (1/a lot, idk, we'll figure this out as we go)
i will try to trot at this as kindly as possible because i know buckaroos are doing this out of lighthearted fun and do not realize what they are doing, but PLEASE buds, do not tag authors in your AI approximations of their own work thinking they will like it. they wont
i never knew this. putting it next to "frivolous lawsuits about mcdonald's coffee" in my list of villainous-memes-propagated-by-1980s-reactionaries-that-i-always-nevertheless-sort-of-unthinkingly-bought-into
Also the “underwater basket weaving” thing is based in a lie told by Ronald Reagan about a course at UCSC in Indigenous basket-making practices (where the basket being in water helps make the material malleable) and there was nothing wrong with students learning about it.
Let me be more clear. When you say "Be quiet or that great restaurant won't be a secret anymore," what you are actually saying is "I want to hurt their business because it will be more convenient for me if they are less successful." Now imagine saying that to the owner's face.
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
Today in "linguists are not kidding when they say that your capacity for language creativity REGRETTABLY MIGHT enable you to understand sentences that have never been said before in the entirety of human history"
can i take a moment to share a modern classic best tweet contender that i was just reminded of that i still laugh about? this is the kind of great art that i aspire to make every time i post.
Aside from his long career making B-movies (and Z-movies), which is more than enough to make him a legend… remember that Roger Corman’s New World Pictures was a major distributor of foreign art house movies in America. He distributed films by Bergman, Fellini and Kurosawa. A titan has passed.
I have a joke about the Augean stables but, honestly, it's kind of shitty.
I have a joke about Oedipus that's a MF killer
I can't recommend strongly enough that you adopt a radically accepting worldview. Your reaction to queers, furries, therians, otherkin, neopronouns, plural systems and any and all other weird, niche identities should be "oh, that's neat, tell me more."
This isn't funny. When you inbreed pedigree show cars to squish the nose this much for the sake of a purely cosmetic "breeder's standard", it can lead to serious breathing difficulties! And who knows how many other genetic conditions the poor car has on top of this deformity.
Saw my first Cybertruck in the wild! No discoloration (yet), but the angles are incredibly weird. Front looks pinched, body awkwardly high. Looks like a child’s drawing come to life. Anyway, the school crossing guard and I had a good laugh.
(Don’t know who to credit for this)
I hope folks remember this next time people start agitating for stronger hate crimes laws. The people who are a part of the system will decide if, when, and how those laws are enforced - and the system will (almost) always favor the advantaged over the disadvantaged.
Many protesters are facing serious charges, including battery on a law enforcement officer, committing “hate crimes” against law enforcement, and resisting an officer with force—the latter of which could land a person in prison for one to three years.
We Tracked 2,200 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 80 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.